Posted by LF: 1x1(x1?) [Animals only]

Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-09-29 09:41:25

'Bout me

➟MY MUSE FLUCTUATES. So please, if you're the type who wants me to reply every time I'm online or every single day, please look elsewhere. :x
➟I'm a college student full-time and I also work.
➟Sometimes I reply multiple times a day, other times once or so a week. Again, I fluctuate like no other.
➟I'm most available on Sundays, late Saturday, or late Tues/Wed/Thurs.
➟A lot of times I'm on my phone so I refuse to respond to the roleplay then. I hate posting on my phone.
➟I'm 3 hours ahead of Lioden.
➟I speak solely English and would prefer a partner with semi-decent English, so semi-lit to lit.
➟I hate rereading my posts- sorry! :'D
➟My posts can range from multiple paragraphs to a single paragraph, but never one or two liners.

Roleplay Stuff

➟Plot-based with sprinkles of romance (MxF, can be convinced to try others if the relationship develops well enough). In the end, I need some sort of romance because I love drama.
➟I like to use multiple characters, usually with one or two "mains".
➟Canine or feline only- no humans/anthros/furries. Might be able to talk me into other animals? I love Warriors.
➟Lioden-based. Discord has some sorta grudge against me.
➟Please be at least semi-lit and willing to write a decent paragraph.
➟For the love of all things good, please, PLEASE be patient. You can slack with me, but at least one reply a week would work.
➟On that note, I may poof from the RP if things get crazy at home. And trust me, things love to get crazy.
➟I'm open to one roleplay partner or multiple for /one/ roleplay.
➟Really only looking for one 1x1(x1x1x1 whatever) at the moment, to see how things go. This'll be my first!
➟You gotta post decent-ish character sheets with me so I can keep track of characters to *some* degree.
➟PG-13 I guess?? I'm ok with gore but ehhhhhhh I like details, but not that kind of details.
➟ I. LOVE. PLOTTING!!!! I have a ton of old plots that I need to use. I don't like the stereotypical stuff, I need twists. Amuse me, and I'm bound to stick around.
➟I like to reuse characters.

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Edited on 29/09/19 @ 09:41:37 by Argus [Clean Mandarin] (#66829)

Ember! (#182350)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-10-27 14:27:58
I'm down to do some sort of Warrior cats roleplay! I really stink at plotting, as I like to just let the story write itself a bit (with varying degrees of success), but character building is something I enjoy, especially creating backstories. Unfortunately, I tend to run out of creativity about three sentences into a post, but if I don't have to reply every day I can certainly manage to work up a good paragraph most of not every time I post. Sometimes I get very inspired, other times my creative juices just won't flow, so though I try to keep things consistent sometimes it just fizzles out a bit. Again that should be solved by not needing to reply every day lol. Be warned sometimes I just lose inspiration entirely, usually caused by being too busy with school/homework. I am almost never available on Tuesdays, but weekends are generally safe unless they aren't. Weeknights besides Tuesday are generally when I post, especially Fridays. As far as plot I'm down for whatever. I'm rambling so I'll just end here...

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Sol and Omen 0/10 gb (#188433)

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Posted on
2019-10-28 06:40:20
im up on discord mature animal roleplays!

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Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-10-28 08:21:17

You have my interest! I tend to drop off the face of the earth as well. Mondays are my worst, as I have college all morning and then work until awfully late at night.


As my advertisement states, I'm not looking for Discord, nor especially mature roleplays. Pg-13 is my limit.

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Ember! (#182350)

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Posted on
2019-10-30 08:00:48
Wonderful! Do you want to set something up here or on a new thread? I gotta start setting up my character(s) lol

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