Posted by Sotaki(Explorable/Breedable Species)(Open)

🦗Aunt Cricket🦗 (#25961)

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Posted on
2020-03-19 18:30:10


Main Thread(You are here)|Breeding Thread|Sotaki Inventory|Sotaki Archive|Sotaki Fan Art| Event Thread!

~No stealing
~Be polite to everyone!
~Please only bid/offer what you have at the moment
~Items are very much welcome!
~Have fun! :D
~You can get them without the bg, just ask :3
~Image is clickable and will take you to the higher quality image!
~Give credit where it is due! <3
~Eyes always match the tongue and sometimes the wings! :D

This art was made by Aloiria, so please credit them when giving credit!

Discord Link

Raffle link:

Raffle Number 1:
(This one is for first time owners only!)

Gender: Male
Fertility: Low
Number: #035


Fertility: Low
Number: #038

Gender: Female
Fertility: Low
Number: #23

Raffle tickets are free, but it's only 1 per person(no side accounts please)!

Raffle Tickets:
1: DragonBoss
2: Paradox
3: Jess <3

Auction #1:

Gender: Female
Fertility: High
Number: #080

SB: 500
CB: 1 by Glitch <3
AB: 15(high to encourage bidding)

Auction #2:

Gender: Female
Fertility: High
Number: #076

SB: 500
CB: 4 by Quake
AB: 15(high to encourage bidding)

Flatsale #1:

Gender: Female
Fertility: Goddess
Number: #082
Mutation: Piebaldism AND Horns :O

Price: 25gb? Or Offer! :D

Flatsale #2:

Gender: Female
Fertility: Low
Number: #086

Price: Offer?

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Edited on 28/05/20 @ 09:44:07 by Macey (#25961)

🦗Aunt Cricket🦗 (#25961)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2020-03-20 03:35:06
I just created an Archive located at the top of the thread in the right box ;D <3

@Local Disturbance
Of course! :D

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🦗Aunt Cricket🦗 (#25961)

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Posted on
2020-03-20 03:39:36
You decide to go exploring today in the woods behind your house! You head out and see something in the grass. Do you...:

A) Ignore it?
B) Check it out?

@Local Disturbance
You want to go on an adventure today, so you pack your bag and head out. When you start on the trail, you see something dart across it ahead of you. Do you...:

A) Check it out?
B) Ignore it?

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AVOIID (#103536)

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Posted on
2020-03-20 03:42:21
A! A little frazzled from getting knocked down the last time, but none the less curious!

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Empty (#2507)

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Posted on
2020-03-20 03:43:50
Must have entered the tall grass! Lets check it out
Btw is it okay to reserve a post on the archive?

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🦗Aunt Cricket🦗 (#25961)

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Posted on
2020-03-20 04:01:17
@Local Disturbance
You decide to check it out! Oh my! It's the same thing that tackled you before! :O
"Well howdy there frind(I know it's spelled wrong xD) I'm so sorry for knocking you down earlier! I wanted to properly introduce myself. People around here cal me The Merchant...well because I sell a lot of stuff here and there! Here is another little gift to be taken as an apology again." He says as he hands you something. You don't want to be rude, so you don't check it out until he leave. "Well see ya later! I gotta go sell more stuff to the locals!" He says as he darts off. You finally get to look at what he gave you, so you look down. It's a Strange Fruit! :O

Congrats! You got a Strange Fruit!
(who knows what it will do! Only the future will tell!)

End of explore :D

(of course! Go right ahead :D <3)
You decide to check it out! It seems to be something shiny as you get closer to it, you see that it is a Sex Changer! :O
You pick it up and continue on your way. When you see something slithering beside you. You look down and see that it's a Sotaki. It looks like it's trying to race with you! It's struggling to keep up with your normal walking speed, so you slow down a little bit. It looks excited, so it speeds up and outruns you! You kneel down next to it and give it a snack to congratulate it! It accepts it and climbs up your arm. Welp guess you have a new friend now! xD

Congrats! You got a Sotaki!
(image is clickable and will take you to it's BG and non BG version! :D)

Gender: Female
Fertility: Low
Number: #007

End of explore :D

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Empty (#2507)

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Posted on
2020-03-20 04:12:30
Omg so freaking cute!!!

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AVOIID (#103536)

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Posted on
2020-03-20 04:16:23
xD Just can't stop running into him! At least he keeps handing me a buncha free stuff. All the more prepared for when I get myself a fluffy boi!

Can I get one more explore? FF before I pass out because its 7 AM. xD

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[G3/fuchsia/shreds (#192867)

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Posted on
2020-03-20 05:35:57
Can I explore once? These are precious!

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MarsFlytrap (#195433)

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Posted on
2020-03-20 05:49:49
May I explore again? You must make a lot of sb with these x-x
Just... Instant addiction

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Impisi-laughs (#170905)

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Posted on
2020-03-20 06:07:14
So I'm very new. Enjoy my very quick and scratchy sotaki doodle! (You can see better works on the same DA lol)

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Koa (#166088)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-03-20 09:08:37
I’d like to explore!

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Edited on 20/03/20 @ 09:08:52 by Rawr (#166088)

🦗Aunt Cricket🦗 (#25961)

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Posted on
2020-03-20 09:39:17
Oh my so many new people! I accept all of your explore requests! Please send over the sb and I will get started!
Also sorry for going a little inactive the past few hours! I'm sick, so I had to take a nap since I've been up since 4am :S
I am back now! :D <3

Aww thank you so much, but the link doesn't work :(

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[G3/fuchsia/shreds (#192867)

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Posted on
2020-03-20 09:51:45
Sending now!

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Koa (#166088)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-03-20 09:52:54
Sent! And I wish you a fast recovery!

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🦗Aunt Cricket🦗 (#25961)

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Posted on
2020-03-20 10:20:45
You decide to go exploring today, so you pack your bag and head out! When you get to the beginning of the trail, you see something shining in the leaves. What is that? Do you...:

A) Check it out?
B) Ignore it?

You go on adventure today, so you get up early and go outside. It feels quite nice outside, so you take a picnic with you! When you find the perfect area to have your picnic, you set it up. When you sit down and start eating your sandwich, you see something moving in the tall grass ahead of you. What the heck? Do you...:

A) Stop eating and check it out?
B) Ignore it?

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