Posted by ✨The Days And Nights|Character Sheets|✨

❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-10-12 13:33:58

Main Roleplay Thread


Ah so you are interested. You need to know the basics of this land to follow the path of the group you wish to belong to. Come now, for we shall guide you on this journey.


· All of Lioden's rules apply.
· Roleplayers of any strength can join, as long as you use correct spelling and punctuation for the most part.
· High ranks must be approved by me, ranks lower than shaman and The Normal do not need approving.
· You may have as many characters as you like, but may only start with two high ranking characters.
· animals may have jewelry, clothing, etc. but must stay within semi-realistic limits. No unrealistic animals.
· God-modding, mary-sues or unrealistic characters/circumstances are prohibited. If your character dies, it dies. You cannot roleplay other people's characters or "dodge" attacks with your sick 360 skills.
· Gore, sensitive topics, birthing and mating are to be censored properly or not mentioned at all. Once your characters become mates, they will be given the option of pups after one week. This requires no steamy scenes, sorry.
· This is a laid-back roleplay, we all have lives so try and allow for at least two people to reply to the thread before posting again. If you do not respond to the roleplay thread within two weeks your characters will be presumed dead, unless you post in OOC that you will be missing.
· some creatures can have magical powers, but you need my permission
·more rules shall be added if needed

Rp Rules
· you can have powers but you must seek approval. High ranks are the most likey to have powers

· When you get attacked by a mutated monster or attacked by someone, a wheel will be rolled to see your outcome. When someone attacks you, the wheel will serve to see how bad the wounds are. In development

· More rules may be added


The ranks quite interesting. Here is how they work.

For Asteria and Apollo

Guardians are the ones the moon and sun chose to represent the sides while they work to keep the world in balance. They are the leaders and a new one is chosen after the other has died.

Guardian|1| closed - Neoma (a caracal she-cat who was originally an all black caracal)

Guardian |1|closed - Ortus (large male red wolf)

The Watchers
There are two watchers. The watchers are the ones who are second in command. One watcher is like a visor, setting up border patrols and hunting patrols, since these animals aren't completely immortal.
The other is basically the one who helps the other make decisions and gives punishments to those who disobey the law. They are called, The Second Eye.

Watcher |1| closed - Yumi (a brown and white border colie)
The Second Eye|1| (closed) Tamu (a female lioness)

Watcher |1|closed - Smokey (a male grey tabby maine coon)
The Second Eye |1| (open)

The healers of the group. The shaman takes on an apprentice to receive the knowledge passed down from many generations. They get messages from the Moon and Sun and tend to their clan mates injuries.

Shaman |1|closed - Ether (a female fossa)
Second Shaman |1| open

Shaman |1|closed Zerabi (a female wolf)
Second Shaman |1| open

These are the animals that make the weapons and other items to help with the daily lives of all the sides.

Craftsmen |2| open

Craftsmen |2| open

Craftsmen |2| open

The ones who tend to the daily chores. They hunt and patrol, ready to defend their side at all costs. They take up apprentices to train to be warriors.

Warriors |unlimited| open -
Zelda (a white tall female wolf ) apprentice: non
Faith (a female snow fox) apprentice: none
Link (a mute male wof) apprentice: none

Warriors |unlimited| open

The ones training to be warriors.

Apprentices |6| open

Apprentices |6| open

Mothers and Fledglings
Fledglings are what the sides call the children.They have to be six months old before they become apprentices.

Mothers |6| open
Fledglings |6| open

Mothers |6| open
Fledglings |6| open

For Anchorites
The ones who keep the villages around them in check.

King |1| open
Queen |1| open
Princesses |2|open - Menhit (a rebellious female panther)
princes |2| open

The Normal
The normal are basically the ones that own little shops and are merchants, living either a life of crime or a normal life.

Normal |unlimited| open - Sonja (a dark grey tabby maine coon she-cat) A merchant

The witch is the one who is connected to Apollo and Asteria. They have a strong bond with Apollo and Asteria and hold rituals to talk to the guardians or the Moon and Sun themselves. They know the dark arts and make potions to help or destroy the village.

Witch |1| open

The outsiders
They are nothing. They are no one. They roam outside the lands of villages and they are the darkness and monsters who roam this earth . They can have magic, if they are monsters. Or you could just be a loner.
W-wait.. you want to join us?!
open | unlimited
Dark (a small snow leapord)
Eclispe (a red fox)
Illudere (a silver fox who can shapeshift into others)

The Whispering RIver
A place of peace where Asteria and Apollo come together on The Peace day. They sit on rock pillars that rest on top of the waterfall while others sit on the rocks that surround the pool.

The celestial pool
A place in the moon grounds. an ancient pool surrounded by a large amount of willow trees, which are part of the willow forest. A good place to relax with a secret cave hidden behind a waterfall which guardians, shamans, and watchers go to visit to speak to the Moon. This place is surrounded by beaches, forest, and tall grassy plains.

The Bird`s Oak
A place in the sun grounds. An ancient firm tall oak that is surrounded by ancient birds. A place off limits to others and visited by the high ranks to speak to the sun. This place is surrounded by grasslands and forest.

