Posted by -LOCKED - Other Holidays
Kaity.K23 (#116056)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-12-22 20:47:34
I celebrate Hanukkah and I don't mind the MOD's having simi-Christmas events like the Advent countdown that went up today but I can't help but feel a little burnt that tonight is the first night of Hanukkah and all I got on here was an advent calendar. Am I the only one that feels this way?

This suggestion has 75 supports and 37 NO supports.

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yeehaw country man (#122541)

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Posted on
2019-12-29 22:04:35
Okay, then, how about Hindus? Can we get their opinions on the matter as well, then? And Buddhists? Because apparently if a person from every single major religion in the world doesn’t chime in with their own personal opinion, the entire idea of adding the recognition of other religions is bad.

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Red 🍁[FROZEN] (#116242)

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Posted on
2019-12-29 22:05:31
"My Fellow members of LD who are Muslim"
I sense that my words are being taken out of contexts and things i said before being ignored, therefore I'll take my leave i am not interested in getting this thread locked.

Edit: English is not my first language

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Edited on 29/12/19 @ 22:46:34 by Red [Maple]🍁 Gilded Clone (#116242)

Robin (BLM) - Gen4
Cinnabar (#171993)

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Posted on
2019-12-29 22:07:17
I didn’t take your words out of context, I presented them to you as you had phrased them.

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sheepguts (#112546)

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Posted on
2019-12-29 22:18:47
In clear terms, I'd like to state that I do think the input of Muslim and other Islamic players of Lioden would be helpful in this discussion, but we should not talk on their behalf nor drag them forcefully into a conversation they're already supposed to be a part of. If any Muslims would like to comment on this thread, we're all happy to hear what you have to say!

Edit: As to prevent myself from double posting, I also want to say that I'm not sure why Red brought up their request to hear input from "fellow Muslims" when the current discussion at hand was about Hanukkah themed decor or references in Lioden. It's good manners in an argument to not deflect or bring up irrelevant points, especially in civil discussion, and instead peacefully admit that you either have no place in the matter (like all of us athiests do, because whether or not adding Hanukkah to Lioden is respectful or not is not for us to decide), or just state that you do not want to participate in the discussion and make a peaceful exit.

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Edited on 29/12/19 @ 22:22:05 by Yuriko (#112546)

Zambz (#2687)

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Posted on
2019-12-30 01:16:51
Kay, so I've been following the replies just cuz the discussion is interesting to me more so than the topic. For reference my family is muslim technically for the most part though we do participate in Christian things like Christmas and Easter too since we're a blended family of sorts lol. So if it helps discussion I asked dad's opinion as he's the one who knows most and he said he personally wouldn't care if admins added religious-themed things to Lioden. If people want to use them that's their choice, if they don't then also their choice. However he's not very strict in his religion or anything n can be mostly chill about stuff lol.

For an non-fam opinion I asked one of my best friends who is rather...very religious in a way to the point her BF converted to islam for her sake so her parents would approve. She also wears hijab [which I pray I spelled right] and stuff as well and her parents are a lot religious n stuff about it. She said that while she personally wouldn't really mind so long as people wanting to use them understand and respect the history and significance of them. She wouldn't want people to misuse anything religious and make a mockery of important things. Kinda like Buddhist heads that's apparently very disrespectful to have?
but since she doesn't play lioden herself says the admins are free to add whatever they choose to their game.

For more context my dad was born and raised in America. my friend lives in Egypt

So if that's helps anything there u go owo/
IDK if it will since I'm not religious myself and don't really care if it's added either way, but since I saw em mentioned n stuff I figure maybe it'd be an interesting perspective to read? owo

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Edited on 30/12/19 @ 01:21:23 by Zambs (#2687)

sheepguts (#112546)

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Posted on
2019-12-30 01:21:08
That's a good point to bring up tbh, about religions being made a mockery of by being on LD, which is something that's been mentioned on this thread before? Easily countered by the fact that 1. I'm pretty sure that LD staff would take respect when dealing with religions, and 2. Christmas is already a part of LD, so I don't think we have anything to worry about.

But yeah, you do bring good points to the table - it's important to be respectful of which items would be added to the game. Like, obviously, no Holocaust imagery, or Buddhist heads, but a menorah would probably be fine?

Also thank u for going out and asking ppl about it LOL must've been weird to be like "hey so I have a few questions about religious imagery on a lion sim..."

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Zambz (#2687)

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Posted on
2019-12-30 01:27:24
TBH They know I play Lioden, and my friend often is super helpful when choosing which cubs to keep when I play with lions so it's not weird to me lol [tho I don't tell her I kill the unwanted ones coughhack] Plus we have interesting discussions on religion anyway already cuz it's not anything political for us lol.

But yeh personally I don't either way but it seems like most don't cuz it's not like Lioden is gonna put offensive things out there? Since we already have a lotta stuff I'd imagine even vague religious things would be pretty cool with everyone kinda like christmas stuff though I'm pretty sure christmas was pagan n christian religion just like adopted it or took it over or something? Idk I'll have to google that lol

Though i totally get why ppl wouldn't want more religious things/any at all for whatever reason they have n I'm cool with that too lol.

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Posted on
2019-12-30 01:48:44
We previously requested that the debate just cease, yet it has continued on. We are disappointed as the suggestion itself is not controversial, however the replies to this topic have gotten overly personal and purposely offensive towards others.
The original poster is free to remake this suggestion if they would like to do so. If they create a new topic, we will be closely monitoring it and shutting down any attempt to bring these debates back up.

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Topic is locked

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