Posted by Role-Play

coralyxx (#184235)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-11-17 00:04:38
Hello! I'm Cora. I haven't role-played in a while, and am hungry for fictional drama. I hate planning a role-play before-hand, so we'll start off really chill, and then make plans for forbidden love and such.
I usually type 1-3 paragraphs, but I really don't care how you role-play! One-liners are fine, many-liners are fine, I don't really care!
~role-play universes~
Warriors (for four years, I have at least 50 characters)
Humans (for a year, I have 3-5 characters.... Daddy, a joke character, who supposedly gave birth to everyone in the world, Sasha, a fierce Russian lady, and Joshua, Satan's grandson who is hiding his identity at his high-school, where he's bullied and such.)
Lioden (for a year, I will role-play with my pride. If I RP with you in this world, you HAVE to rp with only the lions in your pride. Don't create randoms. Also, you cant have lions names like "Unholy base- clean" or "fodder" etc! Have regular names. I'm very strict on this.)
~Rules and Notes~
I'm using a school computer. No 18+. This is my only device and I can't give it up.
I am LGBTQ+ friendly! I don't always have those characters, but I'm totally fine with it! I think Joshua (human universe) would be bi' or gay? I'm debating it. Maybe even an ace. In Warriors I am more comfortable with that stuff, and I have a lot of characters that I've decided over. With humans, it's hard to tell. None of my pride lions are LGBTQ+, but I'll allow it if you ask! I'm more familiar with FXF since I had a friend who had two pairings, but I've never had a MXM.
I currently have no art of ANYONE! I will, although, give a detailed description of what each looks like, unless it's a Lioden lion.
I have more, bu I can't fetch their images, and haven't created much character out of them.

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Lucky, Phantom of
the Lioden (#188514)

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Posted on
2019-11-19 20:19:27
Hey, Ember here! I'm absolutely down to do a Warriors rp! I have so many kitties I've lost track, lol, and I certainly adore forbidden love in the Warriors universe! Unfortunately, I tend to make short posts, but I try to match the length of my partner to the best of my ability.

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