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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-07-08 11:04:13

"The chains are broken, but are you truly free?"

Mankind is dead. They did not leave, they were not wiped out by some natural disaster, they are dead. Their beloved pets watched their hair fall out, their skin peel away from their bodies. The cats and dogs began to starve as their people left for medical care, and never returned. The more adventurous ones, the ones from difficult situations or newly rescued pets took to the streets. They worked their way past rotting corpses, dragging the bodies to mass graves. Eventually, these became piles of sun bleached bones taller than any dog. Higher than any cat could jump. Collars rotted away and fell off, or were torn from necks by rebellious teeth. Manicured pets spent their nights picking brambles from their fur and nursing small wounds. Mankind is dead, but their pets live on.



For years after the fall of man cats and dogs fought for survival. They split off into two groups, and sub- divisions formed under those groups. Eventually, through a decade of famine, drought, and death, a few cats and dogs merged into one. Simul. The united species began as a small cluster of wayward animals. Their viewpoint was seen as radical, unnecessary, and traitorous. They were driven out by cats and dogs like, two enemies united over one cause, if only for a moment. Simul scraped together a living in the mountains. They slept in caves, weathered severe winters and the tough, high- altitude dwelling animals; the likes of which none had seen before. They became tough, hardened, determined to survive.

Eventually, Simul returned to the city. Many of the cats and dogs had perished. Those that hadn't either struggled to survive on their own or reluctantly joined the group. Bodies of the dead animals still litter the street, slowly decomposing. Bone piles still arc towards the sky, buildings crumble as plant life returns, forcing its way through concrete and cement. Animals have returned in the stead of man: deer, birds, rodents, but most startlingly: a wolf. It is merely a rumor, a story to scare pups and kits into behaving. Or is it?

The death of the majority of city- dwelling dogs and cats is still a mystery. The existence of the wolf is a feared point of conversation. Many find comfort in ignorance. Some brave souls seek it out. None have found it. All anyone has seen are brief glimpses of a pale coat. Perhaps it is nothing more than a wayward cat or dog. Maybe a rare, white deer put down roots in the overgrown city. Very few plan to find out. After a week spent in the city, the alpha died. No one knows why, and he was buried with much ceremony and respect. For the time he'd led them he had been kind, brave, and selfless. Now, new leadership is sought among the dogs. Who will climb to the top? Will the mysterious death of the city dwelling cats and dogs be solved? Will the wolf prove its existence or taper off into a myth? Will Simul survive?



Alpha (0/1) The leader of the dogs. They can be male or female, but there can be only one. They work closely with the Magister. They represent the needs of their species.
Magister (1/1) The leader of the cats. They can be male or female, but there can only be one. They work closely with the Alpha. They represent the needs of their species.
Beta (1/1) The second in command. They can be male or female, dog or cat, and handle trivial matters within Simul. They work with the Alpha, Magister, and the rest of the group.
Medice (1/1) The healer of the Simul. They are required to have a broad knowledge of plants, anatomy, and poisons.
Vindex (0/1) The chief brawler. They can be either species, but they must an experienced, successful warrior. They lead the brawlers on every day patrols and act as a general in times of war.
Brawlers (3/∞) The warriors of the Simul. They consist of both species, and all work towards one purpose: the protection of the Simul.
Sero (0/1) The chief seeker. They typically have the highest success rate of their career, and lead the seekers on patrols. They can be either species.
Seekers (3/∞) The hunters of the Simul. They consist of both species and hunt whatever they can. The dogs might form groups to take down deer while the cats go after rodent type animals.
Contenders (3/3) Dogs pulled from any rank that seek the esteem of the alpha title. They will complete a series of tasks that test knowledge, guile, strength, and courage. At the end of the challenges a vote among both dogs and cats is held and the winner steps up to fill the position.
Genetrix (0/∞) The nursing or pregnant mothers of Simul. They are temporarily relieved of their duties and well cared for.
Luvenis (0/∞) The young of the Simul. They are taken on safe field trips, taught the way of the Simul, and stimulated mentally and physically. they are, after all, the future.
Wanderers (2/4) Cats and dogs that still hold the old viewpoints of inter-species friendship. They believe one species to be below theirs, and refuse to join the Simul. They might even work against the group. Or, they're just poor, unfortunate souls who prefer their own company.



