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Posted by | Star-Crossed [Lion RP] |
![]() Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-08 10:10:55 |
Main Roleplay ThreadPLEASE DO NOT TALK ABOUT ANYTHING HERE, THIS IS FOR CHARACTER SHEETS ONLY, EVERY REPLY WILL NOTIFY A MODERATOR. IF YOU WILL REPLY WITH A NON CHARACTER SHEET, THIS WILL BE TREATED AS SPAM.Rank Descriptions: Royal Family King (CLOSED) & Queen (CLOSED): Self-explanatory. Heir: Future king (CLOSED) Royals: Relatives to the heir, king, and queen. (OPEN, LIMITED) Limited Ranks: -Shamans: The healers of the tribe, they communicate frequently with the great ancestors to receive omens for the king. There are only two. (OPEN) -Heir's Suitors: Those the king has considered betrothing to the heir, they would be the heir's next partner...should he choose to listen to his father. Limit of five. (OPEN) -Lead Huntress: The female that leads the hunts and rotates hunting grounds. Only one. (CLOSED) -Sub-males: The males responsible for defending the pride and leading border patrols. They may breed, but not in a prolific sense- they should take up only one mate at a time. Limit of four. (1 OPEN.) -Scouts: Messengers to the king, responsible for scouting new territory for the pride to move to. Limit of 3. (OPEN) -Broodmothers: Lionesses who tend to the young and help inexperienced mothers. Limit of 3. (OPEN) Unlimited Ranks -Trainees: The adolescents of the tribe, learning the ropes. -Mothers & Cubs: need I explain? -Huntresses: no explanation needed. -Outsiders: those that do not belong to the pride. CHARACTER CREATION RULES: -Please, no cubs for now! -One hybrid per user. -Royals are closed until the Queen is selected. Royals MUST have approval from the user owning whatever character they are related to. CHARACTER SHEET: Name: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Rank: Appearance: [photo or description] Personality: [list or description] Family: Relationships: History: Other: ![]() Edited on 11/10/19 @ 12:06:30 by Argus [Clean Mandarin] (#66829) |
Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)
Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-08 10:22:44 |
![]() Name: Leonidas Age: 2.5 years Gender: Male Sexuality: Demisexual Rank: Heir Appearance: [see above] Personality: Leonidas has always felt ashamed of his birth, and started out as a rather awkward and reclusive little furball. However, as he has grown, he has shed any feeling of shame and has grown numb to the rumors whispered among the pride. He is almost brash in the way he acts now, almost challenging towards anyone willing to mention his scandalous birth. Currently, he seems to be stuck in a rather rebellious stage, with an eagerness to displease his father and call the whole betrothal thing off. Frankly, the male can be hard to get along with, seeing that he desires to push everyone away. Because he doesn't know who he truly is, the wild-natured male has a tendency to explore and wander. Leonidas has a strong sense of curiosity and discovering everything he can about the great world surrounding him. He prefers the companionship of the great unknown over his pridemates, as he finds them to be rather dull. He comes with a rather arrogant personality, but in truth, he does have a sense of responsibility underneath. Leonidas knows that being king will be such a terrifying burden, and honestly, he's scared of it. He fears that his freedom will disappear and that the pride will suffer under his rule. Truthfully, he simply doesn't know how to communicate how he feels. Family: Father: Felix (living) Mother: Unnamed Outsider (deceased) Half-sister(s): Saki (living) Relationships: n/a History:His birth was the biggest scandal of the year. Following the death of the previous queen, Felix had been reluctant to elect a new queen, horribly mournful over the lost of his lover. Unbeknownst to his pride, he had a brief yet fiery relationship with a tigon outsider, which ultimately yielded Leonidas. The shamans spoke, and the hybrid cub, as frowned upon as it was, would be the next king of the pride. He felt like the laughing stock of the pride, and his father continued to raise him very harshly. He was hard on him for the sake of turning him into a proper heir, but even now, Leonidas' interests rest elsewhere. Who cares about being king, when being anything else but would provide you with so much opportunity to explore? Other: He was the only cub born in the litter, meaning that all Royals will only be his half-siblings. ![]() Name: Felix Age: 10 years Gender:Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Rank: King Appearance: [see above] Personality: Responsible, dutiful, quite boring, affectionate, empathetic, tough on youngsters, social, busy-body, honestly doesn't know how