Posted by -LOCKED - [REJECTED] Reclaiming Lioness Tweek

🌟Starfruit🍑 (#171151)

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Posted on
2020-05-03 19:19:36
So many of us, or most of us have experience lions, running away right? And you have one week to claim them all back, 200 SB each. Sounds pretty easy right? Well...

What if your WIFI goes out for a week? Oh no! All your hard work put into those will vanish, since it is by REAL LIFE DAYS, not ROLLOVERS.

Well...I have a solution for you! Ok, you may think “oh, suggest you change it to rollovers instead of real life days!” Well...there is already a thread for that and a lot of no supports for reasons in the comments.......

Before I say the solutions, I want to say a lot of people left, quitted lioden because they though it was based on Rollovers, not real life days.
Hundreds of GB worth vanished.
Imagine 3000 GB worth of hybrids, 15 hybrids just turned into dust. This actually happened, and it is really sad, this user, 2 and 1/2 - 3 years of playing she never knew that it went by real days. Until yesterday.

If you were in this situation how would you feel? Getting all those expensive things is a lot of work. Losing it ALL is terrible!

So here is two solutions:

1) Change it to two weeks
Why? It is because it allows people to have more time. There is real life stuff out there. Not everyone rollover every day, not everyone has plenty of time, even in this moment. I guess the cost will stay same, to be more “fair”.

2) Change the fee to AROUND or exactly 100 SB
Oh, you may think 200 SB is not hard to get, right? What if, you are a newbie? You had those struggles before. I had those struggles before. Even if you knew an easy way to get SB, you may have no time to reclaim them, since of real life. You all had something pop up before, right? The week amount will stay 1 week, I guess to be more “fair”?

If none of these work, at least change the words in the reclaiming area to “# of real life days”. So people won’t make the same mistake!!!

I hope you support! If you don’t tell me why!

This suggestion has 3 supports and 18 NO supports.

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.the world. (g2
flint shreds) (#176434)

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Posted on
2020-05-03 19:24:58
No thanks. I want this to remain as a GAME, not a chore.

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Guillo (#107363)

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Posted on
2020-05-03 19:25:20
I think the system is fine as is and no rewording is necessary. It already says __ day(s) left, not rollovers.

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