This is a free Raffle for the heat of [My Gen 1 Leopon] She is a Gen 1 Leopon who is clean lined(gen 2 clean lined to be exact). Her mother is named. My pon will not have her Base, Skin, or marking slots 1, and 6 removed or changed. She will have any other markings, possibly her eyes, and mane color and shape changed.
This Gen 1 I currently have plans to RMA to try for a 5th rosette(possibly more).I plan to have at least 1 additional rosette on her by Febuary but this is NOT guaranteed to be a fact.Her 2nd rosette was obtained 5-22-20, 3rd on 6-6-20, & 4th on 11-30-20. This will be her only Free heat likely to be sold(I may consider more heats in the future). If I manage to role 1-2 additional rosette besides her original Mottled(It has been done). I may sell limited heats that cost GB in the future though(Read the update tab for more info or pm me).
Upon winning this givaway you will have the option to breed My Side King. He is a Penta Rosette(5xRosette) who base is anubis(unless a better looking compatible special base is added) to help pass the Kiman Base from the pon. He currently has around 3.6k Stats and is heritagless. He will have Pie Mod applied to him, it will likely be Scattered unless I get a OG Pie Mod(Update in November).
The Raffle Will End Febuary 20th 2021. Smaller prizes will happen all year long these are given away when cerin page numbers are reached. Prizes will be Located on Page 1 Post 2.
***If 3500 pages(This may be lowered around September based on activity) are reachedThis is now avaible First place will Change From a Gen 1 Heat Leopon Heat to having the option to choose a Clean Gen 2 Leopon Cub with Double Rosettes. It is your pick as the winner what you want.
This change is optional to the winner if they wish to risk breeding her themslves in the hopes of twin pons or greater they may. The option of a 2x Rosetted pon cub is for a winner who would not rather risk the heat in the chance it fails.
Please read all rules before commenting. Thank you!
°The winner of the givaway will be chosen via I will generate a page number, and then generate a post. For example, pages 1-2400; if the number is 1250, then the numbers 1-15 will be put into the generator. If 8 is chosen, then the 8th post on the 1250th page will be the winner of this givaway.
°The winner will get a Clean Gen 1 Leopon heat(Not a leopon themselves unless the page number is reached). You get the option to breed her to my side king which will be a Gen 1 Clean Penta (5x) Rosette Anubis Based Piebald. This will give better chance a multi rosetted offspring.
°The winner will be informed a day before her heat will take place. After the winner is drawn the person who wins her will be informed of this and the specifics will be discussed.
°To participate in this giveaway, you just have to comment and talk to other players. You must have at least one post in between your own posts. If you have any questions, please PM me.
°All replies by me do not count. Any reply made by me will not count tword the givaway. If I reply and that page is selected of 1-15 comments say I replied once on that I would role again same page if my comment was picked.
°I have the right to refuse to givaway to the heat to a user within reason. This will be the case if a winner is drawn but has been shown to have broken any of the rules listed(normally after being warned once). Users Blocked by me can not enter this raffle(my block list is only about 5 people so this likley won't be a issue).
°I have the right to redraw the winner if need be for any reason. If you are drawn as the winner you must be online within 3-5 days of being chosen(this is because I will only roll her once maybe twice in febuary to keep her young). You will obtain 1 pm once you win and 1 pm prior to a new winner being chosen.
°This givaway is for a full rights litter to a clean gen 1 leopons heat. No barks are required and I will provide the following: 1 Buffalo Scrotum, 1 Crunchy Worm(for cloning) 2 Gnawrocks(for passing rosettes) (***This was changed to avoid a multi rosette female clone of my girl hopflly this change is alright with you all), IBF, Age stones for any leopons born(depending on how this goes this may include non-leopons), Nesting, and Stud fee of 1:gb or lower(You will have the chance to breed to my 5x rosette heir if wanted)- any other items or fees are your responsibility(I recommend saving 2 gnaws from september to make full use of her).
°This will not be done through the Reverse Breeding system unless asked for directly. This is because I think most users have a stud other than their own in their mind, plus it is much easier to use items etc. without the system. If you're worried, I have done sevral givaways/raffles in the past like this, but will do my best to make you feel as confortable as possible when going through the breeding. I can provide screenshots of items that are use and anything else you may think of at that time.
°The Leopon will NOT be leaving my den for any reason She will only be transferred between my main, #57411, and my side, #57994 if need be but this is unlikely.
°The Leopon is NOT for sale. Please do not ask. I may sell limited Barked heats from her in the month of Febuary but they must be paid for. Price is not desided as of yet and will be finalized in the month of Febuary once I am done with her customization(her rosettes etc).
°I will NOT be changing her base.This is because it is a breed only base that comes with a gen 1 leopon. So please do not ask if I can change her base to ice etc. to try and breed a soul based leopon as a example it will not be considered.
