Posted by Pride Quests? Pride Quests!

Zambz (#2687)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2020-03-16 05:47:47

If this is the wrong board do lemme know/ if mod feel free to scoot it to the right one owo

I had this idea befur but forgot about it, so it's back with some adjustments and improvements!

SO. Pride Quests you ask?

That's right, Pride Quests!

But what are they?
Pride quests are simply little quests given to you at random from your pride members! Similar to the snake, you get one, complete what is asked, and turn it in!

In a bit more detail...
Pride Quests would either be given to you upon going into your den, visiting a lion's page, or upon rollover. Something like that. They come up to you asking for you to find a certain thing. Maybe a carcass, certain feathers, yada yada stuff like that. You shall go scoot your booty to find them said item, and when you return it they will have an increased mood or something and maybe give you a reward.

Maybe some EXP or IMP, orrrr some meat chunks, toys, more rarely maybe some kinda decor like the feather ones or new one just for this, and maybe very rarely something special. Maybe an item like dry palm leaf or broken drone kinda items? small, but kinda helpful and rare enough the game wouldn't be overwhelmed with em of course!

Maybe during events, if the devs wanted ofc, you had a small % chance for an item like decor or something either from the shop/based on the event?

And the more quests you do the more your relationship with said pride member fills!

If the staff want, maybe completing quests can be a new way to help fill mood bars or something. If you don't do quests nothing negative will happen, but maybe completing a quest can give a small boost in lion mood since you took your time to help them and they appreciate it! somethin like that maybe? :3
not rly needed but just an idea

Another idea I've been playing with is that a lioness with a high relationship bar may very rarely go into heat sooner as a reward, as if u used one bark, but that might be a bit too OP lol.

Similar to the idea above, a lioness ith a rly high relationship bar may very rarely have a CRB effect or feel 'very fertile' and be able to prduce 1 extra cub, provided her next litter has less than 4, as a reward. Again this may be too OP tho, but it's here for the admins to decide to add not me ^^

Inter-Pride Interactions:
This would also be cool to add with the Pride Quests IMO!
Basically, upon visiting your den pages you get flavor texts of interactions between your pride members. Who had a fight with who, a lioness of yours as seen sneaking out to meet with a leopard/tiger, stuff like that would be some fun flavor texts oo

Relationship Bar?!
Yes a relationship bar! The more quests you complete for your lion, the higher your relationship with them is!

Might be cool if even just visiting your lion page and interacting with them can improve the bar too!

IMO this is just a RPG/Cosmetic kinda thing! It can be used for pride lore n such like that! n frankly our lions never interact beyond occasional flavor text and it's sad :c

Maybe the higher the relationship bar, it gives you some new flavor text on occasions?

The point of this is?
Not much point to be honest, but at the moment our lovely ladies don't really do much interacting with our kings beyond the personality tidbits you sometimes get visiting their pages.

How are we suppose to be playing a lion SIM when we have 0 interaction with our ladies?! Besides playing/feeding so they don't run away, but even then if you have FAPA it's less personal than even that! We NEED more ways to do stuff with our prides imo!

Purrsonally, I think this would be super cute and each personality set, or each personality if the devs wanna go all out, can have their own way of asking. Like snarky/evil ladies are more 'rude' about it, and the nice/good ladies use lots of pretty please with meat chunks on top type of things.

As some people have tons of lions, I figure you can only accept 1-3 at a time per account at one time? TBH I don't see much point in limiting this that much, it's nothing overpowered like getting buffalo scrotums as rewards or anything lol.

I guess for cons is that it's more quests? Really I don't see much way it can harm the economy if done right. Pros is that I think it's a cute way to add a bit more fun with our lionesses? owo;

"-Lion Name- Approaches you with a worried look on her face. She explains that -Cub- seems to have wandered off and they cannot find them. She asks if you would mind looking for -Cub- when you're out." [You would then go explore and come across a encounter finding -Cub- and leading them back home where you turn in the quest and get a reward.]

