Posted by -ADDED TO THE GAME-Make slots 11-20 searchable for kings

βš”οΈ Lunarknight
[Private Stud] (#150967)

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Posted on
2019-07-27 14:17:11
Hiya. After thinking about it for a while, I'm suggesting we be able to search marks in slots 11-20 when looking for studs with a desired mark in a specific slot.

We all know you can currently only search for marks in slots 1-10. That makes searching for a stud with a specific mark somewhat limited. Especially since there's a small chance it might not exist in the first 10 slots. I'm aware it's probably nearly pointless to extend this past the kings which is why I'm not suggesting that route.

Here's a example of how this would help project breeders

Below are my Queen's marks:
Slot 1 - Slot 10: not important
Slot 11: Cloudburst Mist
Slot 12: Cloudburst Web
Slot 13: White Mottled Fissures

Each slot is a different layer. Slot 1 is the bottom layer and slot 20 is the top layer. This is why some look for marks in very specific slots.

Let's say you're working on breeding your ideal appearance heir. You're wanting Cloudburst web in slot 12. True you could just buy the app but where's the satisfaction and fun in doing that? Plus depending on your luck you might have to buy 4 Cloudburst stains. That's 12,000sb and 3 marking removers!

Now the only problem is that it's difficult to find a stud with it in that slot currently. Not everyone searches chatter on a regular basis either. By being able to search slot 12 you'd see a most likely list of studs with Cloudburst web.

Since only unlocked slots are able to pass it'll be easy to see if the mark passes or not. The speed bump is the searching part.

πŸŒ› My other Suggestions 🌜
LCHAD-Lethal Mutation - Raffle Preview

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Edited on 11/08/19 @ 20:11:07 by LunarKnight(Op. Heavy Pie) (#151072)

😈🌈 (G4 BO
Cinna DF) (#164099)

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Posted on
2019-12-30 22:35:31
This absolutely needs to happen.

In trying to research certain markings on a potential heir of mine, I ran into the unfortunate issue with some of his markings being past slot 10. All I wanted was to be able to see how many other kings have a certain marking in a certain slot. Let's use the example that made me throw up my hands.

Red Lace in Slot #14.

Searching this marking/slot combo with his specific base was the easy part. But I also wanted to see how many other kings shared this, regardless of their base. The problem? I can only search up to slot 10! In order to TRY and see how many other kings have this marking/slot combo, I was forced to use the "Any" option.

And that gave me FOURTEEN PAGES of kings to TRY and search. I gave up after about 5. Too tedious.

I want the ability to be able to search for ALL marking/slot combinations. I don't think it would be that difficult, simply add a few more numbers to the drop down. This will help in finding rare marking/slot combinations, and some people do like to try and research that, in order to see what might need to be saved because markings/slots CAN basically "die" out if not enough of the combination are bred.

I do, of course, realize there are players in the "well beyond slot 10, doesn't matter" because you have to pay for the extra slots to be revealed, which I understand. But it doesn't change the fact that there can be rare slot/marking combinations beyond the first 10 and I think that there are those who would still like to see these marking/slot combos continued.

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