1. Hate the character, not the person.
2. No powerplaying or godmodding.
3. No relationships among your own characters aside from friend/ familial ties.
4. Semi- lit to lit, please. At least five sentences per post using proper grammar and spelling.
5. You may not kill, severely injure, or breed another's character without their permission.
6. I will roll a die for the outcome of fights, the election of the alpha, and the outcome of pregnancies. The die results are non- negotiable.
7. You are allowed two characters in the beginning. If you give me good post lengths and handle both characters well, I will allow you another one.
8. Please alert me of any absences. It won't affect you at all, it just helps me.
9. Put "together" in your character sheets to show me you've read the rules.

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Edited on 15/07/19 @ 20:50:10 by Polopony (#96942)

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-07-21 19:30:56

(just gonna post with Tem for now)
Autem | Male | Medice | Cat | Location: Alleyway | Mentions: Quinten, Loki

The flea bitten dog stuck close to his new companion, scouring their surroundings for bodies or suspicious looking dogs. Or cats. He felt safe next to Quinten, the hulking beast of a dog a constant shadow to little Tem. A good shadow, though. He kept pace with the deer hound with relative ease, taking two steps for every one of of Quinten's. The blood trail was glaringly easy to follow and the hound seemed to have that under control so he tuned his eyes and ears into the shadowy alleyways and looming buildings, ready for an ambush. But none seemed to come. Instead the wiry hound muttered something under his breath, and Autem's sharp ears picked up 'imbecile and 'mucking up the evidence'. He didn't quite know who Quinten was discussing, but perhaps it had to do with the lingering scent of dog over the blood trail.

Then, the deer hound's already large strides became even longer as he glided across the pavement, Tem trotting rapidly after him. He recognized Ranger almost instantly, and a warm smile was tossed the hound's way. The second dog, however, was a mystery. Quinten's aggressive interrogation drew a rapid, nervous response from the female. Tem couldn't blame her, he'd be nervous if the easily three times his weight and twice his height dog had turned those fangs on him. The evidence she dropped as he revealed her role in the corpse's journey was quite intriguing. The fur was a pale white, and Tem came quickly under Quinten and through his front legs to pin the hair to the ground. No use for it to blow away while the deer hound debated the wanderer's fate. The fur sure as hell didn't match hers, and it was white as opposed the silver, the color of the hair around the bloody pavement where the corpse had first been discovered.

"I suppose we should look at the corpse, then?" A post mortem examination had been the sole reason for Autem's company, and he was eager to try and piece together the puzzle of the cat's death. Whether or not this dog was part of the picture had yet to be determined, so the cattle dog tipped his caramel muzzle up quite a bit to seek Quinten's gaze. "What should we do with her? She might have more to add then what she's telling us."

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HawkMoth (#168311)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-07-24 11:27:36

Asterion|6 years|Male|Maine Coon|Seeker|Location: Alleyway|Mentions: Redeye, Bellefleur, Atrox

The view from the last stair, close to the roof was clear. The wind was stronger there. Asterion rarely climbed up to roofs, so he forgot what is it like. But now he hadn't got time to enjoy it. He had a task to complete.
His eyes were fixed on the reddish colour of the roof, while kept his ears turning to the other direction. Quiet sounds of pawpads stepping were heard. Asterion hadn't got time to even look behind, to see what is it, when suddenly a white fur appeared. Redeye. The big tom was relieved to see that it wasn't a stranger. Redeye had a cheerful voice as he enumerated his questions. After some seconds, the Maine Coon started to answer. "Well, hello there. We saw the pool of blood, but not the body. Atrox organized a search for it. Bellefleur and I need to climb to the roof to see if there's anything weird or the corpse is near. He didn't told us anything else, so you should look for him, if you want to know more."

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-07-24 14:22:51

Ranger | 5 Years Old | Male | Dog | Contender
Location: Streets, Near Train Station | Mentions: Loki, Quinten, Autem

Hearing approaching pawsteps, Ranger tensed, his gaze quickly sweeping over to the side, but he relaxed when he realised that the approaching canines were members of Simul. Quinten was easily recognisable, and, trailing at his heels, was the Autem. Ranger did wonder for a moment what might have happened to prompt the Medice to leave camp, but that question was soon answered when Quinten demanded to know where 'the body' was. He almost stepped back in surprise when the Wanderer gave in, spitting small clumps of fur at their feet and insisting that she had nothing to do with the situation. Was this female a suspect for a murder? He looked back up to her, his gaze critical. It was a very good thing that he hadn't let her wander off.

