Posted by new search feature?

saltyFINCHfries (#17604)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2020-02-16 21:08:19
so right now if you go into branch sales and type in a word it brings up everything with that word in a drop down list however i think it would be nice to add a way to just search the word and get all results that have that word in it.

type in 'Applicator' and it would give you everything with that word in the name
right now if you typed in 'Applicator' it would have you pick one to search however it would be helpful for large searches like 'Carcass' and get all kinds at once!

saves people from having to search one item at a time when many items use the same key words in their titles

This suggestion has 8 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Flarebear (#131250)

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Posted on
2020-02-27 13:09:10
This already exists. Go to Oasis > Item catalogue > Type your word.

It will bring up everything that includes that word ( including custom decor ) and then from there you choose. From there you can search for said item in Branch sales, Trades and Raffles. :)

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