The Borders
The Apollo and Asteria border. Battles sometimes happen here.

The Gateway
Deep into a gap between Asteria and Apollo border is a place with a portal that takes the ancient animals to the normal realm.

The village
A simple place where the normals live. Abundant and peaceful. This place can be surrounded by many different biomes but most consist of open grasslands.

The Merchant Corner
A large clearing where merchants go to sell goods. All kinds of things can be found here, even some mystic stuff!

The Castle
Home to the royals. A place with beautiful gardens and elegant hallways.

Unexplored territory beyond the villages. People apparently go there to hunt dangerous monsters!

The Scrolls
A place underground with a secret passage that leads to shelves of precious scrolls, items, and potions. A small lake lays in the middle of the stone room with koi fish in it.

The witch tower

A place on the outskirts of the village with endless rooms. No one knows what are in these rooms, but on the top floor is the witch's head quarters.

The Devil's End

An abandoned stone church, with large rocks and dead plants surrounding it. Apparently mutated monsters and dangerous villains live here.



The Peace
When Asteria and Apollo have a meeting to discuss the events of their clans. in the Whispering River. The people in the normal realm bless them on this day, well that is if you believe in them.

The Eclipse
Wait... What is this event? No one knows... It`s got to be something. Right..? Right?!


Decided to join? Very well then! Welcome! Wait... who are you?
This is only a template, feel free to add or move things to your liking.

Delete everything in parentheses.

Religion: (like belief in the moon and sun. skip this one if on Asteria or Apollo. Outsiders can have a belief but most do not.)
Breed(s): (like type of cat, dog, ect.)
Rank: (outsiders have no rank)
Family: (Relatives and kids.)
Appearance: (Photo or Description.)

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Edited on 16/10/19 @ 09:53:20 by ❝Orion❞ (#172490)


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Posted on
2019-10-12 14:32:54
Name: Yumi
Gender: femalle
Breed(s): fluffy brown border collie
Age: 17
Side: Asteria
Rank: Watcher
Sexuality: bisexual
Mate: none
Family: (Relatives and kids.): she doesnt remeber them
Personality: kind, strict, serious, playful, creative
Appearance: (Photo or Description.) she a brown border collie with blue eyes, she always wears a collar or bandana with the moon on it, she has a moon painted in black on her cheek and wears leg wraps with moons on them
History: none
Other: none

Name: Dark
Gender: female
Religion: the moon
Breed(s): a small snow leopard
Age: ???
Side: outsider
Rank: ???
Sexuality: bisexual
Mate: none
Family: all of them fear her
Personality: ???
Appearance: she seems like a normal snow leopard but she truly is a monster, she is entirely black but you can only see her pure white eyes, just white eyes, no pupils no irises, nothing jsut glowing white eyes
History: unwanted by her family, left alone of in outside world. Wait?! WHO IS SHE?!

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Edited on 12/10/19 @ 15:23:14 by Queen Emily (fluffy mane) (#171404)

Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-10-12 14:39:06
Free Image Hosting at
Name: Tamu
Gender: Female
Breed(s): Lioness
Age: 3
Side: Asteria
Rank: Second Eye
Sexuality: Bisexual
Family: none living currently
Personality: Kind, loving. sweet, stubborn, strong willed, can be harsh at times if provoked
Appearance: see above
History: Tamu was born in Asteria and has known no home aside from it.
Other: has a crush on Dark, although she will never admit it

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Edited on 12/10/19 @ 15:54:44 by Snini9 [demiurge frontal]L/on (#154479)

Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-10-12 15:56:20
Photographer: Kati H.

"Adventure isn’t hanging on a rope off the side of a mountain. Adventure is an attitude that we must apply to the day to day obstacles in life."

Name: Ortus
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf
Age: 4 years
Side: Apollo
Rank: Guardian
Sexuality: Demisexual
Mate: None
Family: N/A
Personality: As a pup, Ortus was somewhat of a wild child. He was doted upon by his young mother, and being her first ever offspring, he got his way quite a bit. He really milked everything. He was and remains a clever canine who uses his situation to his advantage. As he has grown, he's turned into a much more mature fellow, significantly different from his adolescent years when he was an absolute pain in the rear. Regardless, Ortus upholds a wild and mildly manipulative nature, despite being as level-headed as possible while in camp. There are somethings he simply can't hold back, and one of those things would be his energy.

Grudge-holding and rather dark behavior can be the outcome of Ortus' actions. As an adult, his fuse has greatly lengthened, but getting under his skin can still be really easy if the correct steps are taken. He can be a really pain in the rear when you tick him off, somewhat of a punk. His sharp tongue and quick-thinking are readily available and successful tools of his, but attempting to coolly talk things out can get him back on track, at least most times.

Bravery, or perhaps brash foolishness, is something the wolf is never lacking. While it may frighten his pals from time to time, he won't hesitation to jump straight into action. Boldness was something he developed (in a bad way) as an adolescent, and it seems to have stuck with him. Unfortunately, Ortus can be a little too straight-forward. He can step on toes and hurt feelings without always being aware that he's doing so, especially if he feels like whatever he's babbling about is of great importance to everyone.

