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The Dragon Cove | Breeding & Market |

FrootCake (#176680)
Bone Collector
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Posted on 2019-12-03 10:59:32
Breeding within the Dragon Cove
Hydra dragons are rather protective of their young- you never know they have a baby until they are an adult!
Earth dragonets are quite good at playing hide-and-go-seek... They're rather hard to find after they've hatched, and often bury themselves.
Water dragons were hard enough to find without all the murk! The parents stir up the mud in the bottom of their water source so that the babies are harder to be seen.
Feathered Dragonets are rather easy to see- their bright colors are attractive!
Who wouldn't see these cute little furballs? They're everywhere!
Fertility decides how many dragonets a dragon will have.
cannot breed (unless item is used)
1 dragonet
1-2 dragonets
1-3 dragonets
3 dragonets guaranteed

Breeding costs 500 
Name & ID:
Name of Male:
Name of Female:
Breeding Items:
All dragons are able to breed, but the Hydra, Water, and Earth do not have dragonet lines.
The artist was unable to finish the artwork- sorry for the overload, n4mi!
Open Slots
We only take 5 at a time, so none of us get overloaded. Please be patient!
Females with more then two eggs take up two slots.
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Lines Commissioned from n4mi
Background from wallpaperhd.wiki
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Edited on 03/12/19 @ 13:03:38 by A Whisper in the Wind (#176680) |
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