to sit still. Family: Mate(s): Previous Queen (deceased), Unnamed Outsider (deceased), Current Queen (Living) Son(s): Leonidas (living) Daughter(s): Saki (living) Relationships: -Leonidas: His son, who he happens to be quite harsh on. He does love his heir, but Felix only wants what's best for him and the pride. History: Felix has been a long-reigning king, and there have been few to no complications underneath his rule. He had his first queen for approximately 6 years until her unfortunate passing. He was very hung over the lost, and out of his pain, he met a tigon. With the fiery-tempered outsider he had Leonidas, which the pride was understandably upset about. Regardless, the shamans spoke, and the hybrid would be the heir to the throne. He has since taken up a new mate, and is working very hard to prepare his son for kingship. Naturally, the heir isn't enthused about this. Other: n/a ![]() Name: Rosie Age: 3 years Gender: Female Sexuality: Will be determined in RP (super clingy) Rank: Huntress Appearance: [see above] Personality: They say it is practically impossible to frown or even so much as scold the cheery and horribly-innocent female. Rosie has to possibly be the purest and most affectionate thing to ever grace the earth, with an unrivaled adoration for just about every lion she comes to meet. She finds a goodness in everyone, and seems willing to fight for it until the end of time. While her optimistic outlook can be contagious, her good nature can be equally as annoying. She doesn't believe in breaking the rules, and seems to closely worship her ancestors. As she says, she wants to do good by herself and her pridemates, so she can one day meet her mother when the time comes. Even if she's mocked for it, Rosie remains strong in her positive attitude. She won't take "no" as an answer when it comes to cuddles, either. However, while friendly and doting towards everyone, the courteous young lioness is somewhat terrified of the world around her. While comfortable in her skin and generally secure around all walks of feline life, Rosie has a plethora of...phobias. For a start, she had an uncontrollable fear of big, leggy lions as a cub (thankfully, she grew out of it). To add, she suffers from Hemophobia (fear of blood), Acrophobia (fear of heights), Entomophobia (fear of insects), Thanatophobia (fear of death), and many other phobias that she continues to discover as she ages. She also fears not being accepted and loved by those around her, and is especially afraid of losing any family members and being left alone. Really, she tends to love very, very hard, meaning that there's a good chance that she might fall for just any silly guy and have her heart broken. Family: None Relationships: N/A History: Nothing worth noting. Other: N/A ![]() Edited on 08/10/19 @ 14:09:14 by Argus [Clean Mandarin] (#66829) |
Dream Catchers (#95572)
![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-08 11:18:09 |
Character 1:![]() "Come on, say it again. I'm a perfect devil. Tell me how bad I am. It makes me feel so good!" Michael Male Bisexual Flirts With any he finds interesting Sub-Male 4 years old Personality: Michael is the total opposite of his sister, He is rude, flirty at times, he has a menacing aura to him, He's very sadistic and loves killing. He's bold and Swift and very smart, He is very protective over his sister and will become aggressive if anyone tries to threaten her Family: He has a sister named Hanagasumi, Hana for short Relationships: He has no mate or cubs History: Michael came from a two cub litter, him and his sister, they are total opposites of each other. Their mother died shortly after the birth and was rasied by the lionesses in the pride. As a cub Michael Liked the idea of death and blood, he would always kill small insects and critters he can get his paws on and he always fought other cubs who dared to get close to his sister. As He grew to an older cub he became more sinister and Evil, when he was out as an adolescent he came upon an adult lioness who was into dark voodoo, he became her Pupil in training and he became a killer, But he was calm and collected and not killing everything he sees. He became interested in the greek tongue and learned how to speak greek since thats what this lioness spoke. He would chase away all the males who tries to talk to his sister. When they became adults Michael decided to leave the pride and come back to his sister to get her. He traveled with this lioness who he sees as a mom. He gained a scar on his face and his olive right eye became blind, he got those from fighting a larger male. When he was 4 years old he came back to the pride and came to get his sister. He was different, his greek language became more fluent and he gained an accent, he also has a symbol on his shoulder. The two left and traveled far and long and eventually joined Felix's Pride. Michael was great at patrolling, he was perfect for that role, patrolling, chasing, killing was his masterpiece. His kills was always bloody and messy as he likes to kill that way. He has a calm collected stance and is full of himself at times, he also flirts with those who peaked his interest. Other: has the dense patch mutation ![]() Edited on 08/10/19 @ 14:25:56 by Dream Catchers (#95572) |