Even with all of his major faults, from shameless objectivity to milking situations for his betterment, Ortus is a half decent guy. He loves his clan that he believes is his extended family, even if he hurts their feelings from time to time. He's eager to help the youngsters learn (especially if it means teaching them about how awesome he is), and as he's started to slowly mature, he's become a respectable member of his gang. He does slip from time to time, but he's doing his best to become something his mother can be proud of. That is what he truly lives for.
Appearance: He is massive by all manners of proportions, with long and powerful legs to provide him with confident strides. While speed may be something the power-house lacks, he's an intimidating opponent when it comes to up-close physical combat. In terms of other physical appearances, Ortus is an Apollo Guardian through-and-through: his fur is bright, the color of an orange flame, festooned with darker sable patterning. And his grin...charming as can be, especially when he wants something.
History: Ortus was born to a young and semi-inexperienced mother who loved him more than the world itself. She also happened to be the current Watcher of Apollo, therefore holding a respectable position in the group, giving her son a leg up. Ortus was smart right off the bat, and used his mother's respect to his own advantage (aka it got him out of a lot of trouble). As an adolescent he was even more troublesome, and it became clear that he had that "sun spirit".

It came as a great surprise when Ortus was selected as the next Guardian of Apollo. A few disagreed, but not a soul would dare to disagree with the sun's choosing. However, through his hard work and experience, he has gained the respect and love of his fellow sun-followers.
Smokey: Friend
Other: N/A

Photographer: Kati H.

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Edited on 13/10/19 @ 10:48:38 by Argus [Clean Mandarin] (#66829)

Duskfeather (#179614)

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Posted on
2019-10-12 17:48:23

Name: Faith
Gender: Female
Breed(s): Snow fox
Age: 16
Side: asteria
Rank: warrior
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mate: open for mate
Family: She was abandoned when she was young so none
Personality: Faith tends to stay in the shadows- which is hard when you're a white snow fox. She has a guarded personality and tends to be aggressive. She is also pretty lazy and loves to lay down in the shadows. (will add more later on)
Appearance: (Photo or Description.) Basically a silver fox with a pure white chest and muzzle, and black ear tips. She has piercing blue eyes and has a nick in her left ear
History: she was abandoned when she was young and has grown up cold to everyone and anyone.
Other: none for now

Is this good? Cause I feel it isn't

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Ignite (#159174)

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Posted on
2019-10-12 18:08:24
Name: Link (I saw a Zelda, so I couldn't help myself :"3) || Zerabi

Gender: Male || Female

Breed(s): Wolf || Wolf

Age: 3 || 10

Side: Asteria || Apollo

Rank: Warrior || Shaman

Sexuality: Pansexual|| Bisexual, leans more towards the ladies

Mate: Open || Open

Family: All dead. || Open

Personality: Independent, quiet, lonely, adventurous, determined, bold, overly curious, maybe a little crazy || Stubborn, rude, 'tough love' kinda attitude, over the top, sassy, bossy, kind in her weird sort of way

Appearance: Link is a pretty standard brown and white wolf. || Zerabi is a pitch black wolf with a starry looking pelt, similar to the interstellar base.

History: Link, once he has been old enough, has been training to become a warrior just like his father was before he died, wanting to follow in his footsteps. || Zerabi pretty much spent her whole life in the Apollo castle, and will likely die here too.

Other: Link is selectively mute, and hardly speaks unless if it is nessecary or if it is with someone he trusts and is comfortable around. || Zerabi will most likely strangle you if you don't sit down and let her treat you.

(I'm sorry, I made this most up as I went. If I need to, I'll change Link up completely, since he's based off of a Nintendo character.

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Edited on 15/10/19 @ 14:14:31 by Ignite (#159174)

myukke (#105647)

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Posted on
2019-10-12 21:48:15

image source

Name: Ether
Gender: Female
Breed(s): Fossa
Age: 6 years old

Side: Asteria
Rank: Shaman

Sexuality: Lesbian
Mate: -
Family: She has little to no memory of any relatives, and their status are unknow


Mild, analytical, logical;
Ether speaks with a soft tone that rarely lets much emotion trough, she tends to be very neutral and not pick sides in arguments, but she's often the "peace-maker" in them; she's a good listener and takes her time to weight out the pros and cons of every decision, it's not uncommon for other creatures to come to her for advice. She's a natural problem-solver, and very detail oriented, altough sometimes she can become too obsessed with rationality where there is none.

Impersonal, adaptable, perceptive;
Despite seeming very amiable from a distance, the fossa has very little emotional attachement to others, her good nature being more part of her job than an actual part of her. Most of her relationships are surface level, save from a few close, trusted friends, and even then they still might not get to see her full personality. She is very perceptive of her environment and those around her, and has no trouble adapting to what the situation needs so she can blend in, putting on a façade and conforming.

