Posted by •╤• Egg Mansion •╤• Adopts

Vete [G2
Frail|Nacre|TripRos] (#128135)

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Posted on
2019-12-17 12:25:28

•╤• Egg Mansion •╤• Adopts •╤•
✨Hello and welcome to a new town named Crasitimi!
✨Here, you can find different mysterious eggs.. By exploring and searching, of course!
✨You can also trade your egg with other local people here or you just can buy them~
✨In eggs, you can find different pets. They all are separated by rarity: common ones (Birds, hamsters etc), uncommons (cats, dogs etc.) , rares (Snakes, bears etc.) and legendary bois (dragons, chimeras etc.)
✨All adopts here are in semi-lineless style. Middle-High quality.
✨1 here = 1100 .
✨Check the end to see accepted items!
*Incubation time is not applied when used AB.

As you enter a small building, you can see a big horned fluffy creature. Inside you noticed there is a lot of cages with... Eggs? Why would someone keep eggs in cages?

-Hello stranger, - monster speaks quietly. - I'm Jicya, the seller. I can trade some nice eggs, you know..

*You asked him what are those eggs...

-Oh, so you are new here, don't you? Inside these eggs, there are small pets... I can't really tell you how rare they are until you buy them. - his voice sounded sweet. After he looked right at you with his wild, red eyes. - Don't be scared, come closer and look at them! Maybe you'll find the one you like.

*You walked to the cages. Now you can see the eggs closer...
Fixed price

No aviable eggs right now!

Egg #19
Pink with messy sparkles! You can definitely hear someone giggle inside...

Starting Bid: 30
Minimum Increase: 1
Auto Buy: N/A
Current Bid: N/A


No aviable eggs right now!

*If an egg is animated, so will be the hatched pet.
Sorry for not having clear backgrounds on animated adopts, my art program won't let me save clear GIFs ACCEPTED ITEMS as of 14.02.23
-Please not that the GB part of the offer should be at least 50% of the whole offer.
For example, if the AB is 20 , then:
-10 pure + 10 gb item worth [ ✓ ]
-20 gb item [❌]
-5 pure 15 item [❌]
Event currency should be bidden only PURE.

-Applicators [worth over 8 gb];
-Breeding items [that are not listed in Oasis];
-Custom decors.

-Decors and backgrounds.

[!NEW!] Authentics stellage
You norticed a new table with some unknown relics.

-Ah, these. - Jicya approached the same table. - These are rare antiquities. I keep finding them while searching for new eggs and, having as much free time as I do, I've already tested some of them. Please, don't be scared to ask about any of them. I'll gladly sell them for you and your pet. Of course, for a decent price.

-Picky about species, wandering if you should make your bid? Artefact from the bottom kingdoms, lotus lighter, also named the wanderer's lantern, with its glowing petals will show you the secrets inside the egg. Upon using, will reveal species and silhouette of a chosen egg.
Used on eggs that are in process of being auctioned.
Animated pets will be shown STILL.

ASTRAL HOOK - - - - 2
-A light tap on the shell from the astral dust-powered relic will fasten the process of hatching. Your egg will be hatched immediately, 2 days incubation period skipped!

OPAL LYRA - - - - 30
-The sound of a heavenly-sent instrument makes your creature move! Animates your pet.
Can be used only during first 5h after the pet has hatched.

DIAMOND PEARL - - - - 60
-Hatched pets are genderless, therefore cannot breed naturally. Moon-kissed mineral from the depths of the ocean, whilst incubated in the starshell, over the ceuntries absorbed the power of creation. Will breed pets. The offspring will be born without eggshell.
Requires 2 pets to be used (can be owned by different users).
Unnaturally born pets cannot be animated, no mater their parent's type. Opal Lyra is not appliable.
Grants minimum 1, max 3 pets. Chance of 1 offspring - 75%, 2 - 24%, 3 - 1%.
Born creature will have combined markings and colors of their parents.
Offspring's species will be closest to their parents or hybrid of two (ex.: rabbit + deer = jackalope), with an extremely rare chance of being born of absolutely different species.
Update tracker
Last big update: 20.02.23. Authentics stellage introduced.
Next topic update:??.02
Planning to add:
>>More eggs <3

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Edited on 06/08/23 @ 10:09:45 by Vete [G2 Frail|Nacre|TripRos] (#128135)

xS0larLynx (#286389)

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Posted on
2023-02-14 10:53:30
saving in my forums ignore this message please xxx

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Vete [G2
Frail|Nacre|TripRos] (#128135)

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Posted on
2023-02-14 11:01:56
🌟Starfruit🍑 (#171151), all of them are good as long as they fall under no less than 8gb price! Except for dusts

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🌟Starfruit🍑 (#171151)

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Posted on
2023-02-14 11:10:11
Thanks! The adopts are all handdrawn and not on a base right?

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Vete [G2
Frail|Nacre|TripRos] (#128135)

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Posted on
2023-02-14 11:30:36
🌟Starfruit🍑 (#171151), yup! Every single one of them [except for their eggs in which they are sold] are hand drawn from scratch!

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🌟Starfruit🍑 (#171151)

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Posted on
2023-02-14 11:50:18
Offering Grace of king cheetah (12 GB)

and 50% of all bids have to be GB right?

If so, I add 12 GB to my bid. So thats 24 GB total. I'm not sure if that only goes for AB or not

when does the auction end?

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Edited on 14/02/23 @ 11:51:15 by 🌟Starfruit🍑 (#171151)

Vete [G2
Frail|Nacre|TripRos] (#128135)

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Posted on
2023-02-14 12:03:41
🌟Starfruit🍑 (#171151), updating!
And no, It doesn't go just for ABs, your bid is valid
The auction ends 24h after the last bid

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🌟Starfruit🍑 (#171151)

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Posted on
2023-02-14 12:08:47
alright! Does it end exactly 24 hours or around that? You'd post here for when it ends right?

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Vete [G2
Frail|Nacre|TripRos] (#128135)

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Posted on
2023-02-14 12:12:48
🌟Starfruit🍑 (#171151),exactly 24. And of course!

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🌟Starfruit🍑 (#171151)

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Posted on
2023-02-14 12:14:04
alright thank you!

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Chooksta | G2 2
Rosette Ticked (#327941)

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Posted on
2023-02-14 18:55:04
Hey there! Just wondering when more eggs will be available? Have a great day everyone :D

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Vete [G2
Frail|Nacre|TripRos] (#128135)

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Posted on
2023-02-15 08:48:26
Chooksta (#327941), hihi, I'm not sure! In a week or so <3

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Vete [G2
Frail|Nacre|TripRos] (#128135)

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Posted on
2023-02-15 13:13:52
Auction #15 closed!

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Chooksta | G2 2
Rosette Ticked (#327941)

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Posted on
2023-02-15 17:49:16
Thank you!

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Vete [G2
Frail|Nacre|TripRos] (#128135)

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Posted on
2023-02-18 03:08:52
* With a strong buck, an egg shell cracked, revealing a pet!
🌟Starfruit🍑 (#171151), You've hatched Rare Heart Cotton Candy sheep!

With an adorable flicks of its little heart-shaped tail, it pounced to you eagerly!

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🌟Starfruit🍑 (#171151)

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Posted on
2023-02-18 05:35:15
Ooohhh cuteeee
How should I credit you?

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