Posted by Sleeping/Sleepy Pose

☆Andromeda☆ (#141984)

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Posted on
2019-12-16 19:06:02
I would actually kill for a sleepy pose. I dont know about lions, but cats curl up when they sleep (except for my cat, she sleeps in a jolly pose) and it's super cute. Sometimes they'll just lay down and bathe and get ready to sleep. Could we get that as a pose? A curled up lion with its head in its side, or licking a paw? Mockups would be very welcome and highly appreciated.

Suggestions- "And the sleeping poses cpuld come in other positions like on their backs or paws over face tail by nose streched out etc i think that would be hella cool lol" ~ ✡Inky✡ (#183343)
"maybe like a sphinx pose but the head rests on the paws, just to showcase the markings more bc that would also be an issue.." ~ 🐇seabunny🐇 (#195701)
"I got two pose ideas.
playful. the lion would have her butt up in the air and her paws stretched out in a playful manner.
also scared. (in favor of poaching.)
the lion would cower with her ears back and she would look uneasy. her fur would be ruffled and everything!" ~ petaltail (#194399)
EDIT; Thanks to dictisaurus (#119041) for this mockup!

And thanks Skodog-07 [Leonid CB
mane] (#125973) for providing the format for the image!

This suggestion has 520 supports and 13 NO supports.

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Edited on 11/03/20 @ 21:43:59 by 🌟StarMade🌟(Demi/Ice) (#141984)

Versailles (06.18.21
RLC) (#178626)

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Posted on
2020-08-26 18:05:12
cute!!! support !

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a|Quad Ros (#299126)

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Posted on
2023-12-28 03:32:28
Would be a good idea. It could also show off the marking more. Support.

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