Deceitful, impish, mean-spirited;
Her gentle façade hides behind it a cynnical and broody Ether who rarely shows her face; the few creatures who can see trough her act are kept at an arms lenght. Having two distinct personalities became so ingrained in her mind that she doesn't even think about it anymore, it seems natural at this point. She would rather kept her thoughts to herself and watch drama unfold from afar, wether she caused it or not. If push comes to shove, Ether knows just the right thing to say to get someone down, and can be borderline cruel if cornered.

Appearance: Ether sports a thorny reddish-brown coat, with a few darker bits around her ears and tail, and a creamy belly. Her body is long and slender, resembling that of a cat, altough she is a few centimeters taller and is a bit "chunkier". With strong legs and a nimble body, she is quite agile, and it's not uncommon to find her dangling from a tree branch or escaling hard to reach places.

History: Ether's early years are foggy to her; she remembers small bits that are mostly scattered and don't seem to fit together. Her earliest clear recollection is being a fledling in Asteria, being cared for by the few nursing mothers; she was almost apprenticed-sized at that point, and had little emotional attachement to the ones caring for her. Her dwindling interest in being a warrior led her to the shaman path, even if the healer was a bit hesitant in taking her in as she was almost a fully grown adult by this point; she quickly proved herself more versatile as a shaman than her career as a warrior ever was.

Theme song: Ragtime Gal
Other: -

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Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-10-13 08:24:35
Photographer: Tambako The Jaguar

"I know but one freedom and that is the freedom of the mind."

Name: Menhit
Gender: Female
Species: Leopard
Age: 2.8 years
Side: Anchorites
Rank: Princess
Religion: ??? She's still finding out.
Sexuality: Innocent naive cutie, will fall for just about anyone.
Mate: None
Father: Arden (living)

Personality: The runaway princess, she who seeks adventure and her freedom rather than the title she has been handed. Menhit is the type that actively longs for what she's not given, despite being royalty and likely being handed whatever she desires. She longs for freedom and to feel the rush of adrenaline when out on an adventure, rather than being confined to her responsibilities at home. Perhaps royal blood runs through her veins, but Menhit's heart will always be wild.

Innocent youthfulness seems to surround the princess, even if she's enthusiastic to prove that she can be completely independent. All things aside, Menhit is rather naive, even if she tries her hardest to convince others that she's brazen and capable of handling herself. The princess' head is filled with so many dreams and aspirations of wild exploration stories that she'll fall for and follow just about anyone who can promise that they can give her the lifestyle she desires. The wise elders are very firm with her and argue that she's too childish, that she needs to be more realistic and careful with how she handles herself. But Menhit...she's just waiting for that exploit she's been dreaming of.

The panther is rebellious when faced with the controlling nature of others. Above all things else, she despises power-hungry individuals bent on using her to their own advantage. That cheeky and innocent nature that Menhit upholds can quickly turn into something dark and enraged when she's faced with greedy individuals. Thankfully, because she's naive, she's not always a great read of character, so this dark side is seldom shown. Most frequently, Menhit displays an affectionate, cuddly, and innocent exterior.

Appearance: Somewhat on the small side but still a beauty to uphold, Menhit isn't your typical feline creature. She still moves with grace and silence, but her coat has been dyed a dark shade by the melanism she suffers from. In sunlight, however, her leopard rosetting is still visible, giving away her strong feline heritage. Whether she likes it or not, Menhit is still accented by jewelry to give away her royal bloodline. More often than not, she wears delicate silver chains, but she sheds them frequently when she attempts to run off and explore...she usually gets an earful for this.
History: A princess at birth but an adventurer at heart, Menhit was born troublesome right off the bat. She always begged to hear wild stories after her lessons, and frequently fled from the castle to mingle among commoners to hear whatever tales they had to share. Some of the merchants and other normals would humor her, while others were skeptical about talking to the princess, in fear that they might be punished.

Time after time she's caught, but she never tires. One day, Menhit swears that she'll win at least some semblance of freedom from her responsibilities, and get to go on that adventure she's always dreamed of.
-Arden: She's secretly a daddy's girl, but also desires to sway his opinion on her own behalf, so that she can goof off as she pleases.
Other: I'm game for a rebellious betrothal plot!

Photographer: Tambako The Jaguar

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Edited on 15/10/19 @ 13:23:37 by Argus [Clean Mandarin] (#66829)

❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 09:53:02

“Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.”

Name: Neoma

Gender: Female

Breed(s): Black Caracal

Age: 25 in human years

Side: Asteria

Rank: Guardian

Sexuality: heterosexual

Mate: none, open

Family: No one really knows about her family, but her parents are obviously dead (original am i right?)

Neoma has a tendency for being stand offish, with little to no emotion being shown to others other than kindness. She doesn`t show emotion much, but it`s quite obvious when the caracal is mad or when she's happy.

Neoma is wise though, seen in her scars and her features experience and strength. She even used to tell stories about her adventures, but doesn`t do it as often as she used to. She likes peace and tranquility, using most of her free time to read ancient scrolls she has stored away or to go hunting and such. She is like a wise mother... or grandmother.

