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Pawz (#79069)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-06-30 16:29:12

(warnings will be put up above the posts with gore if requested. Always prepared to make small accommodations like that~)


About the World

Within the land of Alohepia, the denizens live peaceful, paradise-filled lives. Death does occur, yes, but only peacefully and of old age. People are happy and friendly. They never know strife, pain, or sadness. Legend tells them that the reason for this is because their god, their creator, blessed them from the kindness of its heart. The truth is far, far darker.

The Legend
Written by Prof. Cornellium Davids

Long ago, in the age far gone, there was nothingness. A blank slate. Then, there was something. A little glimmer of light, of hope. It slowly took shape. The shape of the god, Bahtmothet. A creature with the head of a beast, the maw of a dragon, the body, and arms of man, the claws of a feline and the legs of a beast.

For a time, he thought. He wondered what to do with the blank slate he had. Then, he decided. He wanted something to watch, something to nurture, to love and be loved by. He had decided.
With his decision in mind, he raked his claws upon the land, creating ravines and mountains. as he tore, he was cut. From the cuts came a golden ichor, which, upon hitting the ground, created life. It created the basis of the Beasts: Mankind, Felines, Lizards, Serpis, Canis, Ursinus, Equis, and so on. From those Beasts, aside from Mankind, came others. And, as the ground cut into Bahtmothet's flesh, he wept from pain. From the tears he wept came nature and water, filling up many ravines or holes his claws left, creating rivers and oceans. Grass also began growing from the nourishment his blood and tears gave it.

When all was done, he stepped back and watched his creations. Bahtmothet was pleased. He watched for eons. He watched the Beasts fight one another, killing, mauling and harming one another. No.. This will not do.. He had thought. My creations mustn't fight amongst each other and themselves. I shall stop this!

With that thought, he ended fighting. He ended death, he ended the wars his creations had. He ended any reason they would fight; from land, to food, to money... He got rid of it. He made endless expansions of land, made trees and plants bear fruit at all times. He made them have no need for wealth. Yes, they could keep their kingdoms, tribes and such... But no more fighting.

The Truth

Written by [REDACTED]

When the eons had passed, Bahtmothet did not do what he did out of kindness. He was offered sacrifices. Six sacrifices. Six Beasts. The first Six were of Mankind, Felidae, Canis, Serpis, Ursinus, and Equis. Every ten years, six more are sent. They keep the god Bahtmothet appeased. This has gone on for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. We fear what he may do if we were to stop. Perhaps we shall. Who knows?


A'ight. After thaaaat all (which took me two hours to type lmao), here's the plot.

This (currently) takes place in a year that is the year of the Six Sacrifices. I will (obviously) play one of the Six and Bahtmothet. No one has to play as one of the Six and may play as a companion to the group! Of course, there must be a variation in characters! You can be any Mammalian/Reptilian/Amphibian/Bird species. Alsoooo, animals can talk ;) (for convenience). I'll also be the person "setting up" the areas and such as the characters enter them. sooo,, kinda like DM. Be aware, this will be my first time doing this in a while, so excuse me if I'm a little rusty! ^.^
Oh, and, also! The first bit will be the Six meeting, being "summoned" to a location to be taken to the Altar. No one knows the true meaning to be one of the Six, either. They believe that the Six are not being sacrificed, but they are being brought somewhere to appease the god Bahtmothet through prayer and offerings, not through death.
Aaaand who will summon them, I might hear you ask? Why, but the ever-so ferocious Bahtmothet! He'll personally come and give them the location ;)


This refers to what is happening in-universe; such as travels or where any individual character is if they've split from the group.

The Arrival



Roleplayed by Pawz (#79069)

Will have use in assisting the Six when needed. ex: If someone strays from the group and can't be found. Or travel help. He's a rich boye ;)))

Six Sacrifices


Dulcis the Equis

Roleplayed by Polopony (#96942)

Sengit the Serpis

Roleplayed by Pawz (#79069)

Kara the Ursinus

Roleplayed by 🌟 Bright 🌟 (#174627)

Jagger the Feline

Roleplayed by 🌟 Bright 🌟 (#174627)

Meghan of Mankind

Roleplayed by Anubis (#179190)

Cecily the Canis

Roleplayed by paradiso (#78103)

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Edited on 08/07/19 @ 20:37:34 by Pawz (#79069)

Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-07-09 19:18:32
Meghan started to walk west. "Anyone coming? " She turned around.

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-07-10 06:58:38

Dulcis | Stallion | Horse | Mentions: All

Dulcis watched the healing with a little bit of skepticism. He believed whole heartedly in his god, but healing with a scale? That was a bit of a stretch. The stallion remained silent, watching as Meghan's wound knitted itself together and the bleeding ceased. The copper scent was still strong in the air, and it made Dulcis feel colicky, but at least the wound was closed. When she slid off Kara and took her first wobbly steps he tensed, prepared to rush to her side and catch her fall, but none seemed to happen. She seemed alright, aside from the blood that remained stubbornly stained to her pants, but that was another battle. Regardless, Dulcis watched her carefully, ready to carry her if need be. But the girl started along the path Bathmothet had indicated, and the bay stud had to appreciate her mettle. This was a tough kid.