His ear twitched, listening in on Autem as he whispered something about finding the corpse to Quinten. He was concerned, to say the least. He had no idea whose body they were searching for, or any of what had transpired since he'd left camp, to be honest, but he couldn't ask more questions in front of this lone dog. All he knew right now was that there was a body that needed finding - so that's what he would focus on. He stepped towards her. "Lead us to the body." He didn't snarl the command, the dog already seemed terrified, and they needed her to not be a trembling mess if she was going to help them, but he spoke in a stony tone that indicated he wasn't to be disobeyed. "This will look much better on you if you cooperate with us."

Bellefleur | 3 Years Old | Female | Cat | Brawler
Location: Rooftops | Mentions: Asterion, Redeye

Bellefleur made quick work of climbing the fire escape, keeping up with Asterion's long strides by swiftly leaping from step to step. When they reached the roof of the building she took a moment to enjoy the cool breeze. "Ah, this is more like it," she said, padding over to the edge of the roof and peering back down to the alleyways. She began to strategise, glancing at the buildings around them to see if there were any tall ones which would offer a good vantage point. They'd probably need to move out. The murderer wasn't likely to be hanging around so close to the crime scene. Before she could voice her ideas, however, a new voice broke the silence.

She glanced over her shoulder, her gaze landing on Redeye, who was bouncing towards them enthusiastically. She let him prattle on, waiting for him to calm down a little before strolling over to join him and Asterion. She nodded along to Asterion's words, confirming that he would, indeed, have to speak to Atrox if he wanted to know more. "I doubt you'll get much out of him though, he's pretty worked up," she added. "You could join us, though. You happen to see anything suspicious around the city this morning?"

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Edited on 24/07/19 @ 15:00:55 by 。BlazeRed。 (#27478)

Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-07-24 18:13:48
Loki swallowed her fear, making her legs snap straight. She sniffed the air a little before looking at the coonhound. "Follow me. " Her ears swung around like a swivel chair, worried about attack. She kept her head low as she walked, tail tucked between her legs. Her thoughts wandered from the fact that she did one good thing and then got in trouble for it, to the coonhound who had spoke just moments before. He reminded her of herself in some ways, and she found something almost comforting about that. She relaxed a little, telling herself she would be fine. Her tail showed itself, but she kept her head low. The last thing she needed was to be attacked, especially after a puny cat destroyed her in chat last week, losing her a mother load of food.

She then realized she was starving. She still didn't dare eat the cat, as she would surely die then. She looked at her ribs. They were showing more than usual... She blamed the lack of prey in her area, but she knew it wasn't prey that was lacking, it was predators that were overtaking her home... Ones that were much stronger than her. It was a good thing she had her tricks, otherwise she'd have completely starved. But she couldn't survive on them alone. She missed Blackjack. She snapped back to reality, realizing she'd stopped moving. She let out a quiet whine before turning back around and starting to walk again. She saw the train tracks in just a few minutes. She hadn't gone far.

She nodded to the tree. "It's over there. " She walked over near the building, laying beside it. She started to groom herself silently. She saw a decently sized beetle on the ground, scurrying towards her paws. She looked down at it. "Sorry little guy. " She opened her mouth to smashed it, her jaws inches from it, but stopped. She raised her head, closing her mouth. The beetle continued to crawl, seeming almost unfazed by his near death experience. Loki suddenly realized why she was starving: She'd never had the guts to kill anything herself. She couldn't end a life, so she had always feasted off of prey killed by other animals. She picked up the beetle gently in her teeth, setting it on a small plant. She looked into the distance, needing some time with her thoughts. It was so confusing to her. She treated other creatures like doormats, but never took a life. Perhaps it was because she saw them as useful to her? Yes, yes she would just go with that. She had never really thought about it before.

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Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-07-25 13:46:12
Ellesmera | Beta | Female | 3.5 years | Canine (mutt) | Healthy | Camp | Mentions: Bailey

She was thankful to have a distraction from such grievous thoughts, and the Beta returned the friendly wag as one of the contenders greeted her. It wasn't uncommon for them to attempt to appease her, seeing that the black canine's approval was absolutely necessary, as well as her cooperation for the success of the Simul. Now, she wouldn't go running around and exclaiming that they were suck-ups, especially since she didn't mind an overwhelming amount of peaceful interaction. Ellesmera welcomed it, actually, even if their urge to gratify her had a darker, more selfish reasoning behind it.

