Posted by Rare based heir

mcfrosty •G4
nrlc (#49900)

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Posted on
2019-06-23 19:49:55
So I wasn't quite sure where to post this, but I'm hoping this is the right thread. I recently acquired this lovely heir. I am more interested in aesthetics for my heir, but I would love to get some SB out of breedings, as this would be my first king that would have any real breeding value.

Now, he has two genetics in question: Rhodonite mane and Anjeer base, both I believe are somewhat desirable. This is where I'm conflicted because they are the only markings/colors that I wish to replace.

Here is my lovely boy~

I want to replace both base and mane with Cloudburst markings. What I'm wondering is:

Will his rhodonite and anjeer raise his studding value?
Is it not worth changing these markings if so?

That's what I was curious about ^^ If it would be a poor financial decision to get rid of potentially valuable elements about him, or if the hype for these bases don't really matter.

By the way, he won't be kinged until August, so his Anjeer base will be useless during July.

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Valana [HM] (#44616)

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Posted on
2019-06-26 10:27:43
I don't think it matters really, you should do whatever you personally want for your heir.
You probably won't get many stud requests anyway, nit because of your lion, but because of the way lioden stud market is just completely flooded.
Unless you have some new flashy markings/base or really high stats to offer, it really doesn't matter much.
One thing that can help with getting stud requests is finding a nieche, but apart from that

Best advice really is to just go with wathever you want him to look like, since most likely you will be the one using him the most anyways, so you should make sure you like the cubs he gives you.

There are tons of really good ways to make some SB/GB on lioden, but studding sadly is not.

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