Posted by Reverse Heats: Items on Stud

Heda Vampiric (#56702)

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Posted on
2019-12-03 20:22:31
Currently you cannot use some breeding items on your stud if you have a heat request out. I do not have a complete list bc I do not have the funds to check them. If you find any other items please let me know I’ll add them to the list! I think you should be able to use Opal saltlicks on your king with heat requests out.

The item that brought this function to my attention is Opal Saltlicks - a monkey business item that passes the eye color of the parent it’s used on to all cubs in the next breeding. I checked with modbox and it is indeed an intended feature but I was welcome to make a suggestion to change it.

I personally don’t see a good reason to not be able to use them. They don’t change your king (like example, an eye dust would). When you have a stud request you can still use items of this nature. I’ve personally used an Opal Saltlick on my king before accepting a friends stud request as a gift to them. And many times I’ve sent a stud request to someone and then used items on my lioness that I forgot.

It’s really unfortunate when I have about 7 heat requests out that I’ll lost my spot if I cancel bc I can’t stack 7 Opal saltlicks and then wait. And I can’t use them between breeds bc you can’t apply when a request is out.

Current list of breeding items you cannot use:
- Opal Saltlicks
- Ochre Gnawrocks(?)
- You can’t use black stallions on females who have pending heat requests

* You can apply cub litter items from what I’ve seen.

Lemme know if this exists elsewhere I’ll gladly go support there instead.

Clarification: This suggestion is in regards to using items on a stud for ANY breeding request, not just items on the stud for heat requests.

This suggestion has 43 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 06/03/20 @ 17:37:56 by Heda Vampiric | Heritageless (#56702)

Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2020-02-25 04:08:45
Total support!

I wasn't aware there was this appearance item usage limit for our own males once a reverse breeding request has been sent, and it's quite unfortunate when you have to wait until the lioness is in heat to use them again.

I think that, if possible, it'd be nice to be able to send all items (regardless of who is going to end up "consuming" them) along with the actual request so we are free to use them as we'd normally do in the meantime, without them affecting the request. For example: sending along with the required bundles a Opal Saltlick, and then picking which parent is going to use it, or an Ochre Gnawrock, where we'd pick first which parent we want to use it on and then pick a marking slot. I don't know how complicated this would be to implement, but it would make things so much easier...!

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Heda Vampiric (#56702)

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Posted on
2020-02-25 08:01:50
Yeah it’s also pretty unfortunate when you’re in a waiting que for a hybrid heat and you need to apply an opal saltlick for a different breeding. I actually had a breeding break on me once because someone sent me a stud request with a Gnawrock but it didn’t use it bc I had a heat request out to a pon.

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blueberry freckles (#188266)

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Posted on
2020-03-05 09:56:27
I'm not entirely sure, and I can't check rn, but I believe that in the post that they announced the reverse stud system, they mentioned which items cannot be used with heat requests out

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Heda Vampiric (#56702)

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Posted on
2020-03-05 11:01:39
I reread it and didn’t see anything. It just mentions that’s you can’t. The big thing they focus on is not being able to use applicators or a mutation removing item. But I still see no reason why you shouldn’t be able to use a gnawrock, saltlick, etc as they just ensure something passes. You can do it with stud requests. I’ve personally tested it myself.

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