Posted by CB/DB

Mochi (CHECK BIO) (#164216)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-08-09 10:44:12
Does anybody know what the current going rates of the event currency this month is?

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Myr (#188)

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Posted on
2019-08-09 11:00:23
No idea about CB except that they don't sell for much compared to a lot of event currencies, because there isn't much that's sought after in the shops. If the backgrounds are 400CB each, then they'd probably sell for a couple of GB at least, maybe? Hard to say though because nobody much seems to be really buying CB at the moment.

DB are more valuable because of buffies/grains. I think buffies would probably sell for 10+GB this month because they're more effort to save up for than in February. So 10GB and upwards per 600DB. Maybe more like 15GB, depending on demand...

That's all just a guess though. Ofc once the peddler shop is unlocked and more people have buying threads it'll be easier to see what people are paying this year

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