She didn't think they were all that way, however.

Maybe they were, maybe they weren't, it didn't matter at the moment. She would bask in the benevolent interactions while she could, anything to keep her mind off of her recent loss. Besides, one of them were going to take the previous Alpha's place no matter what, and there wasn't anything wrong in attempting to strike up a good relationship so soon. It was really the best way for her to cast her vote, getting to know each individual for who they truly are before eventually deciding which contender worked best with her.

"Good morrow, Ms. Bailey." Ellesmera greeted politely, with a respectful tip of her head before observing the rabbit that hung in her fellow mix's jaws. The metallic scent of blood caused her stomach to turn itself in knots, forcing the Beta to immediately advert her eyes. However, her tail continued to wiggle, and a warm expression remained on her features, despite her gaze being directed towards the ground. It was rude of her, and Ellesmera was ashamed of herself for it, but...she never got along well with blood. It might make her weak in the eyes of her fellow Simul members, but there was no changing who she was. Besides, it only furthered her need for diplomatic approaches.

"Your offer is very kind! I wouldn't mind a little breakfast, thank you." The smell, the sight of the crimson sticky was always sickening. But the taste of raw meat- there was something about it that still made Ellesmera go wild for a good, warm catch. The hints of metallic-y blood was disturbing for her, but the gamy flavor she loved so dearly would often overrided it. She was thankful for that- it helped her survive. Otherwise...if all she tasted was blood, Ellesmera probably wouldn't be capable of eating a fresh kill, or anything meaty in general. "I would love to share it with you, as well...if you haven't eaten your breakfast yet."

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-07-27 20:13:20

Quinten | 3 Years | Male | Scottish Deerhound | Seeker | Location: Camp | Mentions: Autem, Ranger, Loki

Quinten recoiled as the suspect spat something toward him, strands of white fur wet with saliva landing on the cement at his feet. Autem was quick to react, sliding under his towering frame and pinning the soaked evidence down with a paw. Ordinarily, the action would have evoked some ire, but currently, there were more pressing matters in demand of his attention. Stepping over the smaller male and moving to stand beside him, the hound's hazel gaze scanned their evidence critically. Despite the lack of color consistency, it was still possible the fur could've come from the same corpse. Tem's questions saw Quinten's eyes lift to meet his, but Ranger seemed content to take charge, and an answer from him proved unnessacary.

Loki did as asked, retreating further into the city with the three of them at her heels. A sharp pang of pity and sympathy caused his lip to curl slightly, annoyed he should feel anything for the brainless mutt. For all he knew this was all an act and the girl was a vicious murderer, pushing a ruse of fear. Finally, her pawsteps faltered, and she motioned toward a nearby tree. He could see the outline of the body from where he stood but held back as Ranger and Autem went to investigate, keeping en eye on the stranger instead.

He watched with an impassive expression as she settled down a few paces away, witnessing the capture and subsequent release of the beetle. Another performance? Or a genuine act of compassion? She seemed distracted, eyes growing distant. He rose to his paws, the click of his nails on the pavement signifying his approach. "Why did you take in the first place?" He asked, tone lacking its former hostility. "You must have known we would find the body eventually, it was on our territory, could've been one of our own. Why wouldn't you just leave it?"


Redeye | 2 Years | Male | Oriental Shorthair Mix | Brawler | Location: Streets | Mentions: Bellefleur, Asterion

After being filled in Redeye seemed to consider his options, peering back down into the alleyway as if he expected Atrox's dark from to materialize from the shadows. Tracking down their leader and pestering him for more information was tempting, but Bellefleur and Asterion's mission also sounded rather promising. "A bit odd, don't you think? Asking such a task of you with barely any intel? Suppose that adds a bit of spice to things though, we have no idea what to expect!"

Bellefleur inquiring whether or not he'd spotted anything odd on his jaunt through the city resulted in a tilt of his head. Resting back on his haunches, a paw raised to touch his chin, as if he were thinking especially hard about it. "Only a dog drowning a mouse. Tried to question him, but the brute was as thick as a brick wall. Couldn't get a solid answer out of him." Steeping closer to the roof's edge, he glanced all around them, as if hoping he might find something right off the bat. "So where should we start looking?"