***[New] Posts must be at least 1 sentence long and contain at least 5 words. If a 1 word reply is drawn for a page prize it will not be chosen and redrawn this is to insitivise posting more than 1 word replys or just a emoji. Starting page 73. Thank you
°These rules may change for any reason if need be. You all will be updated if anything is changed. Changes will have *** next to them.
***Feel free to join for another exclusive heat for Clan members.
Special Notice: These users have help this goal of mine. There is no need to donate to me at all but they did so none the less. I am trying to gift wanted decor to those who do help me. If you wish to help my goal I am buying RMAs at 600 per or 1 per 2 RMAs
°Kyra (#38924) - Donated 1 RMA - I gifted back a Lich Fire Decor for kindness(Decor the wanted/needed)
°DiliGOAT? (#36683) - Donated 5 RMAs & 5 Markimg Removals (Stated they were just helping and did not want a Gift - Asking if they are sure ^^)
°Snowy (#183123) - Donated 2 RMAs - I gifted shards of evil(requested) and 2 lion skulls (Discussing decor)
*Update 8-23* Note:
Huge News!!!:
Newest News From 8-23-20Just to reassure everyone: This is still a ongoing thing, I am alive just been a lot going on, and is still active giveaway!
I am no longer making you wait till page 3500 to unlock the option to get a Pon cub insted of a heat. It is now a Guarantee!
You may now choose if you are the Grand Prize Winner, at the end of Febuary if you would like to:
°Try the Heat in which you are Given:
1 Buffalo Scrotum, 2 Gnawrocks(1 for each parent guaranteeing Double Rosette cubs), and you are allow to breed my Heritagless 5x Rosette King with 3.4k+ Stats(He will likely be up for private studs only in the future).
You will keep all cubs in this breeding even if multiple pons are born(Get lucky and 2-4 pons are born all are yours to do with as you please). Please note this heat can fail and no pons may be a option that can happen this is if you want to take the risk.
°Get a Gurenteed Never Bred Adol Pon(As I will age it for you so I can send it it will be 1 year old exactly)
This of which will have at least the Following: Gen 3 Heritage Clean, & Double Rosetted(Guaranteed)
In the case of the Pon cub If I get more than 1 double rosette pon I may allow the user to choose one from sevral born if I get lucky ^^
I will list what pon cubs the user may choose from in this case.
6-6-20 Heat Update:
°I have previously removed the use of a crunchy worm and instead am providing. 2 Ochre Gnawrocks to pass 1 Rosette from each parent for gurenteed 2x rosette cubs if you choose the heat. I hope you all understand that I can have the possibility of female clones running around on site as if my dream some true she will have 3-5 rosettes by Feb 2021(She has 3). This can still allow you to get 2x or greater rosetted lions and possible pons just will avoid the chance of a exact copy of my girl on site.
RMA Plans
I have plans to RMA my pon more (link in fourm post 1) My next RMA session is Undesided, but you all can look forward to seeing if I get lucky in future RMA Streams. If I get anything worth while I will let you all know same day.
Extra Info on the Heat/Pon
Other than this givaway her barked heats will be expensive so this will be a once in a life time chance more than likely(I may do anothing givaway like this).
I am going to make sure no more than 2-3 kings with her cloned looks are up for stud at a time(meaning I will not be selling that many clones of her so they will all be kept frozen on my side till 1 of the studs die if the user does not rep them), and even if they have similar looks clones after this one will have some Breed only marks(teir 2) removed to avoid them looking exactly the same.
The pon cub you get insted of the heat if chosen if we get enough pages(You can now choose to get the cub insted of a heat) will be shown before you make a decision to breed or not and take the pon themselves and will be at least a 2x rosette most likely. This avoid the risk of you possibly not getting a pon or a clone which can happen. You still have the option to take the heat though.
So in conclusion her heats will be rare if I put her up for public stud so this chance to use her heat would be one of the only free heats of hers.
I already have a thread almost all the way made and on the thread I will be selling 2x, 3x and eventually 4x & 5x pon heats from her kids also, some natural some barked. So that will be a thing I do in the future lions will be added after cubs are bred Late Feb 2021. I may actually dedicate a 2x rosette to just natural heats or something to the public(meaning I never breed her myself). I am figuring everything out as I go.
Keep enjoying chating and I will be checking this fourm to make sure everything is going per the rules. Thank you all!
Discord Link:
Hello everyone. I have created a discord in which you can join and have access to exclusive prizes. You get these prizes by redeeming points you get from games and chatting.
Please note converstations on discord do not effect your chances to win this raffle but you can get tickets to get a Gen 2 pon heat or even a gen 2 pon as well as other pon related prizes in the future. Point cost may change if I do change prices I will refund any points extra that you spent.
What is the Key to enter the "Winter's September Grind Festival"?
[PM #57411] - "The Key"
First question: How did I get my Gen 1?