Dream Catchers (#95572)
![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-08 13:04:24 |
Character 2:![]() "Only from the heart can you touch the sky" Hanagasumi (Hana) Lioness Bisexual She leans towards males more than females. BroodMother 4 years old Personality: Hanagasumi is the total opposite of her brother. She is kind, gentle, shy , caring, she loves cubs and she rarely gets mad, shes very understanding and forgives easily, shes very trusting and is usually played like a fool because of how she is. Family: She has a brother names Michael Relationships: She has no mate or cubs History: Hanagasumi came from a two cub litter, her brother and herself, they are total opposites of each other. Their mother died shortly after the birth and was raised by the lionesses in the pride. As a cub Hana was always the playful caring type, she was always made fun of because shes was easy to fool. Though whenever she was picked on her brother would come to her rescue and scare the other cubs away. When she was an adolescent she knew what she wanted to be, she wanted to be a brood mother because she loves cubs and always enjoyed playing with them. So she trained to become one and when she became an adult she was assigned to become a brood mother while her brother left the pride. She noticed that her heat wasnt like the others, She hadn't gone into heat yet and she thinks somethings wrong with her, shes 4 and hasnt gone into heat. When her brother returned he took her out of the pride and they joined Felix's pride and she became a brood mother. She still hasn't experienced her heat. She Befriended an Albino snake who hangs around her and the dik dik she befriended ended up dying by an Illness Other: She has a mutation, Daedal Pie ![]() Edited on 08/10/19 @ 13:20:20 by Dream Catchers (#95572) |
Dream Catchers (#95572)
![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-08 13:08:18 |
Character 3:![]() "Dont cry, its pathetic. Crying won't change anything." Saki Lioness Straight She Likes them males hot Royal 3 years old Personality: Saki speaks her mind and may come off as rude, she has a snarky attitude and sometimes rebels. Flirty in a way and likes to watch over her half brother. Family: Father: Felix, Half-brother: Leonidas Relationships: Has no mate or cubs History: Saki came from a different mother and is a couple months older than Leonids. Her first heat will start soon and she is annoyed knowing that. She always rebels and hangs with males that her father doesnt like. She sometimes gets her half brother out of trouble from their father and hopes that he will get his act together to please father. Saki will always be seen with the males in the territory, flirting, trying to annoy her father, she always does this to see if he will do anything. ![]() Edited on 08/10/19 @ 14:27:11 by Dream Catchers (#95572) |
Delinquent (#95362)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-08 13:40:34 |
![]() Edited on 08/10/19 @ 13:46:46 by Meori (#95362) |
Snini9 [Semi- Hiatus-stressed] (#154479) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-08 20:53:21 |
CHARACTER 1 ![]() Name: Tamu Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual (leans towards males) Rank: Queen Age: 5 Personality: Kind, flirty, seductive, sweet, protective, strong willed, stubborn. Family: Felix (king-Mate) Leonidas (heir- son) Relationships: Felix-Mate History: Tamu was born into the pride and had lived in it her whole life. She is considerably younger than Felix, her mate, but it doesn't bother her. She is protective of him and would go insane from grief if he died of anything other than a natural cause. She try's to my kinder to Leodanass than Felix is, she understands being treated harshly, so she tries to treat him kindly. She hopes to have at least one litter of Felix's Cubs before he dies. ![]() Edited on 09/10/19 @ 19:57:16 by Snini9 [demiurge frontal]L/on (#154479) |
PastelSkulls [he/they/it] (#186699) Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-09 08:24:00 |
