Posted by 🐞[Beetle Battle Overhaul]🐞

till (#146959)

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Posted on
2019-11-08 11:46:41

[ Beetles ]

; Of course, i'm not talking about or - i'm talking about Battle Beetles! A feature with fairly little popularity, but the few that ARE into it are completely devoted to it!
I've had some idea, they're nothing absolutely astounding- but it's something!

[ Basic Changes! ]
(A small summary for those who don't want to read the whole proposition!)

━ Make Beetles live longer! (At LEAST 2-4 real-life Months! Beetle lives are WAY too short; breeding them isn't rewarding due to this!)
━ Distribute better rewards for battling; ie, a pool of 100-250, basic items such as Grubs (Energy items), Broken Drones, maybe even a rare chance of Black Stallions!
━ Make it so separate species can breed; and base what the larvae ends up being over how rare the parents are- IE; if you breed a common to a rare, you're more likely to get a common! So on and so forth :> (But ofc beetle nemesis can't breed with beetles!)
━ Up the chance of beetle training to actually work, the chances right now are WAY too low
━ Make beetle slots less expensive! Seriously- it shouldn't start being 1 until you at LEAST have 10-15 slots! 300-500 would be much more fitting for slots up until then!

Alright, now for the longer stuff!

[ Battling! ]

; Battling, as of now- is fairly random! And it appears that stats barely actually play a role in it! I'd say stats should hold more weight in who wins and who doesn't- and as to make it a tad different than lion PVP; how about a little "shack" in which people can put battle requests up, and others can take them on?
Of course there would be restrictions- the usual! Males are the only ones that can battle, and you CAN'T battle those SEVERAL levels under you/your beetle!
Some beetle species would have a slight edge over others! And beetle nemesis would have a SMALL advantage- but not much at all, as to keep it fair! So that would give different species actual different value in-game!


[ Breeding! ]

; As I said before- make it so separate species can breed! It's quite annoying, searching for overpriced morph pairs!
Of course, during breeding- the larvae species always depends on the parents!
Common x Uncommon; Would have, as expected, a higher chance at the larvae being the same species as the common parent- with a slightly lower chance for an Uncommon!
Uncommon x Uncommon; A fair chance at an uncommon larvae, but still a good chance for a common!
And so on n so forth!
Maybe there can be a 1-2 item that can let you choose to change your beetles color/morph, but only from a restricted section of common colors? (Etc; you can't change a common color to Opalescent!)


Feel free to add stuff! My minds kinda foggy rn,,

This suggestion has 53 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Edited on 08/11/19 @ 11:47:31 by 🌺Commie (Here to help!) (#146959)

(95/3600 SB) (#119398)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-11-08 11:54:46
Honestly, I don't even use the battle beetles bcause of the issues you posted, I totally agree with everything!

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πŸ’ Spinz! (Beet
Fan) πŸ’ (#138709)

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Posted on
2019-12-02 13:48:52
Just saw this post, I NEED IT! I just got my favorite beetle type in explore but it's not really rewarding or worth it to train and battle him. Something needs to be done to give battle beetles more attention!

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Polaris (#151542)

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Posted on
2019-12-03 11:49:58
No support, I don't like the idea of being able to breed different species. Everything else is fine though

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Venex 🌸 [G2] (#167020)

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Posted on
2020-02-13 11:25:35
I hit support because I'd like a lot of the things suggested to be added like the extended lifespan and better battle rewards, but I don't think beetles should be able to breed outside of their species. I know arguing about realism is kind of silly at this point on Lioden, but the beetles are leaning a bit more towards the realistic side of things and I think it would be a bit too out there if you could just breed any species.

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πŸ’ Spinz! (Beet
Fan) πŸ’ (#138709)

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Posted on
2020-02-13 11:51:01
One thing I'd like to see is the breeding cooldown for females shortened. At maximum you can breed them two times, and that's if you do it as soon as possible both times. Knowing that they can only be bred from 11-29 days old (if you do it on day 30, the female will die and you cannot get the eggs) , a 10 day breeding cooldown is ridiculous beyond belief.

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