Posted by BAST and ALABASTER base cheap heats! - 50SB

πŸ”₯ RedRiel πŸ”₯ (#176575)

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Posted on
2019-07-02 21:55:17
Hey all! I've got some pretty ladies with June event bases and cheap heats!

Meet the ladies:

Here she is!

Bast base
Slot 3: Coral Underfur (58%)
Slot 5: White Venter (66%)
Slot 6: Red Patch (48%)
Slot 8: Fiery Undercover (100%)
Slot 9: Feline 6 Ebony (64%)
Slot 10: Cream Inverted Brindle (48%)


Here she is!

Alabaster base
Slot 2: Maroon Pelage (78%)
Slot 5: Cherry Glaze (50%)
Slot 8: Glacial Points (13%)

1. #149444 - unpaid
2. #98418 - paid, owes stud fee
3. #140344 - paid, owes stud fee
4. #140344 - paid, owes stud fee

50SB per heat!

- Provide bark if you want to, if not you'll have to wait for their natural cooldowns
- ONE special base cub you keep it, TWO we each get one, THREE+ I keep one and you get the rest (not likely but worth mentioning!) Heat buyer gets first pick.
- You are welcome to take any non-special based cubs you'd like, but you'll have to let me know which ones you want!
- 50SB is MY fee, you'll also need to pay the stud fee to me for whatever stud you choose (or stud to my main or side king.)

Check out my VELVET BASE HERITAGELESS king on my side account, Ronin!

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Edited on 20/07/19 @ 12:11:39 by πŸ”₯ RedRiel πŸ”₯ (#176575)

πŸ”₯ RedRiel πŸ”₯ (#176575)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-07-16 00:12:14
@rose- sorry, thought I replied. Yes I met yohimbe, and it's fine! I understand, lol.

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πŸ”₯ RedRiel πŸ”₯ (#176575)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-09-13 15:07:00
Hey guys, I'm quitting so I'm refunding everyone!! Sorry for the inconvenience.

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