Posted by Making GB Gold in Trading Center

ASHRI (#119458)

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Posted on
2019-06-24 15:23:10
This will fix a lot of issues if implemented. It is also super simple to implement, so hopefully it does.

A lot of people, including myself, have mis-priced things.
Example: they mean to charge 15 GB, but instead charge 15SB.

My suggestion is that the gold beetles are in golden text.
I just highlighted on snipping tool to show kind of what I meant, that "Gold Beetle" text be golden.

Other options that I personally don't prefer:

Or have a gold beetle next to the golden beetles, and a silver beetle next to the silver beetles.
Like this:
Silver Beetles:
Gold Beetles:
having them further to the right though would help with accidentally clicking the other box, or possibly spacing the boxes out more instead of them being right beside each other,

Silver beetles:
Gold Beetles:


Silver Beetles:

Gold Beetles:

This would solve a lot of issues... and help the moderator team have less to deal with as there would hopefully be less issues regarding, "help!!! I sold this thing for 15SB instead of 15GB and the person won't talk to me."

I'd like to make this a longer post but there really isn't much to it.

If you don't support, please do tell why.

This suggestion has 38 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 24/06/19 @ 15:30:59 by |Ashri 10MSunset 1.3k+| 1/15GB (#119458)

Kit in a Box ~🪽~ (#61961)

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Posted on
2019-06-24 20:16:33
I would love it if the boxes had & next to their respective boxes.

Edit: I've only mispriced something once. It was a Newly Claim Groupie that had a mane mutation several years ago. I accidentally sold her for 1SB because I was tired and wasn't paying attention.

I try not to sell things when tired now and to double/triple check when selling certain things, but this suggestion would make things a lot easier on everyone, imo.

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Edited on 24/06/19 @ 20:19:16 by Kit ~ ❤ ~ (#61961)

ASHRI (#119458)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-06-24 20:21:09
Same here.
It's just, lioden is so fun & it's so easy to just stay up all night playing it & click the wrong box. It doesn't help that they are so close to each other lol.
Even in mid-day and I'm fully awake it's so easy to just read "Gold beetles" and put it in the SB box. It wouldn't be hard to implement & would save a lot of people.

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