She cares about all of her followers as if they were her own children, her love and passion for them so big that she can`t even describe her extent of affection towards them. She does happen to hold a grudge against the animals of Apollo, but doesn`t show anything to them but a cold stare and a sharp tongue. She carefully picks her words, but when she is angry she can stab your heart and break it into two. She has always had a way of playing with others` emotions, but even she can`t describe how she intimidates others and puts things into order.

All she wants is tranquillity, and she hopes to keep it that way... forever.


Neoma is a black caracal, quite tall for a feline. She is about half the size of a lion, maybe the size of an adolescent one. She has long legs and a muscled frame, with faint scars across her body here and there. The most noticeable scar is the one on her shoulder shaped like a V, not healed over time and leaving a patch of bare skin to show her battles. She wears a purple cloak that matches her dazzling purple blue eyes, with a golden ribbon tied around her neck with a medallion to keep the cloak on.

She seems to have stars dappled on her pelt with a white outline, and no one knows why she is like this. Is she dead? Is she... maybe a ghost...?! Who knows!


Neoma has been through a lot in her life time. Her great great great (lots of greats am I right?) grandfather was the first caracal to join the moon, so she has always held a high level standard amongst her pupils.

Neoma grew up training to be a warrior, her deadly quiet skills and sharp mind deadly on the common battle field. Tensions were high between Asteria and Apollo when she became an apprentice, and experienced a real battle only two months after she had been appointed an apprentice. She has apparently seen Ortus on the great battle field, and maybe that`s where she got the scars?

Well some are but she has also foughten off dark monsters and outcasts, her best friend being lost to a beast and driving Neoma to protect others.

Once she was appointed a warrior, a few months later the shaman had apparently had a vision of Neoma. The shaman desperately explained that she saw a caracal leaping in front of the moon, banishing the darkness that tried to engulf the light.

Neoma was at once appointed watcher, and with little to no experience on leading she was frightened but didn`t let it show. Throughout those rough years battles went on and tragedies took hold, but Neoma kept her cool and assisted her clan until she was appointed Guardian. Someone had been envying her because of how she was treated, and tried to assassinate her, but she banished the foal beast before it was too late. But... she didn`t realise she had made a mistake.

But... she will realise it sooner than she expected .

Other: Has a british accent!

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Edited on 16/10/19 @ 07:13:30 by ❝Orion❞ (#172490)

Duskfeather (#179614)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 15:14:05
Name: eclipse
Gender: female
Religion: none
Breed(s): red fox
Age: 19
Side: none. They are a outsider
Sexuality: bisexual
Mate: open for mate
Family: dead (so original am I right?)
Personality: She tends to be trickster and loves to mess with people but when you get to know her she’s one of the biggest softies out there
Appearance: she looks like the standards thought of a fox. White chest and tail tip with orange fur and black ear tips. She has stormy blue eyes and on her her shoulder she has a black fur marking that resembles the symbol for infinity ♾
History: a lot of her history is unknown even to herself. Around 2 years back she woke up with no memory and since then would go to the village to mess with people when she could
Other: eclipse has the ability to turn invisible (to not make it op when she’s hurt she struggled with this ability and she can’t stay invisible for too long)

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Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-10-13 15:49:00
Photographer: zoofanatic

"I am lord of myself, accountable to none."

Name: Illudere
Gender: Male
Species: Silver Fox
Age: 3 years
Side: Varies, occasionally acts as a spy for Asteria/Apollo
Rank: Outsider
Sexuality: Demisexual
Mate: None
Family: N/A
Personality: He upholds the good old sly and cunning fox reputation, which gives him the upper hand in most interactions. He is a trickster through and through, sly and well-experienced in the area of thievery. What he lacks in strength and physical power is made up for in terms of intelligence and manipulation. Lu is capable of talking himself out of almost any situation, and is infamous for being seen as rather charming.

However, let it be known that the male doesn't make pleasant company. While he has a love for games and most of his actions are generally innocent, he can be horribly wicked and bitter. The fox is strongly independent and prefers to keep it that way, with a lack of trust for those surrounding him. Outside of his occasional playful run in with lost strangers, Lu is antisocial, and would prefer it to remain that way.

While his trickery is often out of good fun and amusement for himself, it should be known that Lu easily falls to temptations. He's an outsider with a lack of interest in the village life, preferring to keep to himself and not be controlled by some entitled, petty creature. Nonetheless, Lu is infamous for helping the moon and sun followers from time to time, offering up his stealthy abilities to spy on the rival faction for a...decent reward. However, nobody should ever turn their back on the fox: he'll never hesitate to stab you in the back and blackmail you to get something he wants.
Appearance: Lu is of average proportions for a fox, but he does have quite a luxurious coat that happens to be quite dense and fluffy. He prides in his silver-ticked coat, therefore frequently keeping himself clean and free from any unwanted parasites. However, for a male, the fox is rather thin, built for speed and fleeing from his enemies rather than turning to fight them. The tip of his tail is a bright white, while his amber eyes stick out like a sore thumb against his dark facial fur.
History: They say that Illudere's mother was a witch of sorts, hence his special abilities. Nonetheless she abandoned him by a pup, leaving him to be raised by several different parents over the moons. He knew he was an orphan right from the get-go, and accepted his fate by leaving the village to strike up life as an outsider. He frequently jumps travelers and uses his illusion abilities to his own advantage, stealing whatever precious items they carry with them.

