Posted by Say No To The "Mutation"

MuddyChocolate (#93755)

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Posted on
2019-12-28 19:00:57
Recently I have been seeing a trend going around Lioden of "mutations" either based off of their own disease or because it's aesthetically pleasing to the eye in their opinion, like some people find oversized animals cute. I want these all to be on the rejected list under the Mutation Suggestions Masterpost - Spoilers thread. Wild animals, like the lion, aren't confirmed to have these by professionals who are actually in the field and are paid to do that job. I'm also 99% sure that nothing else besides humans can get like, let us say, Type 1 diabetes. And even if you've it and are okay with having it implemented in the game. Doesn't mean someone else who has it too is. And using Type 1 diabetes as an example, a lion can't find insulin in the wild. And I'm not saying to then make this "mutation" lethal then.
Also where's the proof on these suggestions? Just saying, "I have it! :)" Doesn't work. And to my knowledge, any mutation suggestion that isn't documented in either lions or other species that aren't human, aren't accepted. And some of these threads explaining the "mutation" and comments are insensitive to people who actually struggle with these "mutations". Arguments are bound to take off on these kind of insensitive suggestions.
Some of these suggestions you won't even be able to tell what "mutation" they have. Usually the mutations that are accepted are able to be seen with some exceptions being deaf and double uterus. And some people find certain lethals too sad to look at or are disgusted by them. Would you like someone to consider you useless if you had a "mutation" like depression (using depression as a fake game "mutation" that was implemented) because you don't regenerate energy fast enough to do daily tasks like exploring because someone might view that about you all because of a digital lion on a game. And I'm not saying everyone will think this but there's a chance someone will.

What I wish to be done about this issue.
I'm not asking the staff to list every single one known but just say no mental health disorders (EX: ADHD), chronic conditions (EX: Type 1 diabetes) and medical condition (EX: Obesity) that are inspired from confirmed human medical diagnosis. It would also be a great idea for the next news post, if possible, to explain why these "mutations" will never be accepted so we won't have repeated threads asking for the same "mutation" or new suggestions for like anxiety or depression.

I was being as vague as possible but with still enough information on what topics I am hinting at to get my point across when I decided to use them as my examples. And I'm not going to link, leave usernames or ID# of the thread or players. I do not condone going out of your way to find these threads and antagonize anyone.

I would also appreciate you being respectful on my thread. I don't want this to get locked. I respect your opinion if you believe that these suggestions are alright. But respect mine as well in return. I stand my ground and truly believe that these suggestions aren't okay. If you also agree with me and see that I haven't mention something that you think is important. Please comment!

I also don't have to tell anyone what medical conditions or mental health disorders I have for this to be "valid" by some people. I could just be standing up for someone who doesn't like their medical conditions or mental illness to be seen in a bad light because of a game. You never know if I do or not.

This suggestion has 73 supports and 57 NO supports.

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Devoid (#51565)

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Posted on
2020-01-25 02:54:11
R many illnesses are the cause of genetic abnormality...aka a mutation

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. A Z . [Quad Ros,
CELE) (#52601)

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Posted on
2020-01-25 03:54:04
The definition of mutation::

the changing of the structure of a gene, resulting in a variant form that may be transmitted to subsequent generations, caused by the alteration of single base units in DNA, or the deletion, insertion, or rearrangement of larger sections of genes or chromosomes. (dictionary.)

According to the above definition, anything considered a
Inherited genetic disorder could also, by the same respect be considered a mutation because what causes many diseases is considered a mutation because the DNA is being changed.

Genetic disorders causes::

A genetic disorder is a disease caused in whole or in part by a change in the DNA sequence away from the normal sequence. Genetic disorders can be caused by a mutation in one gene (monogenic disorder), by mutations in multiple genes (multifactorial inheritance disorder), by a combination of gene mutations and environmental factors, or by damage to chromosomes (changes in the number or structure of entire chromosomes, the structures that carry genes). (

A short list of Genetic disorders
• Albinism
• Angelman syndrome (
(Physical and intellectual disability)
• Cyst fibrosis
• Down syndrome (health and intellectual disabilities)

Now on a less scientific front, my opinion.

