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FrootCake (#176680)

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Posted on
2019-10-17 12:32:44

Welcome to the Dragon Cove!

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Edited on 21/12/19 @ 23:15:19 by A Whisper in the Wind (#176680)

πšŽπš› (#147078)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 10:22:22
sent :3

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Ama (#183150)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 10:37:41

You choose Dynth to accompany you on your journey. While not particularly pleased, he follows along anyway. As you trek up the the mountain, you reach a crossroads, and you both pause. To the right, a long smooth trail that circles along the mountain. Could take quiet a while to get to the top. To the left, a rocky uneven path leading straight up the mountain. Looks dangerous, but it would be the quickest route. Do you:

A) Turn right. Better safe than sorry.
B) Turn left. Faster you get there, the faster you can go home.

You decide to check out the rocky hills. You hear it's home to Daear, the mighty earth dragons. You fill up a backpack with as much food, water and equipment as you can, and set out. After a while, you start to tire. Do you:

A) Keep going. You can rest when you get there.
B) Sit on a boulder for a quick breather. The hills aren't going anywhere.

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πšŽπš› (#147078)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 10:39:49
I'm a lazy potato so I'll choose B

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_Slame_ [G2 Ice
Felis] (#173712)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-12-01 10:42:48
A, better safe than sorry. Don't need Dynth not wanting to go on adventures with me more xD

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Ama (#183150)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 10:54:57
You begin your long walk. Dynth trails behind you, looking utterly bored. You tell him to cheer up, and you hear him snort. The snound is followed by a deep whine You turn to look at him, eyebrows raised, but he just tilts his head at you, looking as confused as you feel. As you continue to stare at each other, you hear the whine again. You look around, trying to identify the source of the noise. You hear it once more, and you lean your head over the side of the trail. A dragon seems to have fallen off the side, it's wing pinned down by a boulder. Must have gotten caught in a rockslide.Do you:

A) Leave and go get help
B) Decide to help him yourself

You plop down on the largest rock to catch your breath, setting down your backpack. You take a sip from your water, nearly choking as you suddenly topple to the ground. You spin around, watching as the "boulder" gets up and shakes itself off. Oops. You contemplate running, but it just stares at you, before grabbing your backpack in it's jaws and taking off. Hey! Do you:

A) Chase after it, you need that!
B) Let it go. Not worth the trouble.

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_Slame_ [G2 Ice
Felis] (#173712)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-12-01 10:58:17
B! Dynth best use them three mouths to help, big as they are complaining about adventuring with me. Hmmph! xD

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πšŽπš› (#147078)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 11:01:45
I choose A please :3

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Ama (#183150)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 11:15:41
You climb onto Dynth's back and fly down to the injured dragon. It growls at the two of you, thrashing its tail and snapping its jaws. You raise your hands to show you mean it no harm, while Dynth is giving it warnings of his own. After a minute of them snarling at each other, the injured dragon lowers its head an lets out a pitiful sound. You take a chance and lean forward, rubbing it's head soothingly. It closes its eyes, laying down its head. You make your way toward the boulder, trying to figure out how to move it. Do you:

A) Ask Dynth to try and move it. He looks strong enough.
B)Try and find something to use as leverage. You and Dynth could probably hoist the rock off if you work together.

You race after the dragon, straining to keep up with it. It seems to have a wicked sense of humor, as it stops every so often, only to continue running every time you get close. What a troll. Do you:

A) Give up and start heading back. You can just buy more equippment.
B) Stand still and cross your arms. You're done playing keep away.

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Edited on 01/12/19 @ 11:15:55 by ~Arya StarkπŸ’œPrimal Lover~ (#183150)

πšŽπš› (#147078)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 11:19:04
B please

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Ama (#183150)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 11:47:10
You stop chasing it, planting your feet and holding your ground. It turns its head in confusion, inching closer before turning and dashing a couple yards. Just as you thought, he wants to be chased. You lean down to sit down on a boulder, examining that it is actually a rock this time; while shooting a shrug at the dragon, as if you couldn't care less. After a few more moments of trying to get you to follow, it gives up, bouncing over and dropping the pack in your lap.
Is this an apology? Do you:

A) Rub its head and thank it. After all, you kind of started this by sitting on it.
B) Nod and leave. After that workout, you really just want to sleep.

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πšŽπš› (#147078)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 11:50:35
I'm choosing A, he somehow is a good boi

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hoarder (#184208)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 13:02:27

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_Slame_ [G2 Ice
Felis] (#173712)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-12-01 14:53:28
B please, don't want to strain him and have him get hurt.

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FrootCake (#176680)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-12-01 15:00:24

Despite the desperate chirps coming from Moonchaser, you walk up to the other Fliuchon and greet her. She's so eager to talk to someone, that her chirps are quick and loud. You nod along with her, acting as if you understand- or maybe you actually do? Then she stops to take a breath.

A. Bid your farewell.
B. Invite her along!

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hoarder (#184208)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 15:01:51

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