Posted by ✨The Days And Nights|open|✨

❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-10-12 13:33:58

Girl in a jacket

sign ups | OOC

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Millions of years ago, in a world of no humans, the sun and moon were rivals. The moon was jealous of the sun, being stronger and lighting up the world during the day. When the sun went to rest, the moon was left alone with nothing but itself to light up the emptiness of the sky. The moon felt alone, wanting companions to also light up the sky above. So the moon seeked the help of the creatures of the world below. The moon asked animals, animals across the globe, to help him bring light to the night sky.

The animals were surprised and were wary, but some animals changed their minds when the moon told them that they would become legends and people would talk about them for centuries. Some animals stepped forward to help the moon. The critters went to a large tower-like-ruin, where they would place their paws on a constellation and were sent up to light up the sky. With more and more animals going up to light up the sky at night, the sun became jealous of the moon.

The sun also seeked guidance from the animals of earth. The animals who accepted went to a castle ruin, where there they would place their paws over markings of types of natural occurences of the weather and nature itself. The animals joined the sun, bringing life and destruction to the world.

Everyday, the animals of the Moon and Sun went down to earth disguised as normal animals to watch it`s creatures. They seem to work together to protect this earth, but really they do not. The Sun and Moon were still in deep turmoil with one another, and the animals had chosen sides. A war seemed to be brewing... So... Which side are you on?

The Sides


Girl in a jacket

Animals of Asteria followed the moon and they lit up the night. They are usually peaceful and wise, some tend to be lazy. They seem peaceful with one another and try not to argue with the animals of the sun, but they still despise the ones on the sun`s side. In the sky they live in a moon fortress, with no roof to let the stars shine through. The moon fortress even has a large fountain, with dim lamps that cover the hallways. They all live in harmony up in their fortress, that is until the animals of the sun strike them.

Girl in a jacket

The animals of Apollo follow the sun. They are energetic and expressive, some even so confident their self-confidence only seems to blind them from the world around them. They are revolted by the animals of the moon, even saying nasty things about them. They live in a castle, with many windows to let the light of the sun shine through and lucious gardens.

Girl in a jacket

The animals who live in villages across the world and who live normal lives. Some believe in the sun, others believe in the moon, and others don't have a belief. They live normal lives as they go through the daily events of life. A kingdom of royals watch over the villagers, some being cruel and others being kind. With this interesting society, the anchorites try to go through their ordinary lives.

Which side are you on dear? Who will you follow? who do you trust

Current events
No... It can't be!.. He's supposed to be dead! His supposed to be gone!
He's back!


More information on the ranks and events on the sign up page!

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Edited on 15/10/19 @ 07:48:25 by ❝Orion❞ (#172490)

Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-10-12 13:46:22
Ooo! Definitely interested!

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Posted on
2019-10-12 13:47:59
same here

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❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-10-12 13:59:15
ah thank you! I am working on the sign up thread right now!

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❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-10-12 14:25:25

The roleplay starts here!

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Edited on 12/10/19 @ 15:48:42 by ❝Orion❞ (#172490)

❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-10-12 15:47:53

Neoma | Caracal | Guardian | Location: Moon Fortress | Mentions: Open

The dazzling moon light dimly lit the Asteria camp, the dancing rays shining on the frame of the black caracal with stars in her pelt and dazzling blue eyes. This was Neoma with wisdom and experience shown in her features. She was laying on the rock where she usually held meetings, feeling quite lazy as the camp began to stir. It was everlasting night here, and she enjoyed the peace and the sounds of the river not far from the fortress.

She sat up straight as her eyes scanned the camp and the mossy nests of her sleeping friends, a small smile appearing on her muzzle. The purple cloak she wore flowed in the wind as she jumped down from the rock, her steps graceful as she walked passed the sleeping animals towards the fortress entrance.

The sound of crickets welcomed her presence as she stepped outside, the usual chill of the night more comforting. She couldn't imagine how the animals of Apollo bared the heat in their lands! She sighed, eyes fixing on the moon above. They were watching her... Everyone she cared about. She then walked into the forest, the shadows swarming her as she disappeared into the forest.

Zelda | Warrior | Wolf | Location: Moon Fortress | Mentions: Neoma (indirectly)

Zelda awoke to the sound of crickets and rustling. She opened her icy blue optics and raised her head, only just in time to see Neoma walk out of camp. Zelda did not call out to her, only letting Asteria`s protector walk into the forest. She sighed, rising to her paws and stretching her long legs.

Her ears twitched as she walked into the moonlight and breathed in the cold damp air. Ah yes. This was home.

Sonja | Maine Coon | Merchant | Location: Village | Mentions: open

``Greetings Sonja!``

``Ah good morning Sonja!``

This is what Sonja usually woke up to as she strolled through the bustling streets of the village. It was still early morning and the air was still cold from last night. She breathed in the frost, her body feeling a burst of light as the cold air brushed her pink nose. With her satchel, scarf, and goggles she was prepared to go monster hunting for her usual merchant items. She enjoyed the thrill a lot and liked getting awards for her deeds.

This morning she had heard that the queen and king wanted people to go track down a bull monster and retrieve the horns of the beast for the king and queen. Others wanted to get it as well but she wouldn`t let them. She wanted- no she needed - to get the horns of the bull creature. She wanted to get the big amount of Dinar, the type of currency they had, and use it to help her family and her business!

Excitement only made her pace quicken as the sun began to rise over the forest and the village, the light bouncing of the castle and the air filling with bird song.

