Posted by Stat Items

Velaris [G1
Scattered x9 Rose] (#88250)

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Posted on
2020-02-10 21:05:17
I think that the stat items that are used for amusement/food should have a limit on the amount we can give to them even with their mood/hunger being 100%. A limit is only there so someone doesn't stack piles upon piles of stats onto a lion(ess). I was thinking maybe 10 to 20 items a day or perhaps even 100 stat points per day. What do y'all think? Other ideas you have, please post them as I would love to hear them.

This suggestion has 1 support and 16 NO supports.

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Bezthiel 🍉 (#81210)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-02-10 22:38:18
The biggest affecter of stats already has this limit, egg yolks. I forget how many you can use a day now, but it hardly matters. I doubt things like camel toes and lovebird plumage needs this.

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