Posted by Mut idea: Mangled/deformed limbs

Fireburd (#81659)

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Posted on
2019-08-24 09:04:52
I thought of this for a while so why not post the idea?

The mutation is mangled/deformed forelegs/hind-legs or both. It could become dangerous to a lion's health due to how their legs are sharped and it'll be harder for the lion to hunt/patrol due to their mutation.
I know this mutation has a ton of downsides.

Possible message for the cub:
"[Lioness name] gives you a tired smile before mentioned that one cub is worrying her. Curious, you look over her cubs and your eyes fall onto a cub with deformed legs. You feel sorry for the cub and agree with the cub's mother."

This suggestion has 45 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Rat Dad 🐀 (#190419)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-12-04 12:21:13
Not to make this about myself, but I have a disease called Olliers Disease, which causes masses of Enchondromas (Cartilage tumors in the bone) in one half of the body. This can make the bones much more fragile and likely to break, and also hurt less. In my case, I broke my right arm WITHOUT KNOWING and it grew back at a right angle. I was thinking there could be something similar to this as a mutation, and your idea is pretty close to this, only I'm giving a bit of a disease name option/idea for what the disease or reason for mutated limbs could be.

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Kelpy (#136803)

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Posted on
2019-12-28 02:49:38
Congenital limb deformities are fairly common as far as birth defects go, and many end up being dislocations of the joints (namely at the hips and shoulders). With that in mind, I'm unsure as to how this would work in game.

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