Posted by ||Scorched Earth||Lion roleplay||

HoodieDemon [g2
dhahabi] (#174206)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-11-05 09:10:20
There will be a dedicated discord server for this roleplay, that's in the making now. If you'd like to help with organization, lore, rule making, etc, feel free to reply here, or PM me!
It's set in a canyon type area, with quite a few caves, and small streams/rivers flowing through. The weather there is usually rather humid, and dry- Though when it does rain, the area tends to flood- Which is why most important dens are made in the higher caves, which protect cubs, and elders, from the rising waters.
Most of the hunting is done above the canyon, where larger prey, like deer, live. There's a special group of hunters, lead by a leader, for these trips, since it can be dangerous getting up to the forest.

There are three leaders, though previously, there were four. The oldest leader has passed, causing the remaining three to look for someone to fill his spot, and successors that will take over for them, realizing that any day, they could pass on, leaving a spot empty.

Each leader is in charge of a different group, which means without them, it'd be rather difficult to keep the pride alive.

Currently, two leader slots are open. All four 'heir' slots are open, though ultimately, that will be decided by the leaders, who will pick who takes over after them.

There are ten hunter slots, six broodmother slots, and four patrol slots. These numbers will rise, depending on how many people join.

Elders and cubs have an unlimited number, but to play either, you need at least one of another role.
You can only ask for a rank after the server is up. I might allow holds, depending on the rank you'd like, and how many other people want it.
If you're someone with an important rank, please be as active as you can.
Leader 1: (Taken)

Leader 2: (Open)

Leader 3: (Open)

Leader 4: (Open, will be chosen by the other 3)
Heir 1: (Open)

Heir 2: (Open)

Heir 3: (Open)

Heir 4: (Will be chosen after the fourth leader is)
Hunter list (Max. 10):

Broodmother list (Max. 6):

Patrol list (Max. 4):

If you're interested, just reply to the thread, and I'll let everyone know when the server is up! You may use a Lioden to design your character, use an existing lion, or create one.

There will be events for the server as well, usually revolving around the monthly event.

There will also be 'merchants', that you can shop from. It's basically just a small shop where you can link sales, art, or anything of the sort. The rules will explain more.

I'm sorry if this isn't the most descriptive of information, since I'm on mobile, typing as much as I want is difficult. Hopefully the server will explain more!

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Tazama (#138304)

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Posted on
2019-11-17 22:41:28
:O I’m interested, this looks super cool!

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