Posted by Year-Long Hybrid Giveaway 3.0 WINNER DRAWN

Kuma ™ (#16165)

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Posted on
2020-04-14 09:04:01

The winner was drawn and it was Soap (Full-Ice, Full-Ardor) (#191418)! Thanks to everyone who participated!

Please read all rules before commenting!

This is the third hybrid giveaway I've done and the end date will be February 2021!

1. The winner of the giveaway will be chosen via I will generate a page number, and then generate a post. For example, pages 1-2000; if the number is 582, then the numbers 1-15 will be put into the generator. If 4 is chosen, then the 4th post on the 582nd page will be the winner.

2. The winner will get a Tigon cub! (no choice between a tigon or leopon unfortunately, my pons were very unkind to me this year)

3. No double-posting is allowed!

4. No advertising is allowed!

To participate in this giveaway, you just have to comment and talk to other players. You must have at least one post in between your own posts (see rule 3). If you have any questions, please PM me. And please remember to follow the rules!

Important Links

Barked Reverse Heats to my First-Gen Hybrids

1000+ Decors For Sale

2019 Tigon Giveaway

2020 Hybrid Giveaway

Giveaway Buddies Clan

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Edited on 27/02/21 @ 16:22:05 by Kuma ™ (#16165)

Eldritch g1 rl clone (#211139)

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Posted on
2021-01-29 13:44:53
someone with a 1% girl sent a stud request so i went and did my one free refill of energy cause i was thinking it was gonna take ages but nope 1st try i was plesantly surprised

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⚡The Witch
Doctor⚡(G1) (#33916)

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Posted on
2021-01-29 13:54:00
@Chaos Nice. I'd have been worried with a 1% as well.

Pons have a bonus to pass rosettes? Is it only MR or others as well?

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Eldritch g1 rl clone (#211139)

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Posted on
2021-01-29 14:35:45
im not sure. i don't think so?

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C.J. (#102610)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2021-01-29 14:36:27
I think its just MR! Gons have a heightened chance at MS butttt..... Mottled stripes are super ugly with most designs lmao

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babycakes21 - hiatus (#215205)

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Posted on
2021-01-29 14:38:49
Yep! It's all of them, or at least that's what I've heard, from rosette breeders that I'm friends with, so I'm pretty sure it was a fact that they most likely mentioned when pons first came out

But they're kinda... ugly. Compared to gons, which are cute as hell, the female adult pose just looks painful, the cub ones looks a lil creepy, and same with the adol. The male adult one is kinda nice tho, although those wrinkles on all of em are kinda weird

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Edited on 29/01/21 @ 14:39:21 by babycakes21|G1 Ice3Ros Cracked (#215205)

C.J. (#102610)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2021-01-29 14:40:44
Plus.. A lot of old art suffers from art lean and the pons... Are no exception unfortunately
They're super asymmetrical and its really noticeable when you flip the image
Im actually not a huge fan of the gons' pose because idk i like seeing their face

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frog_dad (#185757)

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Posted on
2021-01-29 14:41:11
I like the adol pose and cub pose, but I do agree the female pose very weird- my pon is frogged so she appears male (mostly because I wanted to show her green mane hehe) and I like it better

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C.J. (#102610)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2021-01-29 14:44:54
it almost looks like she's got like a feather boa lol
tbh,, i wouldnt want a pon that didnt have a rosette
mainly cuz i just think that pons look nakey if they dont have rosettes

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babycakes21 - hiatus (#215205)

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Posted on
2021-01-29 14:46:10
I wanna have an army of green lions, plan on buying a TON of green bases on april fools and having the manes to match, thinking about making some rainbow lions and maybe an earth looking one, with blue markings and a little white

And I also gotta stock up on the february gems, need at least 3 rough ruby dusts and 2-3 rhodondite ones, not to mention the rest of em that I can't remember... OH and the new gems, I think they might be making new bases for those, but I do know that they're gonna have some kind of new app, it was announced in the January news post i think

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frog_dad (#185757)

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Posted on
2021-01-29 14:47:52
I've currently got 3 green lions, including my king. My pon used to be green, but I let her keep her green mane :) I LOVE green and I've been scouring to find as many bases and lions as I can but not much luck

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babycakes21 - hiatus (#215205)

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Posted on
2021-01-29 14:49:45
I know, since they can't pass naturally the only way would be to use a crunchy, and I mean, I'd only use a crunchy on a super special lion like a quad+ rosette, or a rosetted BO base

I'm thinking about trying to get a g2-3 triple rosette and base changing to green, and might sell cloned heats for anyone who feels like it, plus might add an OG fur MoD cause it's awesome

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frog_dad (#185757)

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Posted on
2021-01-29 14:51:29
I used a crunchy on my green girl once for fun haha- She produced a green daughter, named Mitochondria :)

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babycakes21 - hiatus (#215205)

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Posted on
2021-01-29 14:56:04

As soon as I mentioned the news post, news was posted. I always forget what time it's posted, and then I see the notif and am like "Oh yeah. Idiot me here"

And cool! I kinda want to make a combo base suggestion for green x something else, not sure what It'd be but I feel like it would be cool

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C.J. (#102610)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2021-01-29 14:56:16
I love the MoDs in this game, i just wish we had more of em tbh, especially ones that pass!

Tho i dont want MoDs for anything we currently have (dwarfism, melanism, clawless, etc), if anything I'd want more pies (tho tbh i wish that pies also came from out of nowhere like most other muts)

I saw one person suggesting a "Hybrid MoD" as a reward for people who spend like. $1000 on GB
and just,, no,, like it makes it so that people who cant afford to spend that much real-world money on a lion game are automatically alienated. PLUS it makes it so that gons and pons become less rare and it becomes a "pay to win" instead of "Work to win", which is never good for games..

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⚡The Witch
Doctor⚡(G1) (#33916)

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Posted on
2021-01-29 14:56:18
I may need to remember those cloned heats, babycakes. At least depending on which rosettes in which slots.
Honestly, the basic male and basic female art really looks old compared to newer stuff, but part of my interest in hybrids is just having different art. If pons really do pass rosettes better, I might need to save and get one even if I don't win this. I like gons for value and art, and I think their art does look better than the gon art. I get what you mean about the gon female and the adult male, but I still like them better than the normal male and female adult lion art.

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