Posted by Üñråvēlêd
Dead (#179190)

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Posted on
2019-10-02 19:37:47
The incident had happened at school. Not that you remembered it, everything just went fuzzy around there. That stupid (______) punched you and that's when it went black. And the next thing you knew, you were in handcuffs and they were on a stretcher.

It only went downhill from there. You remember the police stuffing you into their car. You also remember a rag over your nose and mouth. Everything goes fuzzy again. And then you woke up here, in an... Office chair? You looked up, snapping to reality. A man stared down at you. "Hello. I brought you here to discuss your 'abilities'. " He stops only for a moment, letting his words sink in.

He stuck out his hand, helping you up. He pulled you out into the hallway, revealing you were in some sort of mansion. He showed you around, stopping in front of a room. "Your guardians have been notified. This is where you will be staying. Training starts soon. Names Nigel. " When he walked away, you realized there was a key in your hand. You unlocked the door to reveal a room, full of your stuff. What the hell was going on???

(Please note, this does not have to be followed. It's just a bit of info. Does not apply to villians or (wip))


This is a roleplay about a bunch of teenage superheros who suck at their jobs.
They all live and train in a massive mansion.
They are not allowed to see anyone from their past life.
There are traitors amongst them.
They like REALLY suck at their jobs.

Nothing 18+ unless it fades to black or goes to pm
Swearing is aloud
Please ask before killing or seriously injuring
Please try to limit powers
Hate the character, not the player
Have fun!

Neutral: (Can be good or bad, but don't work with or towards the same goal as the hero's/villians)

- Shakarri
- Damien/Daemon
- Azazel



Operation Zero (See character sheets for more info)


Character Sheets

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Edited on 29/11/19 @ 14:37:33 by °Spider° (Online) (#179190)

Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-10-03 14:24:31
Charli shook herself and but on a tough face. There was no going back. She had to. She grabbed the hand, and with a single shout, she dissapeared through the mirror along with the hand and the fire things. She blinked her eyes open to see she was someplace... Sandy. It was in her mouth and everything, eww. She cough out sand and stood up, looking around. It was dark, only lit by torches. She held her head, noticing it was back to normal. She felt around for the bandage that she wore over her eye, eventually groaning and giving up. She looked at the tan brick walls, covered in... Heiroglyphs? She heard a booming voice from behind her. "Over here, child. "

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Fernhawk (#172889)

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Posted on
2019-10-03 14:28:47
Elliot was not phased by what had happened. He just casually flopped down on the bed and waited for her to come back. If she even did.

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Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-10-03 14:36:38
Charli shivered as she turned around. Behind her stood a thin, very very tall man... With the head and tail of a jackal. She immediately realized the most likely, yet impossible answer. "Anubis? " He nodded, handing her the bandage from her eye. She immediately snatched it out of his hands, placing it back around her head. She smiled a little, realizing she was literally in front of the COOLEST mythological God ever. "Oh my god I have so many questions.... You're real?! Who am I?! Why am I here?! Oh my god this is amazing! "

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Fernhawk (#172889)

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Posted on
2019-10-03 17:19:40
Elliot had drifted off when Alyx returned to check on him. Like usual Elliot looked fearful in his sleep. Alyx curled up next him and sighed quietly.

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
11BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-10-03 19:31:59
Kaiden had wandered around, and stopped at an open door which led to a room. There were two people inside, and both were sleeping. Weird. Kaiden continued on, back to his own room. There, he sat down on his bed, and closed his eyes, wanting to find out what his ability was. Slowly, a faint red glow surrounded him and his bed that he was sitting on, and Kaiden and the bed were soon floating. Kaiden opened his eyes and studied it for a moment. Gravity Manipulation? He guessed, Cool. He then let the bed and himself return to normal as he thought up ways he could use his ability.

