Posted by Choose if you want to eat in explore


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Posted on
2019-11-12 02:34:38
So in probably every area in Exploring you can find a Carcass and your lion will automaticaly eat from it if their hunger is higher than 0% or will gather Small Meat Chunks if not hungry.

I've got this idea to sligtly change this ecounter and let the player choose if they want to feed from Carcass or garher Small meat Chunk. So instead of game doing it manualy you get two options like this:
Gather Meat or Feed

I sometimes forget that my king is hungry and after some exploring I lose my chance to feed him stat food because Explore automaticaly feeds him. Choosing not to feed from explore would be simple but great solution for that.

This suggestion has 33 supports and 1 NO support.

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2019-11-17 14:03:00
Yes please. This would be incredibly helpful!

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