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Posted by | The Zodiac Saviors ~ Roleplay Thread {OPEN} |
![]() Shamelessly Insane (#115908) ![]() Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-16 20:51:02 |
Announcements:We may start the roleplay once we have one Savior from each House. ~The roleplay has started!! Please use this title when you post a reply: Name | Age | Gender | House | Location | Mentions: Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 29/09/19 @ 18:52:45 by Insanity Bringer {#ChaoticEvil (#115908) |
Shamelessly Insane (#115908)
![]() Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-28 13:43:39 |
Ernestine | Female | 19 | Scorpio | Location: Sconcion | Mentions: None Why do I have to be here? she asked herself, her vision blocked by the small group of young men surrounding her. She had been forced to attend a party organized by her mother, Itozine. She hadn't even informed her what it was for, she had just told Ernestine to get dressed in formal attire and go to the rooftop. The Scorp felt her back press against a cold wall, and she snapped back into the present. A man not much younger than herself had tapped her shoulder, laughing at her zoned out state. Her lips curled into a wry smile as she twisted his hand away from her. He let out a quiet yelp, shrinking his hand back to his side. Ernestine smirked, and addressed the other boys. "What do you guys say if we play Truth or Dare?" The other Scorpios immediately accepted her offer, giddy at the chance to spend more time with the popular girl. She pushed her way past the muscular arms of the men, leading them like a flock of obedient sheep to a section adorned with dark colored couches and bean bags. She crossed her legs as she sat down in the comfort of the largest bean bag there, lacing her arms into her lap. The group each took a seat, creating a tight circle. "You. Truth or dare?" Ernestine pointed to a lanky boy with glasses in front of her. "Err.. Dare," he shrugged, lifting his glasses onto the bridge of his nose. She thought for a moment, her gaze drifting around the room, acting as if she were searching for something. "I dare you to... Give someone in the circle a kiss on the cheek," she smirked mischievously. He blushed, and started to shuffle towards Ernestine. She tsked at him, shaking her head. "Besides me." His face immediately fell, and the other's sparkling eyes dulled. She laughed, and he eventually glanced at a kind teenager named Scoro. He mouthed and apology to him, and crawled on his knees over to him. Scoro's face was emotionless as the skinny boy pressed his lips onto his cheek, pulling away quickly. Ernestine clapped her hands together happily, an evil grin dancing onto her full lips. The game continued, all the dares the same. "I dare you to kiss me, Eunice." the boys went. "Is it true that you like so-and-so?" they went. ![]() |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-28 14:51:50 |
|Ari Collins|17|Female|Power: Communicate with the dead| ![]() |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-28 15:11:20 |
|James Collins|19|male|Power: Fear| ![]() |
Scruffy Shattered ★彡 (#117374) Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-28 15:15:15 |
Eclipse | 22 | Female | Ophiuchus | Power: Control over Dark Matter Within the terrain of the Ophiuchus house, a maniacal person wandered slightly. Dragged behind her was a large, scary-looking scythe slick with suspicious fluids. Eclipse had arrived. "Hello?" She cried boredly, her eyes half open. Nothing was happening, but once she sees someone, something would happen. Lurking beneath a slightly intimidating body was a constricting amount of rage, plaguing one's mind and rendering them as a demon. Unable to find anything interesting to do, Eclipse quickly shifting her pose. With one hand, she pulled her ebony-black hair back, away from her shoulders, and straightened her back as if there was a pole implanted into her back. With no one around, she could be blissfully creepy. "I. Will. Conquer." Her eyes closed shut as an aura formed around her. Unnatural darkness surrounded her as she lifted her scythe, rapidly swinging it around. Slices were dug into the ground as for a moment, she started testing her powers. There, alone, Eclipse was pulling off several things at once— controlling her magic over dark matter, the ability to summon her scythe, and just being able to try and deal damaging blows. ![]() |
FrootCake (#176680)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-28 18:34:00 |