The fox has also spent quite a bit of time with both Asteria and Apollo. While he is a famed traitor and is completely shameless about it, he is often used as a spy for either side. His loyalties, naturally, always rest with the highest bidder!
Relationships: N/A
Other: Illudere is able to take on the exact appearance and scent of others (shape-shifter).... however, he retains his own voice (weakness). He uses this illusion ability to his own advantage, for both spy work and personal triumphs.


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Edited on 13/10/19 @ 16:24:19 by Argus [Clean Mandarin] (#66829)

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 17:40:27

"A minute to pray, a second to die."

Arden {Latin: burning}



Leopard {Panthera Pardus}

Six years



Heterosexual {but he don't judge}

Whomever the Queen may be.

Atrox: father, deceased {thankfully}
Karus: mother, deceased
Puella: stepmother, deceased
Ales: brother, alive, location unknown {character available upon request}
Menhit: daughter, alive, deeply beloved

Arden is, perhaps, the acme of suavity. He's smooth, well spoken, and quite charming. His diplomacy skills are nothing to scoff at, and they are perhaps the only reason he's made it so far. Even as a cub he convinced authority figures to give him extra play time or extend his bedtime deadline. As an adolescent he charmed his way out of training whenever he was too tired or just lazy. He never did it often, just enough to avoid raising suspicion. He formed a sort of 'mock debate' club with a few other apprentices, and his diplomacy skills thrived. As one might be able to extract from this, Arden is actually a huge nerd. Knowledge and the pursuit of it are far more thrilling than chasing after enemies, though as king that is part of his job description.

He makes up for his lack of 'fiery blood' in his strict rules and training. He adores cleanliness and organization, often directing his army in aesthetically pleasing patterns and shapes. He keeps his appearance meticulously neat, grooming himself whenever a single hair falls out of place.The grounds upon which he lives are kept orderly and neat, as all things should be. His coat glistens, and he makes sure his followers look the same way. He will not stand for poorly turned out subordinates. His infatuation with appearance means flattery is a very easy way into his heart, not that he's especially closed off to others. He shows his affection openly, whether it be to friends or a mate. He does not feel shame about his emotions, and he's quite open. However, crying makes him uncomfortable, as its quite the messy emotion.

Arden likes to live life pre-planned. Neat, orderly, concise and predictable. He seeks to stay separate from the conflict between followers of the sun and moon, and advises his subjects to do the same. War is messy. War is a toll on physical, financial, and mental well being. War means he's failed not only as a diplomat, but as a king. And Arden does not stand for failure. He may be kind, soft, and neat, but failure is one of the few things the king can not accept. It's best that's remembered. Arden will give without hesitation, but he always expects something back, whether it be a service, supplies, or information. Should a gift reciever be unable or unwilling to follow through, the king can work out payment plans. Should they still ignore his diplomatic solutions, he does keep a rather clean, but still dreary, dungeon.

As is to be believed, his rebellious daughter drives him a little batty. But he loves her more than life itself, and often dotes on her to prevent Menhit from ever having the tumultuous childhood he did. She is his weak spot, and he can often be spotted trying to groom her before a big event. He tries his best to keep her in the castle and... clean... but her thirst for adventure, though albeit mysterious to Arden, draws her away. When she's not in the castle he launches into a fully fledged panic, sending guards and other palace residents on a wild goose chase until she's found.

The most striking part of Arden is his coat. That heavily patterned pelt that stretches luxuriously across his form. The king keeps it neat, immaculate even, occasionally going so far as to bathe in a calm stream should the weather permit. His bearing is what is to be expected from royalty: upright, stiff, and composed. But expose even the smallest part of a heart to the kind king, inflate his rather sturdy, but somewhat reasonably sized ego, and he becomes a kinder friend. He's rather average in size, though he errs more on the heavy size due to the... perks... of kingship. His weight is not excessive, just a few extra pounds more than most might prefer.

His claws are sharpened to a fine point, though they are more for show than anything. The king could not even begin to fathom the savagery that drives one to wet one's paws with another's blood. Blood is messy, it stains, it smells, he'd rather avoid it all together. Even his teeth are white, pearly fangs that often glint in the light. Everything is composed, immaculate, and planned, from the king's rounded ears to the tip of his spotted well groomed tail. Cleanliness, after all, is next to godliness. His muscles are most prominent in his shoulders and hindquarters, while his few extra pounds hang around his abdomen. The sinews are lean and soft, relatively unused to hard work. His eyes surprisingly muted, bearing a soft, mirthful grey color. His paws are large, but not comically un-proportional. Most ridiculous about Arden's appearance, perhaps, is his conformation. When he stands, his paws are drastically toed out, almost so that ankles face each other. This flaw will most definitely affect him heavily as he ages, leading to arthritis and lameness.