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Posted on
2019-10-12 15:56:30

| Yumi | Brown border collie | Watcher | Location: Moon Fortress | Mentions: Open

She slept on her mossy bed, shifting in her sleep of a dream she wanted to wake from but it never happened, she finally shot upwards awake, shaking her head, her collar making a small bell noise as she looked around. Yawning she got up and began looking around.

| Dark | small snow leopard | shadow | Location: forest | Mentions: Open

She rested in the darkness of the forest, hiding from the sight of the people in the villiage, waiting for some possible bait, she hated the life she used to live, but now she roamed the woods, day and night, hiding from the animals of each side, she groaned in bordem, exploring her woodlen home in search for some food

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Duskfeather (#179614)

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Posted on
2019-10-12 18:22:14
Faith| Warrior | snow fox | Location: the celestial pool | Mentions: open

Faith jumped onto the branch of a willow tree and let out a content sigh as she lay down on the hard branch. Faith watched as the birds fluttered about switching from tree to tree. The shadows of the branches covered her whole and would have hid her fully if she had a darker fur color.

(I had no inspiration so sorry that its dull)

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Ignite (#159174)

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Posted on
2019-10-12 19:59:12
Zerabi | Shaman | Wolf | Location - Sun Fortress | Mentions: Open

The dark furred shaman, Zerabi, grumbled to herself as she sorted out her store of medical herbs for what seemed to be the fifth time in a row for today. There was nothing to do, absolutely nothing! She wanted something to happen. Anything! Even if a battle were to happen, that'd be great! Well, not for the ones who get injured or possibly killed, but at least it'd give her something to do. For the past for quarter moons, just about nothing has been happening. So each day just drags on in a rather boring manner. She and her second shaman have gathered up all their needed herbs over a moon ago, so there was no need to go out searching for more. And no one has gotten ill, injured, or pregnant. So there's not at all much to do other then sort all of the herbs and clean up her herbal store in case something rotted or whatever. The she-wolf huffed out a sigh, taking a seat on the floor below her. "Wish that there were someone around to liven up things a bit," she muttered to herself.

Link | Warrior | Wolf | Location - Moon Fortress | Mentions - Open

The young male let out a long, rather drawn out yawn, shaking his pelt a bit as he did so. Link had awoken rather early in the morning and had just arrived back to the fortress from having patrolled around their territory on his own, which was a thing he normally did each day. To wake at the crack of dawn, patrol, maybe even hunt a little just to do it, and then return to camp to see if he would be appointed to do something else, like patrol again, train someone, etc. He has yet to train another animal, and he was rather anxious over it. What if he messed up? What if he taught his apprentice the wrong thing?

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Posted on
2019-10-12 20:01:20

| Dark | small snow leopard | shadow | Location: forest | Mentions: Open |

She walked around her dark home, her normal blue eyes scanning for prey, or a lost villager to bother or kill or possibly scare to death. She rested nearby the Moon Fortress, her eyes turning completely white as her fur turned black like her surroundings, she began looking around the area, she wanted to bother someone, scare someone, or atleast steal their food. Her dark fur hiding her from sight only her white glowing eyes could be seen in the darkness as she looked around, picking up the scent of a mouse and following it. she swiftly killed it, eating it as she kept her eyes on the Moon Fortress, she returned to normal, her fur back to the normal snow leopard fur and her blue eyes as she watched from afar

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Posted on
2019-10-12 20:24:40
| Yumi | brown border collie | watcher | location: moon fortress | mentions: Link

"Welcome back Link!" her cheerful voice spoke with a smilee, she padded over, her little moon on her collar making a sort of bell noise. "anything to report?" she asked as she tilted her head in curiosity

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Ignite (#159174)

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Posted on
2019-10-12 20:48:34
Link | Wolf | Warrior | Location - Moon Moon Fortress | Mentions - Yumi

Link's ears perked up before he swiveled his head around, catching sight of Yumi. He simply shook his head in reply to the border collie, having nothing much to report. Things have been pretty peaceful and there have been no scent of trespassers. So all was good, which he was glad for. Everything and everyone in their territory would be safe, as long as no one decides to pop up and attack them or if some sort of sudden threat were to happen.

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Posted on
2019-10-12 20:52:56
| Yumi | brown border collie | watcher | location: moon fortress | mentions: Link and Dark (indirectly)

"im so glad! theres this shadow getting on my nerves, shes been scaring alot of the villagers children, some even missing!" she said in a worried tone, her blue gaze looking at him with sadness and fear "We need to keep a look out for her" she said her tone of voice serious

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Ignite (#159174)

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Posted on
2019-10-12 21:00:00
Link | Wolf | Warrior | Location: Moon Fortress | Mentions - Yumi, Dark (Indirectly)

"Hm..?" Link tilted his head towards the other. There was a shadow going around and scaring people? That sure was...something. What sort of shadow has been doing that? How could shadows do that? Or maybe what she meant was someone who was dark like a shadow was sneaking around or something of that sort. He then nodded once towards his friend. Seems like now he'll need to keep a look out for this mystery shadow.

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Posted on
2019-10-12 21:07:41
Dark | small snow leopard | shadow | location: near moon fortress in the forest | mentions: Link and yumi (both indirectly)

she laughed her evil laugh, she sighed with a smile

"Ah those fools! How can they keep watch of me when they cant see me?!" she smirked a devilish smirk.

The small female padded closer to the fortress, her icy blue stare on the canines. She could send shivers down spines with that glare. She sat down, once again turning as black as the shadows around her, only leaving her evil white eyed stare, and an unnoticeable smirk as she kept watch

"this will be fun" she thought her tail curling around her paws in satisfaction

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Ignite (#159174)

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Posted on
2019-10-12 21:12:53
(Are powers like that or powers in general even allowed? .-.

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