Posted by lcy's Lineart Shop [Updated 2.12.2020]

lcyStudios [G2
Arctic Splash] (#7498)

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Posted on
2019-07-05 22:15:44


Pay to Use lines have a new FOREVER price!!

Note: Spoiler tags are disabled for now until they work again :

Hello! Welcome to my Lineart shop! Here you will be able to find both png and psd files for lineart's that I have made. They are separated into two different categories-- Pay to Use and Free-- and they are all linked back to my deviantART where you can download unwatermarked versions (only the free ones are linked back). Please make sure that you read all of my rules and conditions before using or buying one of my lines. My pay to use lines are priced as they are because it takes me time to find references, sketch and line them. These prices are non-negotiable. I am working on a list of items I would take in exchange for my pay to use lines. If you have any questions, please, feel free to comment and ask! :D

Everything from here on is in Spoiler tags to keep the post from getting extremely long.


1. You must credit me when you use the lines and my signature must remain on the lines at all times. What can and cannot be removed?
2. You are free to edit the lines as long as you can still tell they are mine in the finished product
3. You cannot resell the lines by themselves or give them out to your friends. For pay to use lines, everyone who has a copy of the lines must pay for them!
4. You can use the lines in: Personal designs, design commissions and adoptables*
5. You cannot use the lines in: Regular commissions
6. You can use these lines on other sites
7. You can find a list of items that I will take here: List of Accepted Items

* Note: If you wish to use these lines in an adoptables thread here on Lioden, please make sure you PM me a link to the thread once it has been created so that I may comment on your thread stating that you can use the lines per Lioden's rules.

Note on Pay to Use lines: Please always send me a PM when wanting to buy one of my P2U lines- whether it is just a singular lineart or a pack. This ensures that I will always see who wants to buy it. Please understand that you will only receive the lines after I receive payment for them. I do not do half and half or afterwards.

1000 sb = 1 gb
2 gb = $1

Pay to Use Lines

i realize the image has the wrong USD price. I will fix this when I wake up!! Redid the price on the image at 3 am and didn't realize it was wrong ; a ;
This lineart pack cost $2.50 USD or 5k silver beetles or 5 gb. It took me two - three days to complete this lineart pack and with it you get the following lines:
- Longfur
- Longfur with bobbed tail
- Medium fur
- Medium fur with bobbed tail
- Shortfur
- Shortfur with bobbed tail
- Young Cat
- Young Cat with bobbed tail
- Kitten
- Kitten with bobbed tail

Each lineart has it's own folder with it's own color layer underneath the lines that is locked to make it easier. If you wish to buy this pack, please send me a PM with the subject line: "Cat Lineart Pack".

Free to Use Lines

Coming soon! :D

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Edited on 12/02/20 @ 21:45:40 by lcyStudios [awake] (#7498)

lcyStudios [G2
Arctic Splash] (#7498)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-08-26 13:33:27
@cameerlin: the small watermark (which is placed differently on each lineart) has to stay because I am the original artist. The large watermark is allowed to be deleted.

Here is an example of what can & cannot be removed :)

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Edited on 26/08/19 @ 23:57:18 by lcyStudios #WCU (#7498)

UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2019-09-03 11:25:33
I'd love to buy a pack! ^^

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shadowsspy (#9255)

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Posted on
2019-09-04 12:16:47
I shall be back for the cat pack XD

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lcyStudios [G2
Arctic Splash] (#7498)

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Posted on
2019-09-04 19:10:35
@shadowsspy: c': ok

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GaySyrup (#177301)

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Posted on
2019-10-26 08:59:09
ack I have enough gb now C;< get ready for that big pm

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Edited on 26/10/19 @ 10:47:34 by GaySyrup (#177301)

[G3/fuchsia/shreds (#192867)

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Posted on
2020-04-22 12:29:33
is there a way I could commission you for lineart at some point? I love your style!

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lcyStudios [G2
Arctic Splash] (#7498)

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Posted on
2020-04-22 14:49:08
@FlamingWisp - DM me and maybe we can work something out depending on what you want! o:

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Ama (#183150)

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Posted on
2020-04-22 15:45:30
Could I possibly DM you as well? :o

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lcyStudios [G2
Arctic Splash] (#7498)

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Posted on
2020-04-23 19:16:11
@~Arya Stark💜Primal Lover~ - of course!

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