The king's angles are soft, his muzzle, hindquarters, and shoulder blades are all rounded, his ribs invisible, his hips padded. He has not known physical hardship. He bears a single scar on his left shoulder, a small crescent moon in his fur, artfully placed by his own father in a near-rabid fit of rage. Even that wound was quickly tended to, it simply did not mend as it was supposed to.

Arden was the eldest in a litter of two. He and his brother were Karus' only litter. She birthed them at a rather old age after trying for years to conceive. When the brothers were born, Atrox began to lose his mind. It began with mild paranoia, manageable enough for Karus to calm. However, the birth took quite a bit out of her, and despite everyone's best efforts the beloved queen passed a week after the long-awaited birth of the heir. Atrox began to despise his cubs, ignoring them and sometimes refusing to see them. He would throw fits of rage, leaving deep furrows in any nearby soil and tearing plants to shreds. Quite frankly, the brothers were afraid of him. He would have run the kingdom into the ground had it not been for Puella. She was far less timid than Karus, and though her disputes with Atrox often turned physical and he nearly killed her once, she became the firm rock Atrox needed.

Puella demanded he step up to the plate and train his sons. Puella had been unable to bear cubs of her own, and took the brothers under her rather rugged wing, speaking for them in their father's presence. He reluctantly obeyed, taking his sons to diplomatic missions (Arden's favorites) and overseeing their training. Arden only played his charismatic card on days when he father failed to attend which, by the brother's first year, was beginning to outnumber the days he did show up. He was withdrawing again, paranoia running rampant, swearing his sons were attempting to kill him and take the throne. His second wife became enraged, even threatening to take the cubs away, when he killed her. The body was quietly disposed of, a memorial was held, and a rumor was spread that the queen had fallen ill with a horrible, rapid disease and passed within days. Both brothers adored Puella, and their love for their father was... sparse, to say the least.

Arden and Ales were scheduled to leave the castle for a week and tour the kingdom when the king became fatally ill. The reluctantly stood vigil at his bedside while he cursed them with his dying breaths. The same rumor was spread, a disease, a quick death, clean. Arden attended his coronation within a week, and Ales bid a good-natured goodbye as he went off to explore the world. The young, newly crowned king found himself drawing upon Karus' compassion, Puella's strength, and the fearlessness both queens exhibited. He often uses his father as the perfect example of a mad, cruel, horrendous king. Every day, he strives to better his father and emerge from the dark shadow.


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Edited on 14/10/19 @ 14:57:03 by Polopony (#96942)

LunarLion (#186464)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-10-14 10:44:21
Name: Shadow and Angel
Gender: females
Religion: Shadow has no beliefs.
Breed(s): (like type of cat, dog, ect.) Angel is an albino zebra while Shadow is a black panther
Age: Shadow is 6 and Angel is like 4 in horse years.
Side: None for Shadow, Angel is on the good side. (#Light-Side Star Wars) [Asteria]
Rank: Shadow is an outsider
You choose Angel's rank.
Sexuality: Shadow is straight, Angel is bisexual
Mate: None x2
Family: (Relatives and kids.) They lost theirs.
Personality: Shadow is rude, egotistical, mean, aggressive, bossy, stealthy, voices her opinions a bit too loudly, agile, sarcastic and snarky.
Angel is shy, sweet, kind, caring, loyal, smart, swift and agile, loving and just about all nice things there are to be said.
Appearance: (Photo or Description.)
Angel: A white albino zebra with very light ginger stripes instead of black, golden eyes.
Shadow: Big black panther, sleek fur, emerald green eyes, well built, sturdy, well muscled, visibly muscular.
History: they once knew each other when they lived in the same zoo, an enclosure across from the other, they shared a bond but then one day Shadow turned on Angel because of what other panthers were saying, Shadow got out of the panther enclosure, got into Angel's enclosure alongside Mikah (Shadow's younger brother) and 'killed' Angel, but not without consequence.
Other: I had too take down the photos.

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Edited on 17/10/19 @ 18:06:09 by LunarLion (#186464)


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Posted on
2019-10-14 11:57:42

Image source

Name: Mina
Gender: female
Religion: Apollo
Breed(s): tortishell
Age: 3 years old
Side: Apollo
Rank: Witch
Sexuality: bisexual
Mate: none
Family: sadly both parents diseased
Personality: kind,protective, goofy, good shop dealer
Appearance: photo above
History: none atm
Other: small merchant in the village

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Edited on 26/01/20 @ 19:36:35 by Stubby |Dwarf hoarder| (#171404)

❝Orion❞ (#172490)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-10-14 12:36:39

``The Devil whispered, "You can't withstand the storm." The warrior replied, "I am the storm."``


Grey-white tabby maine coon

20 in human years




None, open

Relationships (updated constantly)
Ortus - close friend
Neoma - Enemy

He doesn`t know if his parents alive, but his sister is Sonja!


