Posted by The Zodiac Saviors ~ Roleplay Thread {OPEN}

Shamelessly Insane (#115908)

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2019-09-16 20:51:02

Once in a million years, the evil arrives, different each million. This million, was something unforgettable. The Thirteenth House has reappeared, just beyond Pisces. All Twelve Houses must unite to defeat this new evil, but only the twenty four chosen guardians can convince the whole Zodiac.



1. Avrik, played by Insanity


1. Neroli Hycanith, played by n4mi


1. Maren Abe, played by Mertsanie


1. James Collins, played by greenapple
2. Rhoma Grace, played by Insanity


1. Liam, played by Whisper
2. Axel King, played by greenapple


1. Fawn, played by Whisper
2. Victor, played by Bluestar Moon


1. Hysan Dax, played by Insanity


1. Ernestine Eunice Medea, played by Insanity
2. Anastasia, played by Scruffy Shattered


1. Archer Faux, played by MickeyRose


1. Demetri Rose, played by MickeyRose


1. Ari Collins, played by greenapple


1. Luna, played by Bluestar Moon


1. Eclipse, played by Scruffy Shattered
2. Dabi, played by Insanity

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We may start the roleplay once we have one Savior from each House. ~The roleplay has started!!

Please use this title when you post a reply:

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Edited on 29/09/19 @ 18:52:45 by Insanity Bringer {#ChaoticEvil (#115908)

Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-09-29 21:14:37

| Ari Collins | 17 | Female | Power: Communicate with the dead | Aquarius | Home | Mentions: none |
Ari froze and looked over at Jax who was now drink water from the bowl she had for him. Ari didn't want to go but she knew what would happen if she didn't. She walked over to her bed and grabbed her school bag and emptied it out before showing a change of clothes, a book, some snacks, a water bottle, and some dog food. If she has to leave she doesn't want to come back here. She turned to Jax and smirked "Come here bud" she coos and he bounds up to her. She pulls on his collar and hooks his leash to it. If anyone there had a problem they can fight her. Walking over to the door his mother was waiting at it and she had a small smile on her face which turned to a scowl "You can't seriously be bringing the mutt" she laughed. Ari pushed past her and walked out into the daylit world. There was a slight drizzle but she looked up into the sky and let it wet her face. She looked around to see other people leaving their houses and she frowned, she had no idea so many people had so many special abilities. Some people it was obvious others you would have no idea. She shrugged her backpack up so it would fall, throwing down her skateboard she headed off to the courthouse. She wondered if Cancer and Leos would be getting this call or if she would just disappear without a trace like her dad. Aris breathing begin to quicken as she imagined them shooting her off into space and not being able to see her family ever again, Jax stuck his cold wet nose into her palm and began to guide her to the courthouse. She was one of the first people to arrive so she knew she could get this over and done with a lot faster than the other people.

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FrootCake (#176680)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-09-29 21:24:04


Flinching at the loud voice, he began to calm down the freaked out deer, many who took off outside the grove. He was worried for their injuries, but could do nothing about it. The voice sounded like she ment it- as if death was the alternative. Shivering, Fawn quickly darted back to the house and saw that his employees were already gone. Sighing, he ran up to his room to grab his cloak and cap. Chewing on his lip, Fawn glanced around his room. It was messy- untouched by the maids, but it was home. Throwing the cloak on and curling his tail against his back, he took off for the Courthouse. Using his power to make the ground under his feet soft and bouncy, he was able to get there quickly. He made sure the hat was covering up his horns before he joined the male's line. He got a couple... admiring? looks from the females in the line over, and he gave a small smile, not wanting to be rude. This sent them into a giggling fit, confusing Fawn badly. The guy in front of him turned back to glare at him, and he put his head down, avoiding the heat of his look.
"Hey..." the guy says, looking at him closely. "Aren't you that one mutant hermit? Where's that tail of yours? I heard it was-"
Interrupting, Fawn exclaims, "Hey look! The line is moving without you. You should probably pay attention so you don't embarrass yourself." The guy startled and moved forward, now focusing on the line.
Mentally wiping his brow, Fawn thought, "That was close."
Eyes shifting over the people, he looked around to make sure no-one had heard them. Happy, he began staring at the ground, not meeting anyone's eyes. "Let's just.... get this over with."

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-09-29 21:28:11

| James Collins | 19 | male | Power:Fear | Cancer | His apartment | Mentions: none |

James frowned but shrugged as he saved his place in the catcher's rye. He shoved it into his messenger bag and headed out the door. He had no idea what this was about but he was just curious so he decided to go and not and try to hide like he wanted to do. Also, the whole speaker thing was way over the top, send a letter instead maybe. Sticking his hands in his pockets he hummed as he walked down the street. Keeping his head down though because the fear of looking at anyone was really large. He started to do the thing he did best when he got nervous, he counted, he counted the lamp posts, cars, cracks. You see he's not a loser he hates math but counting just soothes his nerves. Looking to the right he noticed an ice cream shop and his heart dropped when he saw they had a new brownies flavor. His stomach began to growl as he kept walking. The courthouse was in view and he felt like he was going to throw up everywhere. Looking to his right he noticed a girl that had also been adopted into a different house family, he knew this because they used to be friends until, well James slept over and his glasses fell off when he was sleeping and he woke up and looked at her. She was afraid of clowns, he to had a slight fear of them so when the room filled with circus music and a few clowns appeared with meat cleavers they both had quite the scare. He had apologized like a million of times but she never forgave him and always kept her distance, now here he is starieing at her and wondering what her ability is. SHe caught his eyes and smiled sadly before looking away.