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HawkMoth (#168311)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-07-29 13:52:07

Asterion|6 years|Male|Maine Coon|Seeker|Location: Roof|Mentions: Bellefleur, Redeye

Asterion swiftly leaped on the roof and glanced on the view below them, narrowing his eyes, as the sunbeams shined toward him. "I don't think so we'll see much from here. The taller buildings block the view, so we can't really see far. Still we should check what's from here, then if nothing's strange, we climb on a taller one."
The dark furred tom walked to the edge of the roof, his yellow eyes scanning the streets, noticing every detail that could be important. But everything was the same, as he last saw these parts of the streets. Suffocating silence and signs of the scavenging wanderers: overturned containers and trashcans. Nothing else that would awaken a feeling of discomfort in the tom.
Asterion's toughts circled around the bloody pavement. He wondered why a cat or a dog would do something like that. It surely wasn't a predator. Those only kill for food. At least if wanderers start to kill each other, Simul won't have more problems with them. His eyes borrowed the usual dull stare as he aimed a last glance to the streets, while his body turned toward the other two felines, Redeye and Bellefleur. He never really had to do much with them. His rank wasn't meant to patrol and guard Simul, so his relationship with these two wasn't more than membership in the same group.Though, he hadn't gotten closer to the others, he still sensed an ally bond, probably because of the mutual goal: surviving.
He took some steps closer to his fellow companions and directed his attention to them. "Do you see anything weird?"

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Edited on 08/08/19 @ 01:15:46 by HawkMoth (#168311)

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-08-11 19:34:45

(just gonna post with Tem for now; it's late and I have to be up early tomorrow. And sorry for the break, I haven't had much energy but if you kids are good with trucking along I am too.)

Autem | Male | Medice | Cat | Location: Alleyway | Mentions: Quinten, Loki, Ranger

The speckled little dog followed close on Quinten's heels, short legs zooming along with each of the hound's long, effortless, sloping strides. Erect ears were pointed forward as this strange, lithe wanderer lead the way. When she stopped suddenly Autem peered around the massive Deerhound's bulk to see if they'd arrived. A quiet whine from the stranger reached Tem's ears and his brow furrowed before she continued. Did she have something to hide they were now forcing her to show? Or was she afraid they would persecute her for a crime she didn't commit? Either way, Tem realized they were entering a part of the city he rarely ventured to. He'd never seen the trains run, had no idea the noise or steam they made, or their use, but he'd been here once with his mother to gather herbs. He'd been intimidated by the hulking trains, now iron corpses rotting alongside the other remnants of humanity. Frankly, it was depressing, lifeless, surreal. Tem never went back.

But now, here he was, returning to this curious graveyard, for a rather morbid reason. The wanderer indicated a tree and Tem went eagerly towards it, glad to finally have a job to occupy his speckled paws. He set to work digging, nails and toes soon stained dark with mud. Pale fur came to light, followed by a rib cage, a tail, and finally, a head. Any other dog might have hesitated, momentarily stalled by death upon such a familiar face, but Tem dragged the body out and set to work. It was encrusted in dirt, most likely from the burial, and the fur stuck up in unnatural, curious ways. The most prominent feature, however, was the guts. Or lack thereof. Ribs were exposed all the way down to the floaters, the cut clean and neat, almost surgical. Odd. Said bones were still in one piece, not even cracked, closed over the hollow abdominal cavity as if they still had precious, life sustaining organs to protect.

Inside those perfectly intact ribs was nothing. Absolutely nothing. No heart, lungs, intestines, stomach, kidneys, liver, any organ that resided in the abdomen was gone. Tem didn't know enough to be able to name each organ, recall its function, and correctly identify its place, let alone how many organs a cat had, but he knew it was a lot. And he knew they were gone from this cat. Curiosity piqued, the cattle dog carefully turned the cat over, checking for any wounds or incisions on the head. He was wondering if the brain had been taken as well. The skull appeared intact and untouched, and despite the pained, desperate expression frozen on the poor creature's face, it exhibited no other physical signs it had been attacked. Carefully, Tem checked paws and teeth for any fur or skin that might have come off the attacker, but none could be found. Except the chunk Tem had taken from the wanderer. He just hoped it hadn't been so saturated by saliva as to lose its scent. At the moment, it was their only clue. He turned to Quinten and Ranger, the tuft of pale hair still held delicately between his incisors. "Should we try and see if the hair has a scent? And what should we do with the wanderer?"

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