Posted by New adventure idea!

MockingjayRising (#135902)

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Posted on
2020-02-03 15:40:08
I have an idea for an AWESOME new sort of adventure! I won't go into the detailed story but here's the outline: you where walking in the snow one day when you hear crying you look around and find a lioness with SNOWFLAKES?! On her pelt? You ask her what's wrong and she tells you that she it's of the pride of snow, a pride of lions living in the mountains. So adapted to living in cold environments that all their pelts have snowflake imprints on them, tells you she was hunting and got lost and had no idea how to get home because the cliffs are too steep. A long journey later, when she reaches the top of the mountain, she is ridiculed and chased away for accepting help from a common lion, so you invite her to live with you in your pride

You get a new lion join your pride! She has:
Blue eyes
Albino base
Any mane color/type
100 fertility
3 yrs old
A rare passable mutation that causes her to have snowflake like blue markings on her pelt

The mutation: I would prefer if the pass ability chance is 25 percent chance

Lions with the mutation CANNOT give birth to more than 2 cubs at a time. Items such as buffy balls don't work.

You can ONLY get this mutation from passing it on or the adventure

The mutation looks like the lion has blue snowflakes in it's fur

I hope you guys like the idea! i'm open to discussing many tweaks and ideas!

This suggestion has 5 supports and 27 NO supports.

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hellameme (#133750)

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Posted on
2020-02-03 15:46:11
I don’t think it should be a mutation, it would work better as a new rare marking. Even then, I don’t know if the staff would make it look like snowflakes

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MockingjayRising (#135902)

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Posted on
2020-02-03 15:46:57
A marking would work, but why wouldn't people do snowflakes?

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MockingjayRising (#135902)

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Posted on
2020-02-03 16:33:09
Would anyone like 2 add stuff or make suggestions

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MockingjayRising (#135902)

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Posted on
2020-02-03 16:40:01
I would still like it if she could only have to 2 cubs in a litter so it's not too o.o though

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Astrid┋CLEAN 3.7K
3x Clouded (#124118)

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Posted on
2020-02-04 15:05:20
i don't know if markings can be introduced this way, but it would almost definitely have to be a marking, as the admins seem to prefer to err on the side of realism when it comes to mutations but not with markings

if they were open to introduce a marking like this, it would do best as a december-only encounter and would most likely need to have a pass rate closer to that of rosettes, so very, very low (much lower than 25)
even with that, they'd probably not make the encounter a guarantee of getting the lioness, so you would probably want to not limit her to only 2 cubs per litter, as the restrictions admins would impose (very low pass rate, maybe 25-50% chance of actually getting the lioness from the encounter) would already make chances low

it's a cute idea for sure! but I'm not sure it would work out with the way the admins think

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2020-03-10 19:25:21
Even the markings on Lioden are derived from animal pelts and based in realism; blue markings wouldn't be too far-fetched given how many different bases are made into markings, but since there's no animals with snowflakes as markings, the snowflake appearance would likely not make it into Lioden. This does sound very interesting, though! Perhaps a new type of vitiligo marking could work instead, as it's a somewhat snow-dappled look?

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MockingjayRising (#135902)

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Posted on
2020-03-10 19:35:13
sure....I thought this idea was pounded along with my hopes and dreams long ago....

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