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Posted by | 3k stat groupie male |
Bluebird (#19978) Angelic View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-11-12 21:56:21 |
I purchased this boy with the intention of breeding clean high stat lions, and to that end I have been patrolling him and stuffing honeycombs down his throat for months. The thing is, I've recently become distracted by another breeding project and I'm having second thoughts about using him after all. Any idea what I could expect to get for him if I sold him now? Alternatively, would it be worth still using him to stat replace a fairly plain haze when my current king retires, so I can work on my project and breed for stats at the same time? this is he (on my side account) Any help would be appreciated! 0 players like this post! Like? |
Noxis (#93407)
View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-11-12 22:05:10 |
I'd say if I were to buy he's worth at least 50 gb just from his stats and heritagelessness! He'd sell fast especially with Black Friday right around the Corner! No honestly I don't think it would be a good idea to do that, I recommend finishing your looks project first then using a Heritagless male 0 players like this post! Like? |
EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)
Ruthless View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-11-12 22:10:47 |
I found a somewhat fancy 3k-stat adol male selling for 15ksb/20gb; based on that I'd say he'd be worth 12-15gb? Don't quote me on that though since I'm kinda crap at pricing without a good reference point and the lion I found wasn't clean sooo x) If you did stat replace him with a haze king, if you're looking for high-stat cubs you'd need lionesses with similar or higher stats than him to get 1k-stat cubs (for reference, I've got a 5.5k-stat queen at the moment and breeding with 1.2k+ stat lionesses generally gives me cubs with 750-880 (and sometimes low 900's) stats so it wouldn't be super worth it in that regard); if you're looking for studs you'd need to price him a bit on the lower end (special based 5.5k-stat queen at 200sb doesn't get too many stud requests and when my stud price was lower I still didn't get many) to get a lot of stud requests. He could definitely still be used in a project, but from my personal experience stat breeding without an excessive amount of honeycombs and dry palm leaves is kinda more difficult than it's worth with lions with less than 10k stats Either option would be okay although if you're really interested in the project and it'd be profitable then definitely keep him for the project. 0 players like this post! Like? |
Kraft (#738)
Aztec Knight View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-11-12 22:43:54 |
Given his groupie status I'd value him at 80-100GB. Stats are easy to grind, but the heritage is worth a lot when combined with the stats. 0 players like this post! Like? |
Fading Angel (G2 2k) [Frozen] (#81854) Holy View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-11-12 22:46:10 |
Dalton 🖤 9x Feline Fiery 🔥 (#149557) View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-11-13 07:10:08 |
Hi there! Due to him being a groupie, and due to it being close to Black Friday, I wouldn't be surprised if this guys price goes much higher than other users are suggesting. Kraft is probably the closest, with the price around 100gb, but possibly much higher. Recently a friend of mine did an auction for a high stat heritageless that ended up selling for a 250GB+ Value, so believe me that this lion can sell for quite a bit. Use him as a rep if you really want, but personally, if you're looking for most value for your GB, I would sell him and buy a second gen Piebald. Most studders/buyers don't care if it's 3rd over 2nd, and this is literally the best time to sell him. @EnityofSilo I think your offer and assessment is incredibly far off in and fails to take into account other unique factors of the lion and market. It's likely an herb offer would be incredibly low for the value of the lion. 0 players like this post! Like? |
Bluebird (#19978)
Angelic View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-11-14 00:13:54 |
Thanks everyone for your input! I will put him up for auction soon then. 0 players like this post! Like? |
⤛ Rah [Semi-Frozen]. (#156300) Blessed View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-11-29 02:12:59 |
I'm not sure if anyone will be searching for price comparisons, so this information may be helpful for someone in the future: I just had a Groupie sub-male (1,306 Stats at 9 years, 8 months old <3) sell for 200gb on Black Friday (~44min after Black Friday sales went live). I had just listed him this morning. Circumstances: There was only one other male Groupie listed (haven't seen many up these past weeks!) who was older with lower stats (1,283 Stats at 13 years, 2 months old), listed for the same price (200gb buyout with "OFFER" in the title). The 3k Stat boy mentioned in this price check ad (3,032 Stats at 13 years, 8 months old) was bought out for a 200gb Autobuy ~22min after Black Friday sales went live. ^^ I've since listed another boy I had on hand as a backup. ^^ (Pricing definitely varies, and depend on availability of what the person is looking for and what they're willing to pay/currency they have on hand. Just thought this might be helpful for those seeking to set an Autobuy price for their auctions in the future. <3) 0 players like this post! Like? |
Bluebird (#19978)
Angelic View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-11-29 02:30:38 |
Thanks Rah, some useful numbers! I had no idea patrolled groupies were worth so much. I'm tempted to make this an annual money making scheme... 0 players like this post! Like? |
⤛ Rah [Semi-Frozen]. (#156300) Blessed View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-11-29 02:36:20 |
You're very welcome! <3 Oo~ xD! Yesss if you have the space to store, don't mind freezing your side to extend their lifespans or purchase a few to train when people start selling their frozen brand-new groupies for 2-5gb+ (I think i've seen 10gb+ listed at times, but didn't personally witness sales at that price?), and the time to spend patrolling, it's proven quite lucrative! ^^ <3 Good luck! <33 (EDIT: The spare groupie i'd mentioned listing (1,081 Stats at 11 years, 1 month old) just sold for 75gb, an Ochre Gnawock, and a GMO cow. <3 He was listed for a buyout of 150gb (took it down from 200gb due to his age), the buyer negotiated down from there around 6:20am Lioden time on Black Friday. <3 He miiiight have sold/been bought out if i'd waited a little while for GB to start getting spread out from the Black Friday purchases today, or as more people purchase GB through the weekend, but I was willing to accept rather than wait and possibly lose a polite interested person. xD Circumstances: There was a new 20gb listing for a groupie (85 Stats at 4 year, 1 month old) that had received an offer of 8gb but the seller denied, I won't really be watching too closely there so likely won't have an exact price unless it's bought out. (Edit 7:27am: It was bought out xD!!! omg) And the older trade (1,283 Stats at 13 years, 2 months old), listed for the same price as the 3k male (200gb buyout with "OFFER" in the title), was still active with no offers. Few people looking for heritageless males in forums and private negotiations went on. So conclusion it really depends, people will likely see a broad range of offers from low to decent when trying to sell, other factors stirring and creating buzz in the Clean market will DEFINiTElY weigh in to buyer decisions (no clean Heavy pies?), one high-priced sale may create interest but doesn’t mean other buyers will be willing to pay THAT much- maybe just marginally more than they would otherwise spend, other sellers will catch on and list their wares for sale which reduces scarcity of the product, and then it depends if the seller is willing to negotiate or prefers to hold out! <3 ) 0 players like this post! Like? Edited on 30/11/19 @ 00:44:05 by 💗Rah [Clean 1stGen Sunrise] (#156300) |
Snowcat14-G1 4.8.22 RLC Pie (#53580) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-11-29 10:00:21 |
Seriously wish I’d made room to keep all mine. I see them in sales now for 200 GB. I’d love to buy one but that’s way out of my price range. Looks like holding them until Black Friday is a good plan. 0 players like this post! Like? |
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