Name: Deira Age: 6 years Gender: Female Sexuality: Homosexual Rank: Lead Huntress (if open) Appearance: Deira is on the older side for a lioness, and she shows her age. She is covered in scars, some faded, some newer. Her fur is a dark fawn shade, patched with white from her vitiligo, and she has crystal-blue eyes. Personality: She's kind and motherly, despite never having cubs of her own. she takes her job very seriously, and loves to help others. however, she's very overly critical of herself. Family: none - she was born a loner and joined the pride at a young age Relationships: mate/crush open :) History: born a loner and adopted into the pride at a young age. Other: Name: Okiro Age: 2 years Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Rank: Sub Male Appearance: picture (i'm only using the tigon pose, he's full lion) Personality: Arrogant and intelligent, he knows how to get his way. he doesn't like to be around cubs - he thinks they're annoying - but he knows he has to put up with them to stay. Family: open Relationships: crush open :) History: born into the pride and allowed to stay as a sub male Other: ![]() Edited on 09/10/19 @ 09:39:51 by Rachel (#186699) |
LunarLion (#186464)
Aztec Knight View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-09 14:51:14 |
Name: Flame Age: 5yrs Gender: Masculine Sexuality: Bisexual Rank: Sub Appearance: [photo or description] Ignore the wings! Personality: [list or description] Flame is a kind lion, he's loyal, fierce, and caring, strong, fast, brave and bold, he likes to tell stories to young lions about battles of the past, he also teaches adolescent sub-males battle techniques, he is wise but not always, he never flirts but he is smart, he can be a little oblivious to girls flirting with him. Family- Father: Dusk (deceased, gun fire) Mother: Sun (deceased, sickness) Sister: Lily (unknown, ran away) Brothers: Smoke and Ash (both deceased, Ash killed by Smoke, Smoke by Flame) Uncles: Blaze and Scorch (both deceased, Scorch by Blaze, Blaze by Smoke) Relationships: None but open. History: He lived in a family consisting of his mother Sun, father Dusk, his two uncles, three lionesses he didn't know, one sister named Lily and two brothers named Smoke and Ash, his oldest uncle by the name of Blaze (his other uncle was named Scorch) was the leader of their group, when his mother died his father left them in grief (dying from a horrible human interaction involving three men and rifles) and never returned, his sister Lily was well cared for by the lionesses Grace, Moon, and Jade with Moon as her mother figure, his brothers and him trained under their uncles, who made the law of their group 'Fight and Kill or Fight and be Killed', for them they never knew peace, when his uncle Scorch and his brother Smoke turned on himself, Ash, and their uncle Blaze, Blaze killed Scorch, Smoke killed Ash, the lionesses ran away with Lily two sunfalls ago, and Flame was left to fight Smoke in a battle of brother on brother, to their uncle's law of 'Kill or be Killed', it was either him or Smoke, and only one of them could come out alive, and only one of them did. And it was Flame. Other: the backstory was from another roleplay but I decided to reuse it. It happened when Flame was a year old. Name: Tigerlily Age: 2yrs Gender: Feminine Sexuality: Straight Rank: Suitor Appearance: [photo or description] She is not a hybrid! The pose is just a good one for the mountain background She was an already made custom. Personality: [list or description] Shy, feisty sometimes, caring, loyal, sweet, kind, agile, she doesn't talk very much. Family: unknown Relationships: ??? History: Unknown Other: sorry this one is short. Name: Leah Age: 3yrs Gender: Female Sexuality: Bi Rank: Huntress Appearance: [photo or description] She's a hybrid Personality: [list or description] Fierce, aggressive, agile, swift, smart, strong, bold, brave, fearless, great at blending in even though somewhat out of place, she swings both ways but rarely ever flirts, if she gets annoyed she won't hesitate to just smack someone. Family: They abandoned her Relationships: She has a thing for Zak. History: She doesn't like to talk about it. Other: Hi :3 ![]() Edited on 10/10/19 @ 12:17:03 by LunarLion (#186464) |
Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)
Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-09 15:28:04 |
