Posted by "Calico-like" Breed only pie idea

Snom [G1 Ambrosia
Ticked] (#167537)

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Posted on
2019-11-04 14:44:41
Please be kind this is my first surgestion and I don't fully understand how piebald genetics pass but feel free to point out anything I missed.

Since Black Friday is nearly upon us the discussion of pies is a more common subject it seems and I thought of a possibly simple way to add a intresting flavour to the piebalds and patches.
A 99% female mix of a piebald and a patches that would be a rare occurance in patch to pie breeding.

For example:

Say a heavy pieblad king was crossed with a fringe lioness normally there would be a a chance for either to show up in the litter but what if rarely a female cub was born with both (Males would be super rare but possible due to how calico cat genetics work but more on that below) which could throw either but at a lower chance than normal?

Now what is a calico then?

According to wikipedia

"A calico cat is a domestic cat with a coat that is typically 25% to 75% white with large orange and black patches (or sometimes cream and grey patches). They are exclusively female except under rare genetic conditions. A calico is not to be confused with a tortoiseshell, which has a mostly mottled coat of black/orange or grey/cream with relatively few to no white markings. However, outside North America, the calico pattern is more usually called tortoiseshell and white"

"Calico cats are almost always female because the locus of the gene for the orange/non-orange coloring is on the X chromosome. In the absence of other influences, such as color inhibition that causes white fur, the alleles present in those orange loci determine whether the fur is orange or not. Female cats, like all female placental mammals, normally have two X chromosomes. In contrast, male placental mammals, including chromosomally stable male cats, have one X and one Y chromosome.[Since the Y chromosome does not have any locus for the orange gene, there is no chance that an XY male could have both orange and non-orange genes together, which is what it takes to create tortoiseshell or calico coloring.[citation needed]

One exception is that in rare cases faulty cell division may leave an extra X chromosome in one of the gametes that produced the male cat. That extra X then is reproduced in each of his cells, a condition referred to as XXY, or Klinefelter syndrome. Such a combination of chromosomes could produce tortoiseshell or calico markings in the male, in the same way as XX chromosomes produce them in the female.

All but about one in three thousand of the rare calico or tortoiseshell male cats are sterile because of the chromosome abnormality, and breeders reject any exceptions for stud purposes because they generally are of poor physical quality and fertility. In any event, because the genetic conditions for calico coloring are X linked, a fertile male calico's coloring would not have any determination in the coloring of any male offspring (who would receive the Y, not the X chromosome from their father)."

Now I say calico-like because of the patches are all black based and I'm not sure if the males should be king-able and personally if males were possible I would make them a lethal as they are generally less healthy than the more common females or make it a female-only mutation.

Any thoughts about my idea or any calico genetic infomation I should add?

This suggestion has 93 supports and 2 NO supports.

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🌻 the serval
spots (#98320)

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Posted on
2019-11-04 14:48:23
Normally I don't like things like this but this is a REALLY cool idea.

Imagine that on Fiery base.

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Dusk | G1 3X ROS
Ennedi (#158229)

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Posted on
2019-11-04 14:48:33
I've heard it was either male calicos or tortoiseshells couldn't have children, maybe if we did happen to get a male, you could either sex-change it or just not king it (since they wouldnt be able to produce)

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Edited on 04/11/19 @ 14:48:42 by Dusk (Clean Divine Withered) (#158229)

Snom [G1 Ambrosia
Ticked] (#167537)

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Posted on
2019-11-04 14:52:29
@Dusk (Clean Divine Withered) (#158229) I think that would be a great idea to fix the male thing.

@the serval spots💛🌼 (#98320) I didn't imagine that! My first mental image was a demonic clouded/striped but that would be quite the visual experiance!

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Edited on 04/11/19 @ 14:52:40 by 🍄 Nimravid 🍄 [Sub] (#167537)

Dusk | G1 3X ROS
Ennedi (#158229)

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Posted on
2019-11-04 14:55:52
Also, there's a 1-in-3000 chance for a calico male, so if you DID perhaps get it, you could sell it, like a frozen gon/lethal (since there's no use for them, but they still go for a lot)
like I've seen frozen gons and lethals in for trade and I don't get it, probably for flexing purposes ffffffff

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🗡️ LunarKnight
(G1 Ennedi) (#151072)

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Posted on
2019-11-20 17:55:46
Fair warning all suggestions that involve a lion having double mutations have been rejected. Be that as it may I think this is a neat idea! Hopefully they'll at least think about it. You have my support. ^_^

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☽ Rein ☾ (#391697)

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Posted on
2023-06-01 10:20:00
ive been thinking about this for ages, glad someone finally said it!

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