♍|Fawn|17|Male|Virgo|Terrakinesis|Tethys|Open|♍ Quietly closing the door to his house behind him, Fawn sighed and looked around. Tethys was basically a huge forest, with plenty of foliage to go around. To the right, he could hear a kid say, "Bye, mum!" It only made him think of his own parents. They'd died when he was ten. Normally, another family member, or even a neighbor would take an orphaned Virgo in, but Fawn's only living relatives were too busy to take on another child. His neighbors... well, they didn't appreciate his physical appearance. The adults didn't, at least. The other children were mystified and loved to interact with him, despite his looks and completely ignoring their natural instincts. Fawn was fine being by himself. The problem was the house size. It was too big. His family was one of great wealth, more so then some of the Leos. The original maids quit, not wanting to have a strange child as a master, and the house had fallen into ruin for quite awhile. It was not until he was fifteen that he decided to wander outside the house to look for aid. The horns atop his head could easily be hidden by a cap and his tail under a cloak, so he could easily look like a simple deer shifter. Heading for the main village, he looked around for the poor. Penniless Virgo were not uncommon- many were just too scared to interact with others. Fawn was as well, and the five years of solitude didn't help. So shoving that aside, he walked up to each homeless virgo and offered a place to stay, as well as food and clothing- and in return they worked for him and kept the property neat. He wasn't surprised to see a couple of the maids that had left years earlier. Many had replied immediately, saying yes or no, but a few said they'll "think about it". The first day he came back with ten people, and for the rest of the week several more came as well. The original maids did not return though- what did reach the ears of the houses residents were rumours- both true and false- of him. It got to the point that he was leaving through his bedroom window to avoid the questions. He was able to leave through the door today, though. He let them have a party at the pond behind the house today, and they were making Veggie Skewers. Fawn knew they would've invited him, but he somehow got a hold of a bunch of vegetable eaters. He's more of a sweet fruit eater. He went left, towards his grove. Fawn loves deer, to the point that he now has a sanctuary just for them. He rescues them from the meat eaters- they usually reside on the other side of Tethys, but they often get tired of their fatty, farm raised prey and come to this side to hunt. They're not supposed to be over here, as many of the population are shifters, and there are quite a lot of shifter deaths when they do sneak over here. What do end up being caught in traps either cut themselves loose- as we plant eaters have begun carrying blades- or if they're actual animals they die or are freed by Virgo like Fawn. Arriving at his grove, he pushes the vines back and surveys the area. He knew the injured were healing- it didn't smell like death- so he first went over to the nursing area. Because of the large amount of carnivores sneaking over to this side, many babies were left orphaned and a few mothers fawn-less. He was able to coax some of the mothers who had lost their babies to feed the orphans. They were perfectly fine with it- having too much milk can hurt an animal, whether they're nursing or not. Since the body doesn't know that the baby is dead it continues to make milk- causing some serious infections. Softly patting one of the foster mothers on the shoulder, he picks up one of her adopted babies and snuggles with the sleeping child. ![]() Edited on 28/09/19 @ 19:10:59 by A Whisper in the Wind (#176680) |
Bluestar Moon (#156177)
Cursed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-28 18:51:51 |
Victor| 19| male| Virgo| Earth Magic and Wormhole Teleportation| Tethys| Open Victor walk out from his house as he stretched out himself and his large wing up in the air with yawn. Victor look around quietly while tucking in his wing. Victor sighed With boredom as he started to walk while looking around so he can fine something to do. Until he found some children playing around happily, so he went and joined with them as he too had fun. The children played with his wing, mess up his hair. Victor started to tease them playfully as they all laugh. The fun last pretty soon as the children’s parents started to called them and they left. Victor waves them bye as he got up and walked again quietly. ![]() |
Shamelessly Insane (#115908)
![]() Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-28 20:05:17 |
Hysan Dax | Male | 17 | Libra | Location: Kythera | Mentions: None ![]() |
sinister (#112820)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-28 20:29:20 |
