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Posted by | Star-Crossed [Lion RP] |
![]() Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-08 10:10:55 |
Main Roleplay ThreadPLEASE DO NOT TALK ABOUT ANYTHING HERE, THIS IS FOR CHARACTER SHEETS ONLY, EVERY REPLY WILL NOTIFY A MODERATOR. IF YOU WILL REPLY WITH A NON CHARACTER SHEET, THIS WILL BE TREATED AS SPAM.Rank Descriptions: Royal Family King (CLOSED) & Queen (CLOSED): Self-explanatory. Heir: Future king (CLOSED) Royals: Relatives to the heir, king, and queen. (OPEN, LIMITED) Limited Ranks: -Shamans: The healers of the tribe, they communicate frequently with the great ancestors to receive omens for the king. There are only two. (OPEN) -Heir's Suitors: Those the king has considered betrothing to the heir, they would be the heir's next partner...should he choose to listen to his father. Limit of five. (OPEN) -Lead Huntress: The female that leads the hunts and rotates hunting grounds. Only one. (CLOSED) -Sub-males: The males responsible for defending the pride and leading border patrols. They may breed, but not in a prolific sense- they should take up only one mate at a time. Limit of four. (1 OPEN.) -Scouts: Messengers to the king, responsible for scouting new territory for the pride to move to. Limit of 3. (OPEN) -Broodmothers: Lionesses who tend to the young and help inexperienced mothers. Limit of 3. (OPEN) Unlimited Ranks -Trainees: The adolescents of the tribe, learning the ropes. -Mothers & Cubs: need I explain? -Huntresses: no explanation needed. -Outsiders: those that do not belong to the pride. CHARACTER CREATION RULES: -Please, no cubs for now! -One hybrid per user. -Royals are closed until the Queen is selected. Royals MUST have approval from the user owning whatever character they are related to. CHARACTER SHEET: Name: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Rank: Appearance: [photo or description] Personality: [list or description] Family: Relationships: History: Other: ![]() Edited on 11/10/19 @ 12:06:30 by Argus [Clean Mandarin] (#66829) |
🐝Bumblewish (#159172)
Heartbreaker View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-11 21:12:41 |
![]() Name: Slips Age: 1 yr, 2 m Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Rank: Trainee Appearance: [photo or description] Look up Personality: [list or description] Clumsy, upbeat, kind, adventurous, curious, nosy Family: Open Relationships: Drake (fox in pic), open History: Uneventful, besides his meeting with his pal, Drake. Other: Dwarf mutie ![]() |
LunarLion (#186464)
Aztec Knight View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-13 11:23:59 |
Name: Emerald Age: not existing Gender: feminine Sexuality: undecided Rank: to be cub then adolescent Appearance: [photo or description] see below Personality: [list or description] To be added later Family: to be daughter of Leah. Relationships: N/A History: N/A Other: she's a future character. Click ![]() |
Dream Catchers (#95572)
![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-13 11:31:50 |
Character 4:![]() "Sometimes it's best to be alone as you alone cannot get hurt" Mafia & Elly Lioness ( Elly) & bear (Mafia) Bisexual Leans to females more Outsiders to maybe a role in pride later on Elly is 5 years old and Mafia is 15 years old Personality: Elly is strong willed lioness, she is shy and mostly quiet. She mostly only speaks to her friend. She has a kind heart and is gentle as she doesnt believe in rudeness. Mafia is brave, protective and rude to those he sees as a threat. He has a soft side and will do anything to protect his loved ones Family: Mother: alive Father: Alive Adopted Parent: Mafia Relationships: Mate: None Cubs: None Mafia acts as her eyes and she sees him as her dad. She always calls him dad. History: When elly was a cub, her mother and father abandoned her because of her mutation. She then was founded by a bear named Mafia who decided to raise her like his own cub even tho they are different animals. Elly was from a land where lions and bears were close to each other. As she grew she gained a scar on her face and she was decorated by Mafia. When she was 1 years old she and Mafia traveled around going far and wide from their natural home. Mafia Guides her and acts like her eyes and Protection. Eventually the two came to where Felix's pride lays. Other: Elly is blind and Mafia is her seeing eye animal basically. She is not from here, she traveled Mafia is a bear and is known to live 25-44 years (based on the oldest living one) ![]() Edited on 14/10/19 @ 02:23:54 by Dream Catchers (#95572) |
🐝Bumblewish (#159172)
Heartbreaker View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-13 13:08:36 |
![]() Name: Blaze Age: Unborn Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Rank: Cub, Royal (?) Appearance: [photo or description] Look up (adult form) Personality: [list or description] Feisty, Brave, Arrogant, Energetic Family: Saki (mother), Random Tigon (father), Felix (grandfather), Unnamed Grandmother, Tigon sibling, Leonidas (half-uncle) Relationships: Open History: N/A Other: Dream Catchers granted me permission ![]() |
