Posted by 6.3k+ Gems | 7.1k+ Herbs

💙Lucky💜 (#116403)

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Posted on
2019-07-24 04:01:51
Hello! I have a ton of gems and herbs, just tell me which ones you want!

Current stock:


54 Gem: Celestite 15 = 1 | 1 = 60
1 Gem: Howlite 10 = 1 | 1 = 100
17 Gem: Jasper 10 = 1 | 1 = 100
49 Gem: Labradorite 10 = 1 | 1 = 100
16 Gem: Meteorite 10 = 1 | 1 = 100
89 Gem: Moonstone 15 = 1 | 1 = 60
71 Gem: Peridot 20 = 1 | 1 = 50
1 Gem: Star Ruby 20 = 1 | 1 = 50


9 Gem: Bloodstone 10 = 1 | 1 = 100
484 Gem: Carnelian 20 = 1 | 1 = 50
1 Gem: Cat's Eye 10 = 1 | 1 = 100
702 Gem: Fire Opal 10 = 1 | 1 = 100
136 Gem: Moss Agate 10 = 1 | 1 = 100
439 Gem: Nuummite 10 = 1 | 1 = 100
532 Gem: Rough Opal 10 = 1 | 1 = 100
649 Gem: Sparkling Opal 10 = 1 | 1 = 100


733 Gem: Amethyst 20 = 1 | 1 = 50
552 Gem: Dioptase 10 = 1 | 1 = 100
571 Gem: Garnet 20 = 1 | 1 = 50
526 Gem: Hematite 15 = 1 | 1 = 60
3 Gem: Kunzite 2 = 1 | 1 = 500
423 Gem: Rhodonite 20 = 1 | 1 = 50
285 Gem: Rough Ruby 15 = 1 | 1 = 60
0 Gem: Tanzanite / = 1 | 1 = /


2368 Dream Root 25 = 1 | 1 = 40
62 Honey Bush 25 = 1 | 1 = 40
36 Iboga Root 25 = 1 | 1 = 40
2897 Uqume 50 = 1 | 1 = 20
284 Uvuma-Omhlope 2 = 1 | 1 = 500
1511 Uzara 50 = 1 | 1 = 20

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Edited on 16/05/22 @ 10:20:45 by 💙Lucky💜 (#116403)

⤛ Rah (#156300)

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Posted on
2019-07-24 04:06:51
Good lord o3o <33

May I please have 300 Dream Root and 300 Uzara, please?
I'll send a trade for 3gb <3

Just to check, but you don't happen to have any Iboga root for sale as well, do you? <3

EDIT: Okay I just realized i'll have to separate the order because of the trade item limit so one sec~

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Edited on 24/07/19 @ 04:07:41 by 🌷Rah👀 [Clean Sunrise] (#156300)

Vinter💙 (#158496)

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Posted on
2019-07-24 04:07:39
I'm interested in a few herbs! Should we discuss this in PM or here? :)

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Vinter💙 (#158496)

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Posted on
2019-07-24 04:09:32
Because if so I'm interested in:
100 Iboga roots
100 Dream Roots
50 Uzaras


Ack I just realised, do you even have any Iboga roots for sale?? D:

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Edited on 24/07/19 @ 04:10:21 by Vinter🌠Clean Ice Pie 2xRos (#158496)

💙Lucky💜 (#116403)

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Posted on
2019-07-24 04:10:09
@rah that would be 6gb ^^ I think we have to make 6 trades.
I only have 10 iboga roots right now

@vinter any way is fine ^^
That would be 2gb and 500sb. I only have 10 iboga roots right now.

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Edited on 24/07/19 @ 04:11:14 by 💙Lucky💜 (#116403)

⤛ Rah (#156300)

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Posted on
2019-07-24 04:11:25
Right sorry xD. Okay, I'll split it into 6 trades of 1gb each for a total of 6 gb <33

Ah I see, would you be interested in selling the 10? if not that's fine :D <3

Thank you! <3

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Vinter💙 (#158496)

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Posted on
2019-07-24 04:13:01
@ Lucky

Since I'll skip the Iboga roots I'm only interested in the Dream roots and uzaras! Could I be able to pay that in SB please? <3

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💙Lucky💜 (#116403)

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Posted on
2019-07-24 04:13:03
@rah Sorry but i prefer to keep them for now.

@vinter sure, it would be 2500sb. I will send trades.

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Edited on 24/07/19 @ 04:13:39 by 💙Lucky💜 (#116403)

⤛ Rah (#156300)

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Posted on
2019-07-24 04:14:14
No problem! <3 Sending trades~ <3

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Vinter💙 (#158496)

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Posted on
2019-07-24 04:15:08
Wouldn't that be 1500 SB?
100 Dreamroots = 1000 SB
50 Uzaras = 500 SB

Just making sure there are no miscalculations!

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💙Lucky💜 (#116403)

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Posted on
2019-07-24 04:16:28
Oh sorry i didnt realize the other 100 were iboga roots

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Vinter💙 (#158496)

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Posted on
2019-07-24 04:19:11
Yep not a problem <3 Sorry for the confusion!

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Kiri[10k Dawn Mott
Orchid Pie] (#31868)

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Posted on
2019-07-24 05:17:41
Could I get 300 Uzara & 300 Dream Root? 6gb, right?

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💙Lucky💜 (#116403)

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Posted on
2019-07-24 05:19:26
Sure, i will send the private trades

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Kiri[10k Dawn Mott
Orchid Pie] (#31868)

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Posted on
2019-07-24 05:20:11

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Zeiirle (#13254)

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Posted on
2019-07-24 05:46:06
Will grab ALL your Imphepho. ;)

Let me know how much how you would like to proceed with the transaction.


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