"You see -Lion Name- angrily pacing about. You approach her and ask what's wrong. She explains those dreaded mongoose have been tormenting her trying to nap, but when she wakes up they run off. She asks you to take care of them for her." [Go in explore, do the mongoose encounter and return to her for reward]

"-Lion Name- is sitting all alone by a pool of water, looking at her reflection with a sigh. Asking her what's the matter she explains she doesn't feel as pretty as she once was and asks you if you'd mind fetching her some pretty feathers she could wear." [Find feathers she asks for, return to her for reward]
I imagine this one for lionesses like 10/12+ years old!

"-Lion Name- wakes you from your nap. She says she wants -insert food item here- for dinner and demands you get it for her before leaving you alone again. How rude." [get -food item she wants- and return to her for reward]

"-Sub Male Name- approaches you, sheepishly asking if you can show him some moves on how to claim ladies as well as you do." [Claim a lioness, return for reward]

"-Lion Name- [broodmother specific maybe?] Says shes worried the territory isn't being patrolled enough and is worried for the safety of the cubs. She asks if you would mind sending -sub male- out for an extra patrol while you explore. Just to be sure." [use an energy bar in explore + send a sub male patrolling. return for reward]
I imagine this would only trigger if you had a sub male in pride!

"-Sub Male Name- returns from his patrol in a panic, an intruder is in your territory! Time to show him off your lands!" [Find enemy lion in explore and chase him away either in good/bad way depending on your karma]

"-Adol Name- bounds up to you full of energy as you return home, asking you many questions about your adventures and begging you to let her explore too. With a sigh you agree to send her out with the lionesses next time they go hunting, knowing you won't get peace and quiet otherwise." [Send an adol out hunting with your girls so she will shut up lol]

"-Lion Name- has been wanting a cub lately but isn't ready to have more of her own yet, so she asks you if you'd mind adopting one

"-Cub/Adol Names- rush over to you, waking you up from your nap. They bounce all over you asking you to come play with them! Being the amazing dad you are you, albeit begrudgingly, agree." [Go to the games page and play a game! then return to den]

"-Sub Male Name- Is challenging you for leadership of the pride, demanding you step down! After the initial shock you realize he's joking around and just wants to do some battle practice!" [Spar with your sub male!]

"-Lion Name- comes up to you, rubbing her cheek against yours affectionately and asks if when you go out on explore you can collect x5 of -insert color rock here- for her collection. In return, when you get back she'll give you some snuggle time!" [Collect x5 of -rock- and return them to her!]

"-Lion Name- wakes you up and tells you she got a bit sick in the den, would you mind cleaning it up while she gets some fresh air? Of course you would, right?" [Go to cave the lioness is in, click 'Clean Den' option and return to her! This would be for pregnant lionesses only I imagine but could work with anyone :3 also there would be no gross image or anything, just a button to clean ur den and make it nice for the girls again!]

So yeah that about sums it up! If you have any suggestions to improve it I'd love to know owo!

Hopefully I kept this balanced enough so if you wouldn't care about/use it then it doesn't like punish you and if you would use it it's just a cute thing to do that doesn't rly give a big advantage or anything. My goal is to keep it balanced as best I can so people can still play how they want^^

This suggestion has 73 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 19/03/20 @ 07:18:23 by Zambz (#2687)

Humble (#180290)

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Posted on
2020-03-16 06:06:34
I adore this idea! Postin' to sub.

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Leto [G2 Light] (#191651)

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Posted on
2020-03-16 06:58:50
Yes please!

I'd love to see more meaningful pride interactions.

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Zambz (#2687)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2020-03-16 07:25:07
eep I'm so glad people like this idea! I too would love meaning in how we interact with our pride, i mean it IS a lion sim after all! Why do we have no interactions basically :c

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Squonk (#54817)

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Posted on
2020-03-16 07:26:09
Ah, this would be really cute, support.

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Spooky (G2 ivory) (#193326)

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Posted on
2020-03-16 13:01:33
i love the idea of more interactions with my lionesses i put a lot of gb/sb into them an want them to be able to do something fun like this

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Zambz (#2687)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2020-03-17 06:23:05
Ye same! It feels more personal if we can do stuff with them IMO lol

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