Posted by NCL gold beetle options

saltyFINCHfries (#17604)

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Posted on
2020-01-27 18:53:39
I'm someone that always likes to try my luck at NCL however 2GB to auto claim always seems steep to me until i loose the lioness and then i kick myself for not just auto-claiming a pretty girl.

i think making an option to pay more, maybe 3GB or 4GB, AFTER you loose as a way to still claim the lioness would be a good add on. its expensive but its also because you didn't just auto claim before trying or couldn't woo her with other tactics.

maybe you can tempt with 2GB again after and have a small chance for it not to work, after all you should have claimed her sooner?

i also think when you auto-claim a lioness you should have a small chance for that NCL to come with the pose, after all you just paid 2GB for a lioness, and a small chance would be nice.

in summery:
-make a more expensive option to claim the lioness if you fail
-make if you do auto-claim a lioness for there to be a SMALL chance for her to come with the pose/or also come with a pose decor-item you can use.

This suggestion has 13 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Robin (BLM) - Gen4
Cinnabar (#171993)

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Posted on
2020-01-27 19:10:30
I support for an option to claim after failing for more currency, but no matter how you claim, depending on impressiveness, you have a small chance of the lioness being posed anyway, so that's already in the game as a feature.

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