Neroli Hycanith | 18 | Male | Taurus | Vitulus | Mentions: N/A ![]() |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-28 20:54:07 |
|Ari Collins|17|Female|Power: Communicate with the dead| ![]() |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-28 21:09:07 |
|James Collins|19|male|Power: Fear| ![]() |
Mertsanie (#186664)
Ill-Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-29 11:53:00 |
Maren Abe | 19 | Female| Gemini | Argyr| Mentions: None "Maren!" The girl heard her name being shouted repeatedly, but when she tried to look around for the source she couldn't see anything. Soon she was jolted awake, eyes snapped open and shut again due to the bright light. She must have fallen asleep while doing research again. This has been happening a lot lately: she would work on some new tech into the late hours of the night and fall asleep in her workroom. The girl followed in her father's footsteps of making electrical trinkets, and she had quite a collection of little robots moving around her room. Turning around in her chair, Maren was met with her maid and William Abe. Her heart jumped with anxiety. Her father wasn't supposed to be in here, she didn't want him to see her unfinished work. "Papa!" she exclaimed. Standing up she pushed on her father's large frame, attempting to move him into the hallway. "You need to leave, now. I'm still working on this new project! You know the rules." Her father laughed at her outburst, booming of the metal lining of the walls. He looked younger than he was supposed to be, looking only a few years older than she was. The only way Maren could tell it was her father was because of the intricate pin that she made him out of a precious metal. "Come and take a walk with me, my darling daughter," William said, linking his arm with hers. Maren huffed a sigh asking if she really had too. "Of, course, Maren. The gardens look lovely today, and besides, you look like you need some sun." The girl groaned inwardly. She knew her father would say that. He always chided her for staying inside too much and never going outside. All Maren really wanted to do was create things out of scraps of metal. ![]() |
FrootCake (#176680)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-29 18:08:23 |
♌|Liam|18|Male|Leo|Shifting|Leo|Open|♌ Laughing, Liam shoves one of the other group members playfully. Or, well, tries to. It seems like everyone is stronger then him.... but that's probably because they are. He may be a royal, but he was also a runt. The guy whom Liam had tried to push chuckles and re-straightens his flower crown. "Okay, okay- Spencer, who do you think-" "Liam! Get over here." Says a rough voice- his father. Liam's face visibly fell. With sympathetic looks from his friends, Liam replies, "Yes, Sire. I'll be right there." Shuffling over to his brawny father with his head down, he glances back to the group and did their hand signal for "Let's meet up later!" before he turned back to the Sire. "Yes, Sire?" he questions, not allowed to call him "father". Sire Ariav liked to show off- as all Leos do. "I told you not to associate with those lowers, Liam. Why do you disobey me?" Ariav questions, angered. Liam wanted to snap at him. He wanted to say, "Because you never give me attention and they do" or "Because they're my friends, asshole!" But he does neither. He just glares at the floor, not giving verbal response. Sighing in disdain, Ariav says, "Go to your chambers, Liam. I don't want to see your face for the rest of the week. And get those damn weeds off your head." Internally grumbling, Liam walks to his room, kicking at the air along the way. Hearing laughter behind him, he recognized the voice of Spencer. Deciding that he wanted to mess with them, he hid behind a tapestry- one that had a hidden alcove behind it. Only he and his little sister knew about it- they played hide-and-go-seek all the time. Concentrating for a second, Liam shifted into the largest dragon the alcove could fit. He was planning on scaring them, but stopped when he heard their subject of conversation. "Did you see the look on his face when I fixed the weed wreath? He actually blushed! What kind of kinky shit do you think was going through his mind?" They all began laughing again. Then someone else- Biea- chimed in, "Does he seriously think we're friends with him, though? I mean, he doesn't give us anything but a little recognition." Shaking, Liam shifted back to human and stepped out from behind the tapestry- right in front of them. They all froze and stared at him. With a somehow-steady voice, Liam places his hand on his heart, bowed, and said, "It was a pleasure being in your presence all those years. Though I believe that I no longer need you. You are dismissed." With that, Liam turned around and begun walking back to his chambers again. In his room, he sat down on the edge of his bed. Reaching up to his cheeks, he realized something- they were wet. He's been crying since he turned around from his "friends" and didn't even notice it. Taking in a slow, shaky breath, he let the tears flow. Well, he thought. I don't think I'll have a problem with staying in my room, now. ![]() Edited on 29/09/19 @ 18:36:20 by A Whisper in the Wind (#176680) |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-29 18:35:48 |