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-10-03 19:34:48
Julian gently led Katie back to a room, sitting on the bed on the opposite of hers. "Look, just calm down. We'll be fine" he said quietly, his handsome coming to rest on her knees gently. "We'll be fine" he said, hugging her gently

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Fernhawk (#172889)

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Posted on
2019-10-04 08:02:00
Alyx glanced back at Elliot. He had taken a few things from the room that he found interesting. It wasn’t anything too big but he didn’t care. He was getting bored waiting for him. He didn’t understand how he could care so much about a person he just met. He sighed and tried fixing his hair. He looked out into the hallway and decided to just leave him. He continued to wander through the hall.

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Edited on 04/10/19 @ 13:06:01 by Fernhawk (#172889)

Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-10-04 19:55:05
Anubis suddenly perked up. "Not now. " He touched her forehead and she felt herself fly backwards. And then she was in her room, in bed. She was normal again. She grumbled to herself. "Lovely. Just a dream. " She pounded her fist on the table. What was wrong with her? She pulled the bandage off her eye, examining the wound that greeted her. She opened the eyelid, looking at the open socket. She ran her finger along the cuts, grumbling a little. She pulled the bandage back on.

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
11BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-10-04 20:07:17
Kaiden tried to imagine what he did to that kid at school today. Did he punch him and sent him smashing into a wall? Or simply just crushed him into the ground? Why was he here, anyways? Could he leave? Kaiden stood up from his bed, I wonder if I could walk upside down on the ceiling. That would be so cool. A faint red glow surrounded him as he started to walk up the wall vertically, and eventually he got up to the ceiling, standing up side down. He did feel a little weird up here, but what was cool was how he didn't fall off and how his clothes and hair remained the same, as if he made the ceiling have gravity as well.

(Kaiden, casually standing on the ceiling >:D)

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Dead (#179190)

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Posted on
2019-10-04 20:20:33
Charli saw the staff appear in her hand and marveled at it. So it wasn't a dream? She set it down on her bed, walking into the hallway after she heard a shout. Nigel stood in the hallway, attempting to call the kids out. Charli squinted at him. "What now? " She practically felt the questions pile up in her head.

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
11BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-10-04 20:29:46
Kaiden, hearing Nigel's calls, muttered and returned to normal, the red glow disappearing and he skillfully landed on his feet on the ground, dropping down from the ceiling. "Who are you and why are we even here?" He demanded, glaring at Nigel as he walked out of his room.

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Fernhawk (#172889)

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Posted on
2019-10-04 20:42:13
Alyx stopped walking and froze. He didn’t trust Nigel. He eyed the direction where he could hear the man’s voice from. He stood there deciding what to do.

Elliot had been awoken by Charli’s return. He was barely embarrassed by being asleep in her room. He was eager to ask the man questions so he rushed out of the room practically tripping over himself. He fell hard onto the floor as he saw Nigel.

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Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-10-04 20:55:31
(If anyone would want to play a teacher of sorts PM me.)

Nigel spoke up. "I would like to discuss just that. As you all are clearly slowly figuring out, you have strange abilities. " Nigel clapped his hands together once. "And I think it's pretty clear what I would like you to do with them. " He looked down the staircase at a large door. "So, if you want to leave, leave. "

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
11BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-10-04 21:00:34
"What do you want us to do?" Kaiden scowled, It's not like I'll listen to you anyways. He glanced at the large door down the staircase, thinking.

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Fernhawk (#172889)

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Posted on
2019-10-05 04:10:24
Elliot glared a little at Kaiden. ‘Jeez, sour much...’ he thought. He quickly changed his expression before looking at Nigel. “Yeah! What do you need us for?” He smiled and tilted his head. He barely seemed to notice his friend was missing from the little meeting.

Alyx decided to not show up. He sat with his back against a wall. He fiddled with an item he had stolen. He sighed and looked around. He could kind of hear Nigel’s voice but it was muffled. ‘It’s probably nothing important.’ He growled a little to himself. ‘This place is no good anyway.’

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