![]() Name: Zakhele ("Zak") Age: 4 years Gender: Male Sexuality: Demisexual Rank: Outsider Appearance: [see above] Personality: The male is a restless individual struck with wanderlust, but also an individual willing to set down roots. However, he remains uninterested in the pride lifestyle due to a power-struggle that resulted in the ultimate disbandment of what he once knew as home. He despises politics, but for whatever reason, often has an ear for gossip. He never hesitates to chat up the local lions, even if Zak's unwelcomed into their home as an outsider, because he has very strong social tendencies. Wanna hear the news of prides located many, many miles away? He's your guy! The lion is down-right clever, however, and will not hesitate to resort of dark advances. He has this almost feral core that gives off not only this mysterious vibe, but a strong sense of danger as well. He is not one to mingle with if your intentions are unfriendly, because blackmailing is a strength of his. Your secrets can be safe with him, if you convince him that it's worthwhile to shut his mouth (aka, give him something pretty). Zakhele is an overall chill and fun guy to hang around, but never turn your back on him. Family: Deceased Relationships: n/a History:The male grew up in a pride countless leagues away. It was a close-knit group consisting mostly of family members and the occasional outsider, but it didn't get to last long. As an adolescent, Zak watched as his pride was torn apart by his older power-hungry brothers. He fled for the safety of his own life, in case his siblings saw him as a threat to the crown, and he's been travelling ever since. The male is almost considered a local merchant who not only comes with pretty wares, but interesting gossip as well. Currently he travels with his "pet", Hans, a jackal. He wouldn't trade his little buddy for the world. Other: n/a ![]() |
Snini9 [Semi- Hiatus-stressed] (#154479) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-10 12:18:29 |
CHARACTER 2 ![]() Name: Mala Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual (leans towards males) Rank: Heirs suitor Age: 2 Personality: Kind, flirty, seductive, sweet, protective, strong willed, stubborn. Family: Parents- dead Relationships: History: Mala has had a pretty uneventful life so far ![]() |
KAKAVASHA | 2.4k G1 Ennedi (#138981) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-10 18:23:34 |
this really isnt good but i tried lol Name: Taliyah Age: 2,8 Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Rank: Possible Heir Suitor, if not, Huntress Appearance: ![]() Personality: This quiet girl often thinks before she acts on impulse, preferring to stay away from fights. She won't back down from one, however and likes friendly tussling. She's lithe, quick on her feet, and able to think up witty comebacks in arguments and debates. She is somewhat quick to trust others, but if the trust is broken, it takes a long time to get it back. Likes making rock formations in the dirt and sand, naps in the shade, and lounging by (the) water hole(s) during hot days. Sometimes she takes jokes a bit too literally, but mostly due to how she was raised in a strict environment. Family: Alive; Location unknown Relationships: Has a good friendship with Earijae. History: After deciding to travel and explore instead of staying with her family, Taliyah found herself in the middle of nowhere with an unconscious lion lying at her feet. Once he had come to, he'd agreed to mentor the younger, teaching her various ways of combat and hunting that she had no knowledge of before. They parted ways, however, and she hasn't seen the kind yet mysterious stranger since. Other: N/A ---- Name: Earijae "Ekko" Age: 3,2 Gender: Male Sexuality: Pansexual Rank: Shaman or Sub-Male Appearance: ![]() Personality: A thoughtful mind. He likes spending time away from others and putting his imagination into use with the things around him. That can range from dried leaves on the ground, to ripping out tiny fur tufts from various pride members to mess around with. Despite his age, he is quite childish and looks younger than what he's supposed to. Eh. He gets rowdy whenever he is angered, but quiet and distant when saddened. He is extremely smart, and is quick to think up multiple solutions to solve multiple problems, however he can get distracted easily. Its best if, when dealing with something important, to bring him somewhere quiet and secluded to discuss it. Family: Alive; Location unknown Relationships: Has a good friendship with Taliyah. History: Earijae comes from a very unhealthy place for a pride to reside in. After sending off a younger colleague to find food while he made himself busy, he noticed something was wrong after it took them a while to return. Breaking off into a run, he came across his friend as they were bloody, bruised up, and dying. They described a lion who hummed with a very deep tone, and nightmares about it, yet never speaks of them. Determined to be sure the killings don't occur again, he puts his hyperactive head to work when he isn't tending to pride work. Other: N/A ![]() Edited on 10/10/19 @ 18:46:00 by The Boy Who Shattered Time (#138981) |
🐝Bumblewish (#159172)
Heartbreaker View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-10 20:07:40 |
