Lily (#136386)
King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on 2020-01-04 02:44:04
I was browsing the internet and stumbled on an article about a cat with the same disorder as me and then I started to think about how cool it would be to have a lion with the same thing, thus this idea was born! Feline Cutaneous Asthenia, also known as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (Often shortened to EDS) is a connective tissue disorder that negatively effects the skin, joints, and sometimes organs, blood vessels, and eyes of the effected persons. The disorder causes abnormally thin, soft, and stretchy skin, that easily tears and is more susceptible to scarring, bruising, and wrinkles. The disorder also commonly effects the joints, leading to hypermobility and a proneness to dislocations. Their are thirteen known types of EDS all falling into three main categories but for this suggestion, I will be focusing on the classic type, which is the most common and the one I detailed above, effecting the skin and joints. |
Lethal or Non-Lethal? |
While, in humans and domestic cats minor cases of EDS can be managed and cared for, in the wild it would likely be lethal (In domestic cats, even, severe cases are lethal and kittens struggle to survive). I feel like it should be similar to the deaf mutation, where the lion can die at any age randomly. To start, with the fragile skin and abnormal healing, the lion would be more susceptible to infections and issues with bleeding. Second, the hypermobility would make it harder for the lion to work and function. While a normal lion cub might just get a scare from falling, this lion cub could wind up crushing it's bones and unable to make it back to the pride. |
In-Game Effects? |
* Highly raised chances of gaining scars from training, hunting, patrolling. (Possibly unable to do the following, not sure yet)? Flavor text can also bring scars, possibly, as I'll talk about below.
* Unable to be kinged
* Stat decrease due to the lack of muscling and weakness of the skin.
* Possibly smaller litter sizes or the chance to lose litters (due to skin tearing, birth is usually more difficult for cats like this and they shouldn't be bred due to complications)
* Flavor text |
Possible Flavor Text? |
Here's a list of possible flavor text in no particular order. Please comment below with ideas for additions, especially for adolescent and adult flavor text.
How this will work, will be after any given rollover you can get a message in the mail with one of these. Most flavor text has a chance of resulting in a scar for the lion though some is just for fun and emotions.
* [Lioness] must have been a little too hard picking up [mutated cub] because when she did, the skin on it's scruff tore.
* [mutated cub] was playing with the other cubs and now it looks all beat up. But upon talking to the cubs you find they weren't even playing roughly. How odd"
* Due to how easily [mutated cub] is injured, they sit on the sidelines and cheer on their littermates. (Possibly kind/good only?)
* [mutated cub] has grown bitter and tends to scowl at their siblings, as their injuries prevent them from playing themself. (Possibly evil only)
* [lioness] has become extra protective of [mutated cub] due to how fragile they are.
* [Mutated lion] is begging to go hunting/patrolling but you are stern on no. It's too risky.
* You find [mutated lion] licking their wounds and decide to help! Curling up, the two of you spend some time grooming each other.
In-Game Appearance? |
The lion would have obvious wrinkles and sagging of the skin, growing more noticeable as it ages (think char-pai dog) Due to having looser face muscles, eyes would appear droopy and partially closed. Possibly the joints in things like the legs and the could appear abnormally shaped due to breaks (my idea for the legs is similar to the original Wolvden puppy art, bent and more awkward looking). Bones such as the spinal vertebrae and ribs will be more sharp looking and visible. |
Sources and Examples? |
Warning! The following may contain images that can make people uncomfortable.
