Posted by Tigon Hype 2.0

Tovero Sutekh (#169351)

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Posted on
2020-03-29 16:24:18
So, as a tigon fan whose main account joined Lioden a month after Tigon Hype ended and whose side account was on hiatus at the time of the event, I have noticed that it is extremely difficult for a new player or an older player who doesn't have the budget to spend on Golden Beetles to get a tigon, and as a programmer myself, I can't help but appreciate the work that must have "gon" into creating the hype event for our beloved Tigons, 'Gons, TigTogs, and whatever else we call them. It's a shame that the code is, currently, only going to be used once. So, for all these reasons, I propose bringing Tigon Hype back for a second round.

I propose that it would come back once, possibly twice, on the five- and/or ten-year anniversary of the original Tigon Hype event!

Edit: I'm not saying to bring back the original boosted chance. I'm saying raise it by, like, 0.002% for a week or so, and bring back the encounters, and parhaps a pretty applicator marking you can get once per account, or a darkened version of mottled stripes. Or, alternatively, create some decor specifically for tigons, as it's very difficult to be able to afford custom decor for tigons, or even some decor of tigons.

This suggestion has 8 supports and 23 NO supports.

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Edited on 06/04/20 @ 16:52:35 by Angel||Dash24601 Main (#169351)

fleuriste (#130338)

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Posted on
2020-03-29 16:30:34
Im on the fence here,, We have enough tigons as is really, and I feel like a second boost could do more harm thn good. Five-Ten year anni leaves room for them to naturally boom as leopons have, and I dont really think there needs to be a gain/boost for it.

THOUGH, I am 100% down for the silly encounters n such to return w/out any sort of aid in tigon breeding.

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Agent Nevada (#185131)

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Posted on
2020-04-05 10:34:21
I would love that to happen. The encounters are so cool. Tigon would be a bonus in my opinion xd.

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🌻 the serval
spots (#98320)

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Posted on
2020-04-05 13:24:49
No support, because I believe Tigon Boost ruined the value of tigons very quickly along with causing tons of scams.

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Guillo [kinda froze] (#107254)

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Posted on
2020-04-05 18:59:24
Personally I feel that part of the hype around Tigons is that they are difficult to get. Making them easier to breed and aquire would defeat the purpose of their rarity and tank the hybrid market.

I do however like the idea of some sort of anniversary! Perhaps some sort of event can be implemented with exclusive tigon related decors instead of breeding and real gons, that way it doesn't hurt the market!

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