Posted by ☕Chai's Art Cafe☕

Valen (#142646)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2020-04-25 18:26:39

ezgif-com-gif-makerChai's Art Café ezgif-com-gif-maker

Status: Closed

Current Deals
Ask Me About Adopts!
-Don't be rude
-DO NOT SEND PAYMENT IMMEDIATELYI will tell you when to send it
-Do not remove my signature or claim as your own
-After the drawing is done and you see an error I can only do minor fixes<
-Refunds are sometimes done- Depends on the situtaion
-Mild Gore

-Heavy Gore

Not sure if I can/will draw it just ask!!
1200 = 1= .50
I do accept lions, decor, and apps. but check with me beforehand unless you see it in the box below! If it is not there use the cheapest price on the branches.
Wanna tip me? Get me a Kofi!
(You don't gotta do it but those that do get a bonus drawing! :D)
Wanted Items

Page Dolls
Simple Drawing
Click on them to see the full size!!
Complex Drawings
Click on them to see the full size!!

Surprise Package ;)
You'll never know what you'll get. An Icon? A Complex piece? A piece of animation? A small doodle? Maybe something crazy? Who knows :D

Charater Sheets
Depends on the Character and how many elements you want on the ref!
Heres an example with no added elements which would be 13 or 15600

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Edited on 19/05/24 @ 18:09:50 by Chai (#142646)

🔻Hellfest🔻 (#79443)

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Posted on
2020-04-28 15:17:41
Id love a page doll of EverGlow in this Hoodie and shorts

and if possible id like the hoodie to be a kind of crop top!! long sleeves and hood with the logo, but just cut halfway !

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Edited on 28/04/20 @ 15:23:20 by ⚙️DeathSire⚙️ (#79443)

fluff (#145767)

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Posted on
2020-04-28 17:06:23
can i get a complex drawing of them. Maybe in a sunny field or something with a butterfly on their nose and them having a surprised expression

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Salix (#22732)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-29 21:08:49
I've been eyeing this for a while, and I finally have enough, so...

Could I get a surprise package of Fae?

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🔻Hellfest🔻 (#79443)

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Posted on
2020-05-01 16:18:48
Im back again! (deathsire) I'd like another page doll of EverGlow with this on and possibly wearing this shirt and pants

id like her to look menacing if possible, maybe with a knife or something. I am willing to pay as much as possible if this is too complicated!!

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Edited on 01/05/20 @ 16:54:13 by 🔱𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐚 (#79443)

🔻Hellfest🔻 (#79443)

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Posted on
2020-05-01 16:57:44
(sorry about that coding issue, its fixed now!) ^^^

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fluff (#145767)

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Posted on
2020-05-01 17:17:12
could i get a complex drawing of her
maybe with a cut on her chest and blood dripping out the cut(what her sparkle blood looks like is on her ref) and a few scrapes on her face with a determined expression on her face maybe have her claws digging into the ground and a white mist coming out her mouth. Maybe just have a grassy ground and a night sky.

Ur art is so amazing bvcxcv

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Zero Fate (#138317)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-05-09 12:32:04
I adore your art. You think I could get a fullbody, no bg icon of my boy Riptide ? If you need me to, I can send you the lines of a Zalhara so you can see where his fin is located and such.
His markings can definitely be simplified, and him simply sitting or laying down would be awesome.

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Seiden 👑 (#31516)

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Posted on
2020-05-09 14:04:37
I'd like another page doll :D
I'd like this character playing on Nintendo Switch (handled, the one with blue and red joycons).
The character can be drawn full feral or semi-anthro, or whatever, anatomy is not that important.

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🦇 lucien
🦇 (#30646)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2020-05-15 14:52:38
can i get a page doll of adri ?? :0c

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Edited on 15/05/20 @ 16:05:17 by 💫 sadrien 💫 (#30646)

Ruesivonitu (#148692)

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Posted on
2020-05-15 17:38:05
:O I didnt know you came back!
Can I get some page dolls Of my Current kings? And a Old queen/King

My Kings:
(The Flirt everyone knows and loves.. He often pretends to be sweet and kind but in reality he is a scheming backstabber who only cares for what he wants, even if it means killing those close to him. He's only close with Queen Atxy cause he leads Prince Atticus's pride, The one whom he was raised with before leaving to make a pride of his own.)

[Queen Atyxs ]
(A Stubborn boy who is often seen annoyed and tried, Tne-ra often pokes jokes at him and the fact he wasn't meant to be leader in the first place but the last king was desperate for a heir..( Fun fact: I actually accidentally put queen instead king hahah, But he sure acts like one))

I want Three pagedoll For the two aboves.
One with them together and the others of them apart.

[Prince Atticus]
(A gentle soul whom everyone had always looked up to. No one dared to go against him as he ruled with purity and might ruin the balance he created in the pride.. After his death people grieved for days. Prince Attius always had a small smile on his face..And kept a Royal posture at all times.)

[Aextir ]
(I honestly dont have much backstory for this gal besides the fact she was raised by hyenas and is the sister to Prince Atticus. She gave birth to her final cub for it to die a month after she died of old age.)

I want Three pagedolls for the two above as well.
Two separate and one with both together.

Then I want to buy the Surprise Package, Doesnt matter which you draw (If you dont just do both lol).

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Edited on 18/05/20 @ 16:33:09 by Ruesivonitu (#148692)


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Posted on
2020-05-16 10:56:45
mind if i send a description of what i want my art to lok lik via pm if possible??

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Squonk (#54817)

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Posted on
2020-05-16 10:59:33
hh something came up and I can't afford rn, sorry! :(

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Edited on 16/05/20 @ 12:11:49 by Nakaru The Splenda Daddy (#54817)

Seiden 👑 (#31516)

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Posted on
2020-05-31 15:05:36
Hello, it's me again

I'd like another pagedoll.
My fursona again, with lots of cherries. Like, either a big bowl of cherries, or just cherries laying all around on the ground around him. And he'd have cherries in his mouth. Like, one inside his mouth and the second attached hanging down. And maybe one pair of cherries on his ear, on his tail or on his back or something, like, cherries everywhere. And he'd look happy. Would you do that? I can pay more if the cherries are too much work.

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DISEASE (#137567)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2020-06-01 17:18:46
Hiya! Would it be fine to do a big order?? I have a lion scrotum and GB that I would love to spend!

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( ͡° ͜ʖ
͡°) (#176589)

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Posted on
2020-06-02 00:50:08
Im just gonna plob in and ask for another icon of my boi and his mate maybe in a pose like this or this with or without the accessories is up to you :3 and then the background maybe a rainy day in a forest? Ex.
( A lil extra info the black wolf is bigger than the brown boy i'll once again provide a height ref if i can. He also has dragon/bat wings but if you dont wanna do them thats ok! omg this isnt actually a whole page long of info y a y i kept it as short as possible this time xD)
Alsowelcomeback!allmypreviouscommissionersarecomingbackandimsohappybecauseicanfinallygetmoreartofmybois :,D

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Edited on 02/06/20 @ 14:43:29 by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (#176589)

Memory Used: 638.68 KB - Queries: 2 - Query Time: 0.00041 - Total Time: 0.00473s