At her invitation, Dulcis swung his broad head around to survey the other four. An opinionated wolf, an offensive snake, an overeager bear, and a disrespectful cat. But a smile crept across carbon lips. These mismatched animals were his family now, and he would die for them. Ebony legs took prancing steps towards Meghan, an obsidian tail playfully tossed in the air. A rare show for the stoic beast. Gently, he pushed Meghan's shoulder with a white snipped nose and looked over her head at the four. "Every great journey begins with a single stride. Let's go!"

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Edited on 10/07/19 @ 07:01:48 by Polopony (#96942)

Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-07-10 10:23:40
Meghan smiled. The horse was definitely her favorite. She looked up at him, quietly whispering. "You're my favorite here. "

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Pawz (#79069)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-07-10 19:39:04

Sengit snorted and slowly slithered along behind them, grumbling a little. "... Might as well come along, too. Don't want anyone getting hurt again." He squinted a little, glancing up at the two with a bit of a tiny smile

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Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-07-10 19:45:55
Meghan smiled down at Sengit. "You come in second. " She looked behind her. "We better go. The sun's almost down. "

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Pawz (#79069)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-07-10 19:50:26

Sengit smiled a bit more. "I am glad.."

Bahtmothet glanced at her. "Indeed... I hope you six have the safest of travels... And, don't stray from the pathway. Especially if you travel at night... Monsters lurk in the darkness. I am not the only otherworldly creature around."

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Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-07-10 19:55:37
Meghan's face suddenly let serious. She swore quietly. "Thanks anyways. " She looked down at Sengit. "Shall we then? " She wiped some sweat of her for head, turning back to the path.

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-07-10 20:18:08

Dulcis | Stallion | Horse | Mentions: All

Dulcis grinned softly. Truth be told, he'd been drawn to Meghan. He could sense the emotional turbulence inside, and though he hadn't the faintest idea what had caused it, he took it upon himself to try and fix it. Or at least, calm the internal storm. At her words, he met her gaze with his tired, wise eyes. "That's where I like to be." At the approach of Sengit, the big stallion found his smile broadening. This snake did rub his fur the wrong way at first meeting but again, sticking it out to see who they really were served the bay stud well. The snake seemed to have a sense of humor. Dulcis liked humor.

At Bathmothet's warning, an ink lined ear swiveled back. Monsters? Nonsense. Bathmothet was the only creature not of this earth. None of the old stories mentioned monsters. The cunning god must be playing a trick, or setting up a test. Maybe he was trying their obedience. But, better stay on the path anyway. A soft curse made Dulcis look down at Meghan, sending his ebony tail skittering across an earthen flank. It was more of a response to the uncertainty than anything, and the small rise in anxiety inside Meghan. Dulcis was quickly learning that the emotions of a human were very easy to read. His eyes fell down to Sengit, but unfortunately he couldn't reach the same decision there. As Dulcis watched the sun lazily drop below the horizon like a king descending from a throne, he felt a surge of optimism. A new adventure, new friends, and one of them already confirmed their friendship. This journey was looking brighter already, despite the gathering darkness.

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Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-07-10 20:27:00
Meghan started walking, slowly and unsurely. She kicked a stone, stuffing her hand in her pockets. "We should go before it's really dark. "

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Pawz (#79069)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-07-10 20:29:32

Bahtmothet frowned a little, eyes shifting to Dulcis, seeming to have read the horse's thoughts. "This is no test or joke, Son of Equis. I shall tell you all of something no one else really knows... I am not the only god. Before the written texts... There was a second. He was my brother. My twin... Me, but darker. More violent. He created creatures that I warned him against making... He made them, in the end. I locked him away, told no one, for fear they would try to release him... These beasts will try to convince you to release him. Do not listen, no matter what their voices hiss..."

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Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-07-10 20:36:15
Meghan bit her tongue till it bled. She kicked the rock again. "Let's just go. Thank you Bahtmothet. " She stepped on a nearby branch, cracking it. "Please."

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Pawz (#79069)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-07-10 20:42:26

Bahtmothet gave a small bow. "Until next time." He smiled and disappeared in a small flash of light

Sengit nodded. "Let's get going.."

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Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-07-10 20:49:01
Meghan kept walking, kicking the stone as she did. She swallowed the blood from her tongue. She sped up her pace.

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-11 03:59:16
Jagger took a flying leap onto Kara's shoulder as the mottled bear began to follow at a quick, loping gait.

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Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-07-11 13:14:36
Meghan sped up when the bear started moving. She was not a fan of the bear. Her thoughts started racing. The creatures. The bear. Bahtmothet. The bear. The bear. The other five. The creatures. The bear. The gosh darn bear.

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