I used only CRBs(Cotten Root Barks) These are obtained in the oasis for 1GB per. I used a bit over 600 CRBs(without any other items used) and she was obtained as a male leopon with 50 stats in a batch of 60 CRBed lionesses.
I normally only breed NCLs with CRBs to a heritagless stud that is not piebald or patches(at the time my boy was heritagless primal)
Possible Question: Why not use a Pie or Patches stud?
When you use a Item such as Lion Meat/Scrotum, GMO Cow, or CRB Piebald and Patches mutation rolls before the items above meaning a pie or patches lion could mutate a cub ited of the item you plan to use. So using a primal or non mutated stud is best for CRBs.
Pies/Patches does not Effect Hybrid Chance as Hybrids Roll before all mutations and items.
Question 2: Are CRBs effective?
Yes they are but they only have a 12-18% chance of working which is much lower than other breeding items but are the cheapest and most effective if you are fine with waiting the 3 day cooldown plus the 3 day nesting period. Doing sevral CRBs a day will allow you to get a few CRBs each day to keep you busy and modivated.
CRBs also allow you to get more total breedings done the main issue is the space to be able to do enough CRBs.
You can use a CRB with other breeding items. The best combination is:
°Use a CRB First on a Lioness(Lower fertility is optional but helpful, always CRB first before you use any other items).
°Now Use a GMO Cow on a Lioness(after the CRB) *This can be replaced with lion meat but less effective*
°Use a Red Cock in the breeding(Not needed but making the litter all male, this makes all female mane mutations not roll but this also means no DU and the chance if common mutations like bobtail, or OG claws/teeth but can up the hybrid and lethal chance as there are less mutations to go through).
°Use a Buffalo Scrotum(Don't ever use a GMO cow without at least a Grain of paradise it is a waste of a 30GB+ item as more cubs = better chance of mutations).
If you have more questions feel free to ask ^^
Pon Heat Price Estement:
So I got a rough price estement for my pon from a rosette breeder(they breed a lot of multi rosette lions). These prices are not set but they will be worth at least this much. When I do sell heats I will be accepting items. I may actually if I go through with making her at least a hexa and just boost the value of the items I am taking for heats, only to allow users to afford the heats better.
It has been recommended that if I sell Kiman clones with lot of rosettes to consider removing a rosette to make the price more affordable. So I may offer this as a deal when it comes to my sales that you can choose to buy a kiman with less rosettes.
It was also reccommended to maybe stop at 4 rosettes and just breed/buy another gen 1 and add different rosettes on her.
Prices for heats/multi rosettes that are not clones of my girl will cost less though so if you don't care about the kiman base I will have other leopons and lions in the future than have 3+ rosettes that will be more affordable than a clone.
Full Litters:
°150GB for heats as she is now
°200GB Quad
°300GB Penta
°450GB Hexa
Split Litters:
°100GB Now
°133GB Quad
°200GB Penta
°300GB Hexa
Kiman clones:
Triple: ~500-600GB
Quad: ~900-1kGB
Penta: ~1.4-1.6kGB
Hexa: No idea. Probably would need to be 2k+ to not hurt/lower Rosettes but they are unsure if anyone would be willing to buy a Hexa Clone.
Let me know what you think? I know it is expensive but I am planning to add a percentage refund. The refund will apply to the heats of my gen 1. If you don't get at least 1 quad rosette or 1 leopon you will get a small % of what you paid back(this is because if you get either then the heat is basically covered in worth). I will edit this probably more in the future but so far thats the idea to make it worth paying the fee.
If you have other ideas let me know. Also thoughts and opinions?
Freebie Art
Hey guys I am opening some freebies(art) in my spare time if you want feel free to fill out the fourm and have the chance at free Full Body Sketches. I will do these between commission works at random so you never know when you will get picked. Feel free to share this thread.
Alright to make this givaway a bit more interesting I am going to host something called "Nab a Cub." Nab a Cub is a fourm that you fill out to get the chance at a cool new lion for free! Even better news there will be multiple winners!
When you are done filling out this fourm you are automatically entered to have the chance at a free lion. This lion will be a unbred Cub/Adol or a Adult Lioness Unbred Younger than Age 3. These lions will be Guaranteed to be Clean and Low Gen.
You must fill out the fourm to have the chance to win a lion. Heck if your lucky maybe you will win more than one who knows?
Please note the more details you give the better chance the lion you get will be something you love. You can Specify: Gender, Base Type(Black, Gold, etc.), and more.
Below is the link, there is quite a bit of written questions, but your responses do not have to be long at all.
If you desided to take the time to fill it out, then you are in for a suprise. One of the questions will allow you the chance to win something big! "Hint select yes" ^^
On a real note though, Im in the middle of Roleplaying with someone its taking them so long to respond. Like their online and have opened the message but like. where did you go bro?