| Axel King | 19 | male | Power: Telekanisi | Leo | Streets | Mentions: none | ![]() Edited on 29/09/19 @ 18:57:16 by greenapple (#127393) |
MickeyRose (#137635)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-29 19:05:24 |
♑︎ Demetri Rose | 18 | Female | Capricorn | Tierre | Mentions: none ♑︎ The afternoon seemed to pass in such a blur. Nothing really meant much when she did nothing but spend her hours in a library, reading the daylight hours away so that everyone else would be asleep long before she stepped out into the world. It was her serenity, the silence of the world that brought her peace. Even as the setting of the planet's light brought sleep to her people, it brought life into her. Deme cared so much for these people, willing to lay down her life for them, but as long as she lived she wasn't going to spend her waking hours in the chaos. The bustle of cities and the towns drove her absolutely insane. The consistent speech and bartering going around the marketplace and town turned into a dull roar, making it impossible for her to keep up with what was going on at any given moment. It made her feel vulnerable, made her lose track of her thoughts. Setting the book down and the light left the planet, Deme dressed herself into at least a coat to keep herself warm. Evenings often brought cold breezes and left her shivering if she was ill prepared. With one last bit of precaution to peek into her family room to ensure all were asleep, she stepped outside and began to wander the quiet and empty streets, the beauty of night enveloping her in all it's quiet serenity. With nothing occurring, it allowed her mind to wander to far places, to think of other planets near and distant and wonder what could be. ♐︎ Archer Faux | 19 | Male | Sagittarius | Gryphon | Mentions: none ♐︎ It had been a typical day, spent doing nothing but attempting to show off what he was capable of, even if it was way out of his league. Archer's day consisted of many footraces against the children of his home planet, letting them feel as if they were about to beat him right before he picked up his pace and left them in his dust. "That isn't even fair!" One of the young boys looked up at Archer with a frown and his arms crossed as he panted and heaved from the race. "You probably cheated to beat us!" "I did not cheat in the slightest," Archer took a knee to the ground to face the child, "If you keep practicing, perhaps one day you can beat me." 'Highly doubtful, but have to give them some hope. He thought as his words made the child uncross his arms and take off with his friends, determined to get better. "You sure have a way with kids don't you?" The voice was familiar, one that he had heard ever since he was a child. "Why of course! You know me so well don't you, Aaron?" He turned to face a man who stood about his height but had much more muscle than himself. "What brings you out here, other than to torment me about something or another?" "I was bored in all honesty, who else was I supposed to bother?" "Someone other than me perhaps?" Archer crossed his arms and grinned at his friend. Aaron and himself had grown up together, often taking part in games and other friendly competitions with one another to pass the time. More often than not, unfortunately, Archer lost. "Nah, you're so much more entertaining to mess around with." Aaron reached over and smacked the back of Archer's head which sent the two men into a childish game of 'who could give the last hit.' ![]() |
Shamelessly Insane (#115908)
![]() Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-29 20:16:46 |
OVERVIEW ROLEPLAY PERSPECTIVE On all Zodiac planets, came a boom. A boom, then crackling static. Twelve voices, each for a House. "All citizens of the Zodiac that are not the Unknown, report to your Planet's courtroom. Create two lines, biological male and biological female. You shall be informed of what is happening after all citizens are.. Interviewed." the female voice spoke {totally not me hah}, and more gray static filled the Zodiac before shutting off. Well then, guess you had better attend. Wouldn't want any.. Let's say, soldiers rounding people up, hmm? ![]() |
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