![]() Name: Xena Age: 2 years, 3 months Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Rank: Scout Appearance: [photo or description] Noctis Leopon with full onyx rosette and full white mist; she also has cucumber eyes. Personality: [list or description] Xena is adventurous with a fiery passion. She's also stubborn, proud, and not always willing to admit her wrongs and weaknesses. Family: Dead mother, A deadbeat melanistic Leopard father (status unknown), open Relationships: Open History: Xena was born to a dying lioness before being adopted into the pride. She was considered an oddity because of her unusual first-gen pon coloring. However, Xena was used to ignoring, until she saw the heir doing it as well. Other: No idea on how to post images on here from the wardrobe. ![]() Edited on 11/10/19 @ 20:12:30 by Swiftykat (#159172) |
Kitty (#139161)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-10 20:22:02 |
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Lemonade 🍋 (#186990)
Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-11 11:57:32 |
Name: Velvet Age: 2.1 Gender: Feminine Sexuality: Bisexual Rank: Suitor Apperance: https://www.lioden.com/lion.php?mid=186990 Personality: -Kind -Fierce -Bold -Outspoken, not afraid to speak her mind -Reclusive and keeps to herself -Mysterious and curiousabout life -Sympathetic and lovable she adores cubs Family: Deceased, but it is said she is the child of royals from a long time ago Relationships: Open -older sister[ Dead] -younger sister[Dead] History: Born to high ranking parents from a different pride she was alwsys treated like a princess until her home was taken away from her, and she was the only survivor from her pride. As a cyb she was trained and raised in shamanistic ways of medicine and life. She came upon this pride and decided to stay and now she's in the running for the Prince's heart apparently. Other: She has Daedal Piebald and a lovrly Velvet coat ![]() Edited on 11/10/19 @ 11:59:51 by Lemonade (#186990) |
Otterbird (#118315)
Renowned View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-11 20:02:29 |
Name: Mchumba (mik-KOOM-bah), meaning Sweetheart Age: 2.9 Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Rank: Outsider Appearance: ![]() Appears wild, rugged and tribal, her body riddled with scars, the largest having been torn down the haunch. Personality: Self-preserving, Mchumba does not presently have a lot of protective instincts. Used to looking out for herself, she would rather act than to allow a task to be taken by someone else while she waited. This would make her seem as cowardly, but when trouble arises that she deems worthy of a fight, she puts her entire being into it and utilizes the strength and stamina of her primal heritage to her benefit. Curious, yet watchful, she exercises caution to what and whom she doesn't understand, and doesn't like the unknown to get too near to her. She carries a love for simple artistry and natural beauty, and is a bit of a crafter. However, she is not well learned, quite naive and unconnected to present times, too lost in her own world. While she is strong and resilient, she is also slow and lacks the fine balance of smaller lionesses, along with any semblance of femininity. She is, in short; Brutish. Family: Mother: Status Unknown, Outsider Father: Status Unknown, Distant Pridelord Relationships: N/A History: Mchumba was not born within a pride. She first learned about life deep in the jungles, tended to by an exhausted, but affectionate mother. Named 'Mchumba' for her perceived sweetness as a cub, she was coddled for the first few years of her life. But her mother was eventually forced away, chased by the leopards that would soon be her most problematic obstacle in the future. Unable to return, Mchumba's mother had to vacate as to not lead her cubs' potential killer directly into the den site. The rest of her life was spent in stealth and shadow, sometimes chased by one of the territorial leopards, or hunted by them. She learned to hide and slink, and as she became too big to easily hide, began to fight them each time they discovered her. She did not walk away scarless; her fur is covered in marks from victories and losses, but she never fled from her home, awaiting the return of her mother. Only recently has she started to accept that she likely will not see the lioness again. Other: I love character development and changes. Mchumba is capable of shifting her values or second nature, changing sides and factions, becoming good or evil, it entirely relies on what happens through RP and what influences her. I am going to play her dangerously; which means, there will be a very real risk to the character with fights, diseases, plagues, or famines. She is wholly capable of succumbing to death, since I enjoy including such a risk to place more value and importance on stories. ![]() Edited on 11/10/19 @ 20:03:21 by Coldsummer (#118315) |
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