Dream Catchers (#95572)
![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-13 13:29:46 |
Character 5:Newborn Stage: ![]() Cub stage: ![]() Adol Stage: ![]() Adult stage: ![]() " I just want someone to love me for who I am" Misaki Lioness Straight Lioness Royal but wants to pursue huntress role newborn > 4-11 months > 1-1.11 years> 2 years old Personality: sweet, gentle, kind, shy at times, can be aggressive if pushed to it. Family: Mother: Saki Father: 1st gen tigon Half uncle: Leonidas Grandfather: Felix Relationships: No cubs or mate History: She was born into the pride after her mother decided to mate with a tigon. Misaki is the skittish kind and will move away from danger at first sight. She will tho become aggressive if she is pushed to it but that is rare as her kind, gentle side overrules that agressive side. Other: Not Born yet ![]() Edited on 24/10/19 @ 10:42:31 by Dream Catchers (#95572) |
Mira Mira (#183810)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-29 19:46:12 |
Name:Winter Age:2 years and 7 moons Gender:Male Rank:Trainee Apperence: A white lion with some streaks of blue Personality: Snappy;Tough. Family:Open Relationships:none History:A lot of lions think that he will be a coward or a downfall when he is older Other: Favorite words "are leave me alone" or "let's train now" ![]() |
Morgue (#188653)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-11-02 12:07:36 |
![]() " Watch your tongue, lest it gets bit off. " Name: Ophelia Age: 3 years, 2 months Gender: Female Sexuality: Demi, leans towards males Rank: Huntress Appearance: Ophelia is a slim lioness of average height whose caramel eyes constantly burn with her fiery spirit. Her pelt is rather simple compared to most others within the pride: short, rough strands of dove gray covers her body, with her forelimbs adorned with pale, dusty brown rosettes. Her nose and the undersides of her paws display a light tan coloration. Personality: [ defensive, snappy, stubborn, reserved, alert, protective, loyal ] Ophelia is a very guarded lioness; she's almost always on alert, avoiding situations that may impact her "honey badger" reputation. She doesn't mesh well with those who get in her face, or those who tease her, but she'll only ever take a swipe if they do something she really doesn't like. Nonetheless, Ophelia can actually be quite the sweetheart if she trusts you enough: oftentimes one will find her watching over cubs when she's not on a hunt so that the broodmothers can rest for a while. A word of advice: she's not easy to impress. Unless you plan on making a whole enemy pride bow before you out of respect and mild fear, the easiest way to sway her is by being productive and bringing back herbs, food, or playthings for the little ones almost every time you return to camp. Family: Unknown biological mother (npc), unknown biological father (npc) Adopted parents and siblings are open Relationships: Open to crushes, but any relationship desired has to develop unless their personalities somehow click History: Ophelia was adopted into the pride after getting lost and allegedly abandoned by her mother– a lioness that others speculate didn't have a pride to go to. A group of huntresses kept an eye out for her mother, but the scent on the cub was faded and they didn't have much to go off of. In the end, the pride decided to keep her. When Ophelia became an adolescent, they told her that she was practically adopted. This flipped her childish and curious personality into reserved anger and frustration that would follow her into adulthood. Ophelia trained herself hard after the revelation, developing strong, lean muscles that make her pack a punch. Other: Although not quite as fast or agile as the other lionesses, Ophelia holds her own in a fight and tends to come home with a few new scars that heal after a month. She's gotten lucky so far that none have stayed longer, but it seems she couldn't care less if she earned some either way. After all, the days she comes back with a new scratch on her pelt tend to be the days the pride is well-fed with a large piece of prey added to the pile. ![]() |
Honey|G2|Ankh3xRos|M agpie (#171841) ![]() Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-11-03 18:44:14 |
![]() Name: Dawnshine Age: 5 years old Gender: Female Sexuality: bisexual Rank: Shaman Appearance: [photo or description] Personality: Dawnshine is very kind and nurturing. She's is more than willing to help those in need and she does it the best she can. She's very tuned to the ancestors' messages. Family: Unknown Relationships: Open History: She was born outside of the Pride, but visions lead her to the pride when she was three years old. With her knowledge of healing and her visions she quickly became a shaman in the Pride. Other: ![]() Edited on 03/11/19 @ 19:08:21 by Rayven (#171841) |
Honey|G2|Ankh3xRos|M agpie (#171841) ![]() Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-11-03 19:32:49 |
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