Posted by LOOKING FOR 1x1 RP'ers

RedVelvet (#32776)

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Posted on
2019-09-12 15:04:57
Role Players Wanted!
Literate players only

Hello! my name is red velvet, or Senna, and I am looking for a literate 1x1 player who would enjoy a long term story. Please continue on reading, and look at the topics, and my do's and don'ts. For a little bit more info, I like to play male characters, but I can easily change to female. I only role play MxF, sorry for any inconvenience.


DO'S <--
Zombie survival -- I need a good plot idea for this to happen :)
Kingdom and Dragon -- I have a plot outline, so if interested just ask.
Vikings vs Zombies -- Knowledge of viking history and antics are needed. Plot also available.
Modern Werewolf Pack -- A little outline of a plot available, though my version of a were wolf is a huge wolf.
Outlander -- Based on the Starz tv series. GREAT SHOW. this one I would be highly interested in.
God of war -- I actually have a cannon plot for the last game installment.
The 100 -- Based off the show. No plot line but could work things out.

If you have any other ideas, Please just ask :) After you read my do not list.


Animals -- No warrior cats, dogs, furriers, ect.
Anime -- Unless its an anime I like, but this is generally a no at all times.
( I am just uncomfortable roleplays these )


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● Antari ● (#86286)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-09-13 10:40:40
Hey, would this be in PMs? I don't do discord, sorry, but I would be interested in playing a female character in The 100 or a zombie apocalypse type of roleplay! Let me know if you're interested!

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RedVelvet (#32776)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-09-15 21:45:14
no, a PM would be a personal message :3 but this is ok!
I would completely be interested in a zombie RP, and I don't use discord either so I am open to doing it over Lioden in Pms or I can make a thread.

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