Smokey, with such a peculiar name, has a interesting personality as well!

Smokey is kind to his Apollo companions, with a cuddly and humble character. He enjoys his friends and keeps them close, like second family since he isn`t really in contact with his sister and parents. He is quite cheerful around them and enjoys Ortus a lot! He finds his canine friend the best companion he could ask for and admires his guardian`s strength and courage. He even goes on piggyback rides with Ortus. With this kind personality, Smokey has a serious side that shows his true power.

Smokey apparently holds a huge distaste to the Asterian animals, with no clear reason why. He seems to know Neoma quite well... He acts like an angry owl, with a sharp tongue and only striking once necessary. His anger is as clear as day when he shows it, and you probably don`t want him turning on you with those words of venom. He uses his serious side to help the clan and plan battle attacks, his body built for the frontlines. It does take time before Smokey regains himself, since he sometimes has huge fits of anger.

It`s surprising how anyone can stand him, but it`s probably because he holds it in and tries to not be sharp. He is quite calm because of this, but sometimes get agitated. He apparently also has Nyctophobia, which is a fear of the dark, which drives his scorn to Asteria even further.

Smokey tries to stay calm and joyful, and hides his emotions well.Smokey will always be loyal and have the heart of a true warrior, no matter what he must do.


Smokey is a white-grey tabby with amber golden eyes. He has long legs and a muscled frame, those is quite skinny. He even has small paws, but has sharp and pearly white teeth and claws which is a contrast to his fuzzy and charmy appearance.

He has a small piece of his ear torn out on his left ear and a scar on his muzzle, which shows his courageous and battle-hungry side. He has quite a bushy tail as well, with long tufted ears. His eyes stand out quite a lot, sometimes seeming intimidating to others due to the sharp bright golden color.

A strange part about this cat is that he has a completely dark grey right front leg and a dark grey paw on his right back leg, with the end of his bushy tail completely dark. Though the colors and his fur length don`t go well with his environment, it has adapted to become shorter and he tends to use thorns to help tear out long hair tufts.

With this appearance, he just looks like a charming fluffy package packed into one.


Smokey has deep history. Before he used to live with his sister, helping her take down monsters and beasts for rewards and to sell goods. He apparently ran off one day to explore the forest, going into the dense forest to get a monster and found an abandoned tower. He read about the legend of the moon and sun and began to seek to join the sun.

After countless days of going under the cover of night and researching, he found the abandoned castle ruins and placed his paw on the symbol of a storm over a misty forest. From that day forward, he tried to adapt to being a new kid in the Apollo lands.

Some animals were wary and didn`t trust him, but he said he would prove himself if he had to, and then the day came to do so. He went into a battle with Asterians and killed one of Neoma`s dear friends, causing the caracal to attack him and claw a long scar on his neck.

He nearly could`ve died if Neoma hadn`t hesitated. He took the advantage and had gotten up and dragged himself back to camp, carrying the body of the dead animal who he had killed. Had he done it right? Had he proven himself?

After that, the animals of the Apollo accepted him due to the fact he had killed an animal of Asteria to defend the Apollians. So, Smokey continued to stay loyal to his clan. May the day come where he must fight Neoma again, he will find her and this time he won`t make the same mistake she did.

He won`t hesitate

Australian accent! Crikey! see what I did there?- No? Ok bye-

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Edited on 16/10/19 @ 16:49:38 by ❝Orion❞ (#172490)

LunarLion (#186464)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-10-15 13:02:51
Name: Rose
Gender: Female
Religion: (like belief in the moon and sun. skip this one if on Asteria or Apollo. Outsiders can have a belief but most do not.) Unsure
Breed(s): (like type of cat, dog, ect.) Caracal
Age: 4
Side: unsure
Rank: (outsiders have no rank) villager
Sexuality: straight
Mate: Storm
Family: (Relatives and kids.)
Personality: wip
Appearance: (Photo or Description.)
She is a normal Caracal, except her fur is on the red side, her eyes are hazel brown/green, she has white undersides.
History: She doesn't like to talk about her past.
Other: n/a

Name: Storm
Gender: Male
Religion: (like belief in the moon and sun. skip this one if on Asteria or Apollo. Outsiders can have a belief but most do not.) Unsure
Breed(s): (like type of cat, dog, ect.) Bobcat
Age: 5
Side: undecided
Rank: (outsiders have no rank) Villager/Merchant
Sexuality: Straight
Mate: Rose
Family: (Relatives and kids.)
Personality: He rants a bit, he's kind, caring, loyal, swift, agile, smart, diligent, and kind of quiet.
Appearance: (Photo or Description.)
He looks like any normal bobcat, but the only difference is the fact he has a dark brown marking on his face that looks like a mustache, his fur is light brown, his eyes are dark green.
History: He isn't one who talks much and whenever others ask about his history he does everything he can to get around the question, you'd have to catch him when he's ranting and ask him about his past to actually learn about it.
Other: is personality a must? I forgot

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Edited on 20/10/19 @ 18:24:41 by LunarLion (#186464)

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