Posted by Year-Long Hybrid Giveaway 3.0 WINNER DRAWN

Kuma ™ (#16165)

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Posted on
2020-04-14 09:04:01

The winner was drawn and it was Soap (Full-Ice, Full-Ardor) (#191418)! Thanks to everyone who participated!

Please read all rules before commenting!

This is the third hybrid giveaway I've done and the end date will be February 2021!

1. The winner of the giveaway will be chosen via I will generate a page number, and then generate a post. For example, pages 1-2000; if the number is 582, then the numbers 1-15 will be put into the generator. If 4 is chosen, then the 4th post on the 582nd page will be the winner.

2. The winner will get a Tigon cub! (no choice between a tigon or leopon unfortunately, my pons were very unkind to me this year)

3. No double-posting is allowed!

4. No advertising is allowed!

To participate in this giveaway, you just have to comment and talk to other players. You must have at least one post in between your own posts (see rule 3). If you have any questions, please PM me. And please remember to follow the rules!

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Barked Reverse Heats to my First-Gen Hybrids

1000+ Decors For Sale

2019 Tigon Giveaway

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Edited on 27/02/21 @ 16:22:05 by Kuma ™ (#16165)

Miss Wonderland (#212712)

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Posted on
2021-02-12 18:58:24

The NCL ^^ and i think is New ^^

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Donna Inters 4XJelly
Ennedi G1 (#94818)

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Posted on
2021-02-12 19:08:10
Ooooo I think that looks pretty!

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Legiana #DHS #SFD (#7152)

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Posted on
2021-02-12 19:09:48
I just gotta say that I am very pissed off and stressed out. My heater in the camper went out again tonight after I just paid $260 bucks like yesterday to get it fixed. I called them again tonight and they said your furnace may not be able to keep up in the cold weather. This happens sometimes I'm sorry. Can you relocate until it warms up? The answer is no. My camper is parked and I can't pull it with my truck right now and I don't have another house lol, not to mention that I've been sick. I do have infrared heaters that are helping they just aren't ideal. But atleast I can still be in here with my pups.

Finally got ahold of someone that will come look at it tomorrow night but it is currently like 7 degrees outside right now. Gonna have negative wind chills tomorrow and then up to 12" of snow and -20 wind chills Saturday night through Monday. So yay me!

Also having to be on prednisone so long and not be active I feel like I've gained 400lbs and am now eating horrible for you sugar cookies because I'm in a mood ( and no I don't generally eat my feelings). I am 5'7" and now like 158lbs which is the biggest I have ever been, really hate it btw.

**rant over*** sorry ya'll. It has been a really bad day. On the bright side work doesn't want me to come back until I have no symptoms at all so I am still working from home.

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Kuma ™ (#16165)

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Posted on
2021-02-12 19:11:26
Ahh thank ya Donna! got the GB I needed. Also hello to whoever said hello

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Donna Inters 4XJelly
Ennedi G1 (#94818)

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Posted on
2021-02-12 19:24:49
Awww I wish we were closer @ Legiana
My husband is an Electrician!

It is -33 C here which is -28 F
Just went down to -34 or 28 F still
with the Wind chills they say -52 C tonight -61 F

Holey shit!
That's cold

I now have two of my older cats in the heated shed getting along so far both are grumpy cats!

Anything I can do to help @ Kuma
Your's was the lowest on the Branches!

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Legiana #DHS #SFD (#7152)

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Posted on
2021-02-12 19:30:12
Thanks Donna! I don't know if it is a propane issue or a furnace issue. Hopefully I will find out tomorrow. It is has not been this cold here since the 1980s so it is probably because we aren't ready for that anymore.

The horses are the only ones outside and they are doing well. I will blanket them tomorrow so far they say, "I don't know why you're cold mom." lol

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Donna Inters 4XJelly
Ennedi G1 (#94818)

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Posted on
2021-02-12 19:37:44
My husband is the furnace expect at his job!
A furnace not working right now is considered an electrical emergency!
Some of them use old tech and he know the old ones best...
My hubby is feeding the Shire Stallion in his loose housing he leaves his veggies that I feed him to go eat his hay inside
the shed!

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babycakes21 - hiatus (#215205)

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Posted on
2021-02-12 19:38:15
I literally can't even look at this forum anymore without laughing lmao

Better than sulking around all day depressed tho. @Legiana that sucks, my grandparents had a similar issue in Japan except it was really hot and humid, so their air conditioners broke (search up Japanese air conditioners, they're the chunky things that go on the wall) from the clogging and it's so hot there you actually can get heatstroke just from being inside with no air conditioning, so they had to "evacuate" to my grandma's cafe

The cost was a couple thousand to get them fixed rip

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Legiana #DHS #SFD (#7152)

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Posted on
2021-02-12 19:43:45
It is a bit of an emergency to me lol but not others apparently. *fingers crossed* I do have shelter I can put them in, it is a big three sided shed. Has like 3 stalls in it. And hay. But since our water froze outside and we have to carry buckets we only have the big bucket in their pasture filled. It also has the only tank heater in it so I can't take it out or that one will be frozen solid too. Plus the horses seem happy out in the pasture.

My pups are helping keep me warm. I will probably do some coloring on one of the apps on my phone. It is very calming and helps me go to sleep sometimes.

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Kitty (#139161)

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Posted on
2021-02-12 19:44:59
I do be flirting with babycakes Cassian

Also hope everything ends gettting better Legiana!

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Legiana #DHS #SFD (#7152)

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Posted on
2021-02-12 19:45:26
Thanks Kitten! ^.^

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Eldritch g1 rl clone (#211139)

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Posted on
2021-02-12 19:47:23
hope everything works out for you!

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babycakes21 - hiatus (#215205)

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Posted on
2021-02-12 19:55:23
Oh damn that's you?

For a sec I thought you meant something else, cause she's named after a character in a book, and I was like AAAAH SOMEONE KNOWS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT but then I realized that it's the name of the lioness. Plus it's kinda hard to flirt with a character in a book

UGH dammit you little-- . Tfw you can't chase someone away from your lioness

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Edited on 12/02/21 @ 19:55:44 by babycakes21|G1 Ice3Ros Cracked (#215205)

Kitty (#139161)

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Posted on
2021-02-12 19:58:51
That face when you get 3 HS cause someone couldn't chase you away ;3c

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babycakes21 - hiatus (#215205)

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Posted on
2021-02-12 20:01:26
Haha very true unless you're the person who failed to chase the pig away

The speed that the flirt shop is moving at is literally depressing

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