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Edited on 29/09/19 @ 21:28:57 by greenapple (#127393)

FrootCake (#176680)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-09-30 08:06:56


Startling, Liam jumped up and looked around. He blinked a couple times, cleared his throat, then grabbed his jacket and went to the main room where his father was last. He wasn't there, though. Contemplating his next move, he stood there. From behind him came his father's voice, "I thought I told you to stay in your room."
Sighing, he turns around and replies, "I would've had no problem doing so, Sire, but the government calls. I don't think..." Trailing off, he sees that his father is... nervous? He probably wasn't told of this announcement, and his magic is failing. Like Liam, his father can shift- but only his human appearance. He can do small things like give himself freckles or to keep his face in the same expression, or larger things like change his race or even make himself into a completely different person. Mother didn't have a power, so Liam should've gotten the same as his father, or something similar to it. His younger brother and one of his older brothers have no power, where his little sister and the eldest brother have the same thing as father, though Lucian (eldest brother) is also able to change his voice and is able to hold it longer, as well as change another's looks. Penny can only mimic another person's looks, though.
"Go get Penny and meet us at the Courtroom. Lucien already has Benjamin and Noah and are heading there. Your friends left awhile ago, something about rejection." Ariav gives Liam a long look, then says, softer then usual, "When we meet up with your siblings have Lucian do something about your eyes." Ariav pats him on the shoulder and leaves through the front door.
Frowning, Liam heads to Penny's room. She'd moved out of the room she'd been given at birth and decided to claim one of the hidden rooms for herself. Since Ariav wasn't much for exploring, he never knew about the hidden rooms. One of the times that Liam had been left alone, he'd begun wandering around, looking at and behind things. One day while exploring, he noticed that a vent only had one screw in, so he was able to lift it. Climbing into this new mystery, he happened upon a room- one that had been furnished and everything. It was obvious that it hadn't been cleaned for awhile- everything was covered in dust. The first step shot dust into the air, causing him to sneeze violently. He'd immediately left. Then returned with one of those tiny handheld vacuums and some bags and got to work. After three hours, the seven year old boy was exhausted, but he got it done.
Later, he'd tried to explain his dirty state, but no one would listen to him. So he kept that room, and all the other rooms he found a secret. Penny only found out because she'd followed him to that very room one day. She was sworn to secrecy and kept to it. Now, he resides in a room similar to the one he had found, though this one had a bed. Father doesn't care where they sleep, as long as it isn't at a lowers house. Pushing the vent screen aside, he wiggles into it, only able to do so because of his size. "Being a runt is useful sometimes," he often thinks to himself.
"Penny, we gotta go," Liam says, flopping over the back of the couch. She was watching something on the television- something with too much blood for a ten year old. He gagged a little when someone got stabbed in their stomach. Grabbing the remote, he turned the TV off and picked the small girl up. Somehow, Ariav got stuck with two runts for kids. Super rare, so he decided to keep them. She giggled and asked, "Do I have to go? I don't like that woman- she's too loud. Plus we'll get stared at."
Laughing, he replies, "Yes, Penny. We have to go. I could take you on the Phoenix, if you like...?" he trailed off, looking away slyly. She agrees with vigor and wiggles out of his grip. Crawling out of a different vent after her- this one led to the outside- he shifts into the large flaming bird. Giggling again, she hops on, ignoring the flames. The fire wouldn't hurt her, of course. He was able to make it so that his fire couldn't injure anybody, though he could also increase the heat should need be. Taking off, he gives a loud screech, warning any other flying creatures of his presence.
When they arrived, people stared at him in awe. It wasn't often people get to see a Phoenix. People stared at Penny when she hopped off of his back- how had the girl not burn to death? Then when he shifted back to human they begun staring at both of them, their awe turning into shock and disgust. Runts were rare, yes, but they were also considered weak links. No one wanted a runt, especially not two of them.
Crouching down to Penny, he asks her, "Do you think you'll be fine in the line by yourself?" She replies with a yes, and happily skips over to the line. Watching her nervously, he got into the line for the males. "If anybody hurts her..." he thinks, trailing off. He huffs out a breath, smoky with dragons' flame, and begins toying with his collar. The males around him back away nervously. He looks weak, yes, but he has a strong power. You just don't mess with that.

