Posted by [Oct] New Event Item?

soupy ice cream (#143945)

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Posted on
2019-10-17 17:36:30
I’ve had an idea in my mind for a couple of days now.
People have the option of choosing Hell or Heaven to side with and can battle demons/angels (depending on who they chose). Or they can stay with Nirah.
So, maybe this item can be sold in the Blood Beetle Shack or Nirah’s Shop.

I was thinking of an item that attracts the enemy. Kind of like Catnip, but instead of lionesses it’s for demons or angels. I would call it the Enemy Attractor or EA.

To attract demons, it would be a bundle of Nepheline Feathers and some Nepheline fur. Your king would put the EA in his mane and go exploring. You would encounter a lot of demons, which are attracted to the scent of the Nephelines.

To attract angels, it would be a bundle of Demonic Scales and the fur of some demons. Unlike putting the bundle in your mane, your king would rub it all over his fur. He would still go out exploring and would encounter a lot of angels, which are attracted to the scent of their enemies.

Hope you support me! And if you don’t, please explain in the comments! Thanks!

This suggestion has 14 supports and 6 NO supports.

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Edited on 30/10/19 @ 19:37:21 by a Moderator

Devyn (#145320)

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Posted on
2019-10-23 09:23:40
I don't know about the whole scent thing, really, and for the appearances it should be opposite- to attract you must disguise as them opposite side instead of as the side you are on, as if to trick them.
To attract demons you look like one
to attract angels you look like one

plus, wings and the demonic whip exist, if that would be the case they'd already smell good/bad.

also i feel as though there are already plenty of encounters with them, and even if you dont you can bless/bind pretty much all enemies, and chased lionesses

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Zambz (#2687)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-12-20 19:18:35
IMO there's alrdy plenty of demons/angels as it is so I can't rly see this being beneficial to be perfectly honest .w.

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