Posted by [Closed]Clean Barked G1 Tigon Heat Exchanges In Fe

Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

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Posted on
2019-10-10 11:13:38


I have a Gen 1 Tigon and she is now soon to die and I want to make the most of her. So I am offering barked heat exchanges for a Gen 1 Tigon. She is Clean lined (Gen 2 Clean). These require no GB to be paid outside of the Instant Cub Delivery and Age Stone(unless buying full litter rights). You only Need to provide Barks and a Cub Litter item to breed her. Read on for more information.

She is frozen on my friends account atm due to me needing to RO. She will be transfered as soon as I RO in Feb.

Link to My Feb Guide [Excuse Typos]

Update on Reverse Heats

The Reverse Heat system is now in place so getting you cubs should be easier. You can view cubs via the nursing cub links near the bottom of the lions page. You can use items such as a IBF, Age stones, and Name the cubs born in reverse heats via the lionesses page. I ask than any cubs that are not discussed as keep(between you or me, be chased/killed/nature reserved so the next user can breed her).

Though this system will be helpful I will keep everyone updated if changes are made before February. ^^

If you would like to do the old way of reverse breeding you can. These will need to be planned out more with the person as you may not have the stud you wish to use as your king. The advantage of using this way of breeding her is being able to select the stud you wish to use(besideds your own). These will require you to transfer items to my account though so please keep this in mind. Of course all items will be used on her and if wanted proof of used of items and stud request can be shown to you upon request ^^

Disclaimer: Right now Reverse heats are not a official system. This means it is trust based. Trust based means that you must trust in me to use your items on the lion and it is not official to Lioden.

I have done heat exchanges and paid reverse heats in the past and the cubs born were sent to the correct user who got the heat. I can provide proof of the paid reverse heats and possibly direct you to users I have bred for in the past(with their permission). I do my best to be timely with your items and getting the heat done. I pride myself on being a good trust worthy user and I just want people to say well Winter is a good user etc. I don't plan to ruin my reputation I just want to try and give everyone a tigon chance.

If a system for reverse heats is put up I will edit this post. If you have any questions please pm me at this ID 57411. Thank you!

She is a Cleanlined Tigon with no changes made. Please take this into account when choosing a stud(I Personally would appreciate clean studs used but 100% not nessasary). She is temporarily frozen on my friends account currently to avoid losing a heat. She will be backnon my side 57994 starting the 1st of Feb. Image is clickable to her page.


1.) She will never leave my den during the reverse heats. This means no traditional studings.
2.) Do not offer what you don't have. Please make sure you have all items or will have all items for her heat. She will be up for reverse studding all February (maybe not the 29th) and I don't mind waiting for you to obtain the items you need to breed her. Just update me
3.) The following rule applies for Tigons born:
°If One tigon is born it goes to you.
°Two, you choose the first and I take the second.
°Three, You get first and third pick. I get second pick.
°In the off chance Four tigons are born you get first and third pick. I get second and fouth pick.

Note: If you pay a fee of 50 Pure or in Items you keep the whole litter this means if more than one tigon is born you keep them too but has to be paid before the cubs are born. This is a option is there and it is a risk you take when paying the above fee. If the breeding results in no tigons 50% of the free will be sent back to you.

4.) The following rule applies for all Non-Tigon cubs born:
°You keep any cub that is not a tigon regardless.

°I don't care if a lion has Mottled Stripes, if it is a Lethal, or even another Gen 1 Hybrid. These lions are all belonging to the users who sent items for the heat. Period.

°To get the extra cubs you must send a Age Stone or Stones for me to send them to you or a Jellyfish for lethals(Exception to this is using the reverse heat sytem then you must age stone etc yourself via her page). I only want Gen 2 Tigons thats is why having another Gen 1 Hybrid does not interest me as It is a lot of items needed and more account freezing and it is a pain. As for lethaths Jellyfish cost a bit and I am meh on frozen lions I promise here that all the above will be upheld though this is my word. So long as you personally want the lion you can have it.