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sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2019-09-30 13:35:13

Neroli Hycanith | 18 | Male | Taurus | Vitulus/Courtroom | Mentions: N/A

The two figures jumped at the sound of the crackling voice. Hycanith took note of his mothers' worried look, and no doubt his must've looked concerned as well. They both stood up to properly dress themselves, him taking a dark sweater, jeans, and boots and putting his hair up in a bun. He stood at the door for a moment, before opening it and going outside, his mother behind him. Many people were leaving already for the courtroom, and some looked just as confused as they were. "We should hurry," his mother spoke softly, worry in her voice. "Guards will no doubt be making sure none of us get left behind." Hycanith nodded, and they both left their property, swiftly making way to where Vitulus' courtroom was located. When they got there, the pair split up into their own lines, his mother into the line for females and him into the one for males, and gave eachother a wave. He looked around, taking in the looks of everyone around him. It must've looked as if he was looking for a specific someone, because someone behind him tapped on his shoulder and asked if he was alright, to which he signed to them he was fine and they nodded.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-09-30 16:19:53
Name Sunny Wells | Age 18| Gender female | House libra | Location Her room | Mentions none

Sunny was sitting on her bed, her head down as she was writing some songs . Groaning she tilted her head before throwing her notebook on the ground that's when she heard loudspeakers . Throwing herself off her bed she put on her dusty white Van's and grabbed her bomber jacket before running out of the house. She yelled goodbye to her mom before running towards the court house.

She hadn't put her hair in her usual messy bun so it was flying wildly behind her,her arms pumped out behind her as she began to run faster and faster . Her feet barely touched the ground and some dirt flew out from behind her as she was not jumping over random things . Skidding to a stop she let her hands rest on her knees as she panted and looked around , her hairs was sticking north, south, west and east before she grabbed her scrunchie and put her hair up into the messy bun she was famous for . Slowly she walked into the court house and studied the place, her brown chocolate swirls wide and bright

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Edited on 30/09/19 @ 16:39:01 by Silly hyena ❤ (#128112)

Mertsanie (#186664)

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Posted on
2019-09-30 17:15:29
Maren Abe | 19 | Female | Gemini | Argyr | Electrokinesis| Mentions: None

"Now Maren, why don't you tell me more about your new pro--" Her father was cut off by the announcements over the speakers and Maren could feel his large frame tense up beside her. The girl looked up at the man, his face downcast as the hand around her shoulder tightened.

"Are you okay Papa?" she asked. Her father seemed shaken from his thoughts, jumping slightly at the sound of her voice. "Of course I am," he replied. "We should probably get ready and go." He was probably talking about her clothes, seeing that they were wrinkled and dirty from the previous night. Nodding in response, Maren ran back inside, changing into a fresh outfit. Before returning to her father, she slid back into her workroom to grab the project she was finishing. "Come one, Bobo." With a twitch of electricity from her fingers, the spider-like creature shuttered, eyes blinking, legs moving ever-so-slightly. Smiling, Maren gently put it in her bag before heading to the court house along with the rest of Argyr.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-09-30 17:26:17
Name Sunny Wells | Age 18| Gender female | House libra | Location Her room | Mentions none

Sunny felt something moving around in her jacket pocket, looking down she let her small hand slip into the warm pocket as she than felt something very large and scaly. She let out a tiny gasp as she pulled out the large German giant Bearded dragon. Her eyes went wide as she shived him into a the pocket again "Godzilla what the hell ."She growled only earning a small chuckle from the large lizzard

( sorry for the misspells and this being short i have to go and eat)

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-10-01 19:50:16

| Axel King | 19 | male | Power: Telekanisi | Leo | Streets | Mentions: none |
Axel looked up at the sky as the rain drizzled down his face, he had been to the courthouse plenty times before. He and the guards treat each other like old friends now. Shoving his pockets into his famous leather jacket he made his way over to the courthouse. upon arrival, he had already gotten two high fives, three nods, one bro hug, and another glare. He was most known for his abilities and hanging around the local street gangs, he walked over to one guard named bill and whispered in his ear "Send someone to pick up a little girl, at the supermarket." Bill nodded and went on his talkie, "You best pray your not picked son" Bill whispered before turning away and walking to a door that led into the judge's chambers. Whats this speak about being picked, Axel loved the spotlight, made him feel nice. Axel looked around at the crowed courthouse and smiled before making his way over to some girls who started to shamelessly flirt with him, not that he minded though, it was nice to know his options. He wasn't thinking about marriage yet but if he was forced to marry some fat pig he may just give a kiss to an oncoming train, yeah that sounds bad but if he was seen with someone as ugly as a toad the gangs would stop needing him and he coulnt take that, he needed to be needed. The girls were ripped away by some older men wh looked to work for some higher up status, Axel pushed his way to the front of the line and looked around, so many people ahd special abilities and it was weird, all of these people hide it well.

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FrootCake (#176680)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-11-06 15:27:04


Fawn wanted to stomp his foot in annoyance- he was almost to the front, but there seemed to be a problem with the guy a few paces in front of him. He was arguing about something- though he couldn't understand what it was.

Types smthn to get the RP back ._.

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