Posted by Gem Prices

Oleander_Chan (#179887)

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Posted on
2019-07-11 07:21:55
I want to sell some of my gems but I can't find any prices. Could someone please tell me where I could find gem prices? I've done some researching myself but I can't find anything.

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Myriad [mostly
frozen] (#76)

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Posted on
2019-07-11 07:51:32
Honestly they don’t really have a consistent value, it depends a lot on type of gem, time of year, and also who you ask - different players will have different amounts they will buy/sell for.

My personal opinion is that most gems are worth around 50-100SB as a base price. If it’s the month they can be crafted, then that will rise quite a bit though. People who are desperate just to get the extra few gems they need for crafting will sometimes pay premium prices of a few hundred SB each - this month its mostly celestite and labradorite that have really jumped in price.

If you price them at just a bit below whatever the lowest current branch prices are, you can always see how that does and then alter accordingly if needed :)

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