°As I said before this is trust based but honestly I don't want any extra lions. If you don't claim a cub yourself I will either chase them or I will age stone and keep/sell them(unless you used the reverse heat system then I will pm you if there is a cub you wish not to keep I will send the age stone personally). You get first dibs on all non-gon cubs It really is based on what you say and if I am wanting said lion after your choice I will ask politly to confirm before aging(in traditional breedings). I chased most of her cubs last year when barking when the user did not claim so ot will be rare I ask if a cub is avaible or not. This is honesty not a oh if you don't send stone I will chase this pretty cub kinda thing. The lioness can have no cubs when she is barked thus all cubs must not be nursing, and I only want Tigons mainly so please be prepared before starting this heat. If you dont have the GB to buy a IBF or Age stone I will take items. If you are having more issues with this please pm me your concern before the heat so I know the situation(this won't prevent you from getting a heat I just don't want to be suprised after getting her bred)

5.) You can reserve up to 5 heats/reverse studs (This may be edited due to people wanting to sell Gen 1 heats in Feb for fairness so take this into account. You will get regardless at least 2 heats regardless):
°I don't care how many heats at once(at 1 time) so long as you have the items and follow the above rules.

°When you get heats I will go in order of the person who reserved first(unless the next user is not online then I will look at the next user and so on)

°Please be online when the breeding takes place. If you are online your request should not take longer than 10-30 minutes if you use a online stud.

°If you reserve 2 heats and desided you want a 3rd you must wait till the user after you goes(there is chance your 3rd request may be delayed so everyone is gotten to unless you are online and think said request can be finished quickly). Unless they are not online/you have all the items ready.

°Please choose a online stud. It helps if you pm them before hand asking for their online status and letting them know of the reverse heat. These need to be fast so a online stud helps.

6.)Please send the items for the breeding to my side 57994. If you are reserving a heat before February you may send items to my main account in which I am posting from. This is only avaible in January as it is trust based and I don't want to hold items longer than needed nor do long term refunds(I will it's just very difficult)

This deal lasts Until February 28th(may update)

Tigon Breeding Info:

You must have the following listed below to breed her.
°20 Yohimbe Barks
°1 Buffalo Scrotum (Recommended), or 1 Grain of Paradise.
°1 Instant Birth Feather (If you can't afford to buy a IBF please add a item or items worth 2 and I can buy one for you to use This is a limited offer
°Aging Stones(For any lions you wish to keep, same rules as the IBF) This is a limited offer

Items listed below are not needed but you may use them.
°Crunchy Worm, or Ochre Gnawrock (Both can't be used together)
°GMO Cow, or Lion Meat(Both can't be used together)
°Great Tit (Not needed but recomended if you use a GMO Cow or Lion Meat to increases AMP Chance if the tigon roll fails).
°Opal Saltlick

If not listed above feel free to ask if you can use a specific breeding item in the breeding and if you use it what will it do. You can't use CRBs. It is at least not recommended it does not up the tigon chance and if you wish to use one you much provide 3 extra barks.

What I Provide:
°Stud Fee up to 500. I ask if you use your own stud to send the required to breed with him. My studs are free.
°Nesting Material

Item Payment:

These are Items I will accept for payment for the full litter. I will take full payment in items, but I value items a good bit lower than lowest Branch/TC price. Please keep that in mind when buying a full litter fee in items. Please note that breeding items that are avaible in February are at a lower value. You may ask if I take something not listed but I mainly want what I have listed.

°Yohimbe Barks(Not the 20 needed for the heat) 3
°Buffalo Scrotum 6-8
°Grain of Paradise 3
°Lion Scrotum 7
°Full Use Meat Pie 6
°Angelic Blessing 8
°Crunchy Worm 15
°Great Tit 2
°Gorilla Eye Apps 8
°Gorilla Marking Apps 35
°Gnawrock 30
°GMO Cow 25

Items I will not Accept:
°Event Decor (I will look at Black Friday/Limited/Some Custom Decor)
°Backgrounds(Same as Decor)
°Shadow of Deaths
°Red Cocks

Auto Breeding Payments

If you pay with one of the following options you will automatically get a full litter heat reserved for you. These are highly desired over other options if payment. You still need to send 20 Yohimbe Barks to send her into heat.These Options are the Cheapest payment besideds pure .

Option 1: 6 Buffalo Scrotums
Option 2: 12 Yohimbe Barks
Option 3: 3 Buffalo Scrotums + 6 Yohimbe Barks


Fill this out to reserve heats. Studs can be chosen starting January, but because this is so early the stud you choose if earlier may be retired or inactive. I recommend before the heat pming me a online stud.

