Posted by LF: Gnawrocks xGB per | Hybrids+ [2022]

Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-08-18 05:33:09
Simi Open means I am still looking to buy but have low GB reserves. If you have your name is my reservations I already have your GB. I am restocking my non-reserved GB.

You can read below for more information. You may comment below in the forum to reserve pure for your Gnawrocks. This will be open all month long in September or until I no longer have the to buy your Gnaws.

Please look at my September Event Guide to try and gain as much JB as possible in the month. If you have any event question comment there.


I am currently looking to buy Gnawrocks in the month of September. I am not interested in buying GMO Cows this month.

Gnawrocks are 150 Jewel Beetles in teir 2 of the Prophet Shop for anyone wondering.

I am Buying at 18 Per Gnawrock.

If you are looking for my Lions for sale view the: "Other Threads" Section at the bottom of this post.

Things to Note(Simi-Optional Read):


If you have 0 or not enough JB for a Gnawrock, but still would like to reserve some GB you may reserve up to 10 Gnawrocks for pure in advance. If you do not think you can reach this amount please let me know before Tier 2 opens that you have enough for x amount of Gnaws. I will pm users if I get no reply.

If you have a 150JB+ already please state so in your post that you are waiting for the Tier to open and have enough for x amount of gnaws.

If you have a Gnawrock or Gnawrocks that already bought please either comment below or offer on a premade trade listed below with the x amount of gnaws you have. Private trades can be made to ID #57411 at any point in the event so long as this thread states that it is Open.

Premade Trades:

If I have any premade trades with they will be listed below. Feel free to offer. Premade Trades will be added before T2 Available

All Trades Listed Here

Items for Trade

May consider a Mix of Gnawrocks and/or GMO Cows for items only.

I am looking at offers on these apps for anything not Crossed out in Red. Anything Crossed out in Blue I am not selling all of.

Notices for items that are reserved will be listed under the corresponding image. The total value must add up to 18 worth or close to that amount as a minimum.

Other Items:
I am looking at offers on these items. For anything with the amount Crossed out in Blue this mean that they have a certain amount being sold, this number will be listed under the image. Notices for items that are reserved will also be listed under image. The total value must add up to 18 worth or close to that amount as a minimum.

Other Lions:

These are Lions that are on my Main Account(The one who made the thread). These lions will age unlike the lions linked in my Other Thread listed.

WIP not all lions listed

2x Rosette Gen 6 Leopon Missing 1 Heat 18 Gnawrocks (2700 JB)

Other Threads

I am Trading Clean low gen Rosette Lions for Gnaws. As these are lions the value of Gnaws & GMOs is worth more to me. Both are worth 20 in value on this thread only. I may round out the value for lions on this thread base on their value. Please feel free to post on this or that thread regarding lion sales or Pm me directly. Lions in link will be frozen till the end of the month on my side no exceptions.

Link to my Rosette Lion Sales Forum

To any one interested I will be Buying Yohimbe Barks in February. This is not yet open but the thread was repurposed. Resevations will begin around January 2022.

Link to my Buying Barks Forum

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Edited on 25/07/22 @ 13:16:59 by Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-09-16 16:25:45
@Keira I am willing to wait all month but it is up to you

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Keira Dragonhaven (#193587)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-09-16 17:34:22
I probably want be able to get enough so that's ok!

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EdameBean (#239760)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2021-11-03 16:18:20
Interested in a gnaw?

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