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Desolace, Colorbomb (#36375)

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Posted on
2019-08-09 14:39:29
When using this feature, it would be great if the "Unsorted" Den was full excluded or at least able to be opted out for the purpose of feeding my den.

I was busy feeding my hungry lions when i realized the "Unsorted" den get priority over my other dens, and as a result a bunch of NCL uggos got fed first!

Please make the "Unsorted" Den able to be turned off or ignored by FAPA.

Thank you!

Edit: Possibly make it optional, and/or possibly make a check box for what dens to prioritise.

This suggestion has 36 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 19/09/19 @ 02:39:01 by Desolace, Elysian Ferus (#36375)

Myriad [mostly
frozen] (#76)

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Posted on
2019-08-09 14:52:47
Support! So annoying for NCLs that are only there until the cooldown is over to be prioritised all the time :(

Though I think it would definitely need to be optional, for the sake of those who don't use caves and just use unsorted to replicate the way it worked before the cave system was added. Either that or some way to manually select the priority of caves for FAPA - so you could choose caves to show in the dropdown list in any order you liked

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Mochi (#164216)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-08-09 14:56:19
I know some people who don't like caves, so just keep everything in their unsorted-- if it was optional yes! Huge support

In addition, I think we should be able to "prioritize" caves or say "feed lion until at: %" FAPA will fully feed my adults before starting on the cubs, which gets annoying.

So, I think maybe we could also add onto this, "Prioritize" where you can prioritize a cave to get fed first?

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Desolace, Colorbomb (#36375)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-08-09 15:00:24
Mochi, working on your suggestion, like the "Secure" button, could it maybe be made that lions have the "Priority" on their page for FAPA? Or is that getting too complicated?

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