LD Username & ID:
How many Heats do you want to start with?:
Do you want to pay the full litter fee?:
Any Questions are Concerns?:
Anything else you would like to say?:

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Edited on 24/07/20 @ 19:15:25 by Winter_Scars [Clean G2 Dorsal] (#57411)

Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

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Posted on
2019-11-07 16:46:57

The fee is for 1 litter but I will be doing the following:

I will reimburse you 50% of the cost if the heat if you pay the 50% full litter rights and no tigons are born in said litter. Meaning if you pay 50 in pure and the heat results in no tigons I will transfer 25 back to you. If you pay in items this will be 25 worth will be yours.

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Edited on 08/11/19 @ 16:19:10 by Winter_Scars [Clean HM]L/Off (#57411)

HellFire (#179258)

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Posted on
2019-12-02 21:06:58
LD Username & ID: Hell Fire | ID: 179258
How many Heats do you want to start with?: 1 only please.
Do you want to pay the full litter fee?: No because you know I am very broke.
Any Questions are Concerns?: I'll Message in the later months if I get confused.
Anything else you would like to say?: thank you <3

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💎Saffira💎 (#38132)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-12-03 08:08:42
How much does breeding cost?

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Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

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Posted on
2019-12-03 12:24:40

Split gon litters as said are free besides requiring 20 Yohimbe Barks(600 Heart Shells)and a Cub Litter item(Grain if Paradise 30HS or Buffalo Scrotum 60HS). If you wanted to pay in advance for a full litter it costs 50GB in either Pure or Items if you get no gons and pay the full litter fee 50% of the fee is transfered back.

If you have futher questions please pm me ^^

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Edited on 03/12/19 @ 14:42:26 by Winter_Scars [Clean Primal HM] (#57411)

💎Saffira💎 (#38132)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-12-03 13:09:51
Thank you, I already subscribe ^^

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mr fen [2G mandarin
slender] (#157752)

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Posted on
2020-01-01 12:32:26
LD Username & ID: mr fen 157752
How many Heats do you want to start with?: just one!
Do you want to pay the full litter fee?: nope, thanks
Any Questions are Concerns?: it's still actual, right?
Anything else you would like to say?: thank you very much for such an opportunity!

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Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

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Posted on
2020-01-01 15:56:33
@Mr Fen

As in it is a actual tigon breeding with a real Gen 1 tigon yes it is and on the 1st of Feb she will be back on my side account 57994(I may put her on this account just because it would be easier for you all to see.) Also yes this is still open if that was the question.

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Ivy|G2 Leonid
Patches (#177905)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2020-01-01 19:46:44
When are the breedings happening?

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Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

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Posted on
2020-01-01 19:51:33

As soon as teir 3 of the event opens and barks are avaible so between the 20th and the 25th most likely.

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Ivy|G2 Leonid
Patches (#177905)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2020-01-01 19:53:27
Oh okay, thanks.

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Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

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Posted on
2020-01-01 20:03:06

No problem, I will stay up the day teir 3 unlocks to take care of as many reverse heats as I possibly can as early as possible. Thank you for your interest.

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echo 🎀 (#192141)

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Posted on
2020-01-05 19:31:19

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Edited on 05/01/20 @ 19:35:28 by 🍊 echolo 🍤 (#192141)

💎Saffira💎 (#38132)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-01-05 20:02:20
LD Username & ID: 💎Saffira💎 (#38132)

How many Heats do you want to start with ?: 1

Do you want to pay the full litter fee ?: I intend to think about that. But probably yes.

Any Questions are Concerns ?:

Anything else you would like to say?: Yes, please ... Could you update the value of the items please? XD

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echo 🎀 (#192141)

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Posted on
2020-01-06 18:52:39
LD Username & ID: 🍊 echolo 🍤 #192141
How many Heats do you want to start with?: 2 (possibly, maybe 1 depending on how the first one goes)
Do you want to pay the full litter fee?: nope
Any Questions are Concerns?: nope
Anything else you would like to say?: thank you soooo much for this <3

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Edited on 06/01/20 @ 21:02:40 by 🍊 echolo 🍤 (#192141)

✮ 𝕁𝕦𝕟𝕠

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Posted on
2020-01-06 20:13:00
LD Username & ID: Ardent Lion #174194
How many Heats do you want to start with?: 1
Do you want to pay the full litter fee?: no thanks
Any Questions are Concerns?:
Anything else you would like to say?:

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