Yes, mutations can be very overwhelming to look at. They can be extremely graphic, heartwrenching things. However, as people I feel it is our obligation to learn these mutations and perhaps get a better understanding or why, when, and how they show up. Lioden has introduced mutations I've never even heard of, its almost enlightening to find something and then have the ability to research things on my own to gain a better understanding.

I understand many topics of mutation, or illnesses, might upset people in one way or another. Perhaps they have the affliction or know/knew someone who did. This can cause issues to arise, trama, flashbacks, general anxiety. However there are ways to toggle mutations. Even with that being said I do think there should be a more rounded system around mutations and blocking them, but until then we work with what we have.

Yes, some suggestions are outlandish, but just because somebody makes the suggestion doesnt mean they are trying to be insensitive or hateful,even though some people might take it that way it.
Though I agree, people shouldnt just make post just because they have a mutation (ect.), if that was the case then we would have the ability to add thousands into game.

Anything can be considered triggering or upsetting or even completely unnecessary. On this game, in any game, and even in the real world.

Some users do not like the March event because of the graphic images. However the March event is extremly relative and in my opinion very necessary to helping the idea of conservation.
Same goes with mutations.
I do, personally believe, the adding of mutations is a very creative way to help raise awareness to said affliction. No matter how sad or heartless it may seem, I think it has very good cause.

I also have very little understanding what you mean by "I also don't have to tell anyone what medical conditions or mental health disorders I have for this to be "valid" by some people. I could just be standing up for someone who doesn't like their medical conditions or mental illness to be seen in a bad light because of a game. You never know if I do or not."

How could a game cause such a bad reputation for a mental illness or anything along those lines, specifically this game? In my knowledge the staff doesnt tolerate bullying, which is what I would consider you above response if someone was being called invalid.

Now that I've finished I will not support this thread, mostly because its a double sided sword.

Yes, I do believe some general health issues or major mental/health disabilities shouldnt ever be added to the game, however, I dont think we should completely block out the ideas.
Because no, I dont care to see a depressed "mutation" however I wouldnt mind seeing a diabetic lion(ess) and seeing what we can do to help said lion cope/survive. Especially if knew game play features were added around during curing/aiding in diseases/illnesses/ect.

There is a line, I completely agree with some of what you said.
However, I dont think lioden has crossed any yet with any of there implemented mutations and I have complete faith they will continue to add mutations and will do so in a way that is Responsible, Respectful, Accurate, and even informative.

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[Bloodbourne] (#190486)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2020-01-25 04:30:21
I think that displaying diseases more regularly can be really empowering to some people, I’ve seen videos of a lady who makes dolls who visibly have disabilities for disabled children to help them feel like there are others like them out there and I see alot of empowerment for conditions such as vitiligo etc. But you are exactly right, these are lions not humans and they don’t repersent us as a human race and shouldn’t made to have certain diseases that are unique to us, simply because certain human individuals have them. There is enough stress surrounding some mental conditions already, the last thing some need is debates about them being implemented into in game animal characters. I think the lioden community is a great place for empowerment, I see alot of clans and threads dedicated to those with disabilities etc the lioden community is very friendly and well on educating others about issues and personal diseases and I think that is exactly where such topics should be left on lioden, to discuss, not implemented in the game.

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Khoshekh [Main] (#68944)

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Posted on
2020-01-25 04:38:23
Someone had to goddamn say it, and you did so perfectly.

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😇 Gabrielle (#42087)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-01-27 20:28:45
I often play Lioden to escape my depression, not to breed lions that have it too. 🙃

100% support this!

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loo (#19394)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-01-27 20:49:58
this is a fictional entertainment game. not an education only one. not a kids only one.
a lot of mutations of this site are implemented for fun. primal, felis or ferus... none of them exists. tigons and leopons are rare. dwarfism like the one illustrated on the site isn't even documented.
in a good light i believe you are trying to say that only cromossomial or congenital issues should be classified as mutations on the site. i'd say meh for that; because there are a lot of adult-only mutations such as female manes. which are not exactly cromossomial or congenital only issues in nature by any means.

also, lions can get diabetes mellitus 1. any animal can. it's actually very, very common.

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bimbo the clown (#149537)

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Posted on
2020-01-28 01:59:05
i feel like a lot of people are deliberately missing